予備校塾 仙台文理

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Contact 予備校塾 仙台文理

住所 :

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.sendaibunri.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Miyagi

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan
中山陽光 on Google

浪人時代に通ってました。 少人数制の予備校なので大手と違って生徒ひとりひとりに合わせた勉強の仕方を教えてくれます。 宣伝広告はあまりやらない方針だそうですので知名度は低いですが、授業内容はしっかりとしていました。
I went to the roman era. Unlike a large school, this small preparatory school will teach you how to study according to each student. Advertising and advertising is a policy that does not do very much, so the degree of recognition is low, but the class content was solid.
菅原真未 on Google

約1年程、お世話になりました。 社会人で通っている方が少ないので、最初は緊張していましたが、不安な気持ちを察して声を掛けていただいたり、効率的な勉強の方法を教えていただいたり、段々と緊張や不安もなくなり、安心して通う事が出来ました。 やり方を変えたら、無事に志望校に合格する事が出来ました。 短いようで長い1年でしたが、本当にありがとうございました。
Thank you for taking about a year. At first, I was nervous because there are few people who are working as adults, but I felt nervous and spoke to me, taught me how to study efficiently, and gradually became nervous and anxious. It disappeared and I was able to go with peace of mind. If I changed my way, I was able to pass the school I wanted. It was a short and long year, but thank you very much.
- rai on Google

どこの予備校にも言えますが、授業に頼るのではなく、自分で勉強する時間が非常に重要だと思います。その点、仙台文理では、自習室が指定席で、先生にもすぐに質問に行けるため、やる気さえあればどこの予備校よりも良い環境で自習ができるように思います。 授業は暗記ではなく理解を重視したもので非常にわかりやすいものでした。チューターの方は少人数制であるため細かく目を配ってくれます。 この予備校で過ごせた一年は、大変でしたが、大きく成長できた一年でした。
As with any preparatory school, I think it is very important to study on your own, rather than relying on classes. On the other hand, Sendai Bunri has a self-study room with reserved seats so that teachers can immediately ask questions. The lesson was very easy to understand because it emphasized understanding, not memorization. The tutors are very small and take care of them. The year we spent at this prep school was hard, but it was a year of great growth.
前田朋佳 on Google

現役の秋からお世話になりました。入りたての頃は、偏差値30前後で高校の先生方から大学に行くことが不可能だといわれておりました。 そんな状況でも文理の先生方は粘り強く、親身になっておしえていただきました。結果、偏差値70前後まで伸びることができ無事医科大学に合格することができました。 勉強以外にも、私生活や日々の過ごし方なども気にかけて頂きとても充実した予備校生活をおくることができました。
Thank you for your active fall. When I was just entering, it was said that it was impossible for high school teachers to go to college with a deviation value of around 30. Even in such a situation, the teachers of Bunri were persistent and told me. As a result, we were able to increase the deviation value to around 70 and successfully passed the medical school. In addition to studying, I was also concerned about my personal life and how to spend my day, so I was able to have a very fulfilling preparatory school life.
Kana ko on Google

現役時代にお世話になりました。 少人数制なので、分からないことがあればすぐに聞くことが出来る環境が整っていたし、教科の担当はあれど、どの先生に質問してもしっかり教えて下さいました。 また、生徒個人個人に対する対応が手厚いなと思います。 学習状況や進路に悩んでいる時は、いつでも相談に乗って下さいました。 便宜的に、ここはこう言う傾向だからとかではなく、一人一人に合わせたアドバイスを、状況に合わせてしてくれました。 授業内容は、ただ暗記と言う訳ではなく、何でここがこうなるのかと言う様に理解して解けるようになるまで、何度でも教えて頂きました。 自習室も指定席になっていましたし、自分のことはしっかり管理すると言う、今後の大学生活においても身になる環境が整っていました。 お恥ずかしながら、勉強が嫌いで、志望校合格が難しいかもと言う状況でしたが、サポートのおかげで無事に合格することが出来たので、本当に良かったです。 進路に悩んでいる方は、一度相談してみることをおすすめします。
I was taken care of during the active era. Because of the small number of people, we had an environment where we could listen immediately if there was anything we couldn't understand. In addition, I think that the response to individual students is generous. Whenever I was worried about my learning situation or career, I was always available for consultation. For the sake of convenience, he gave me personalized advice, not just because of this tendency. The content of the lesson was not just memorization, but I was taught many times until I was able to understand and understand why this was this. The self-study room was also a reserved seat, and I had good control over myself. I was ashamed to say that I hated studying and that it was difficult to pass the aspiring school, but thanks to the support I was able to pass safely and it was really good. If you are worried about your career, we recommend that you consult once.
S nako. on Google

I was taken care of for about a year. I was supported mentally and above all, the class was easy to understand. Because it was a small number of people, it was good to be able to ask questions that you do not understand in class. Although I was not good at English, the center was able to successfully pass the second test of the National University of Tsukuba, which had about 90 points since the time of active duty, with a score exceeding the highest point of the previous year. In the past year, I felt it was important to do everything without changing my goals.
みほ on Google

From the spring of the first year of university, I have been taking care of me for about one year, aiming to transfer to the second year in another university. The teachers were very reassuring and helpful. When I was mentally unstable, I received many words of encouragement and was able to continue my efforts. I am very grateful to the teachers for passing the university entrance exam, which is a higher level than I originally intended.
T S on Google

私は浪人生時代にこの塾にお世話になりまた。 先生方はとても丁寧に教えてくれて過去問や教材なども豊富で自分の苦手な分野を徹底的に潰すことができました。塾の雰囲気も良く集中して勉強できました。おかげで志望してた大学に合格することができました。ありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by this cram school during the Ronin era. The teachers taught me very carefully, and I was able to thoroughly crush my weak areas with abundant past questions and teaching materials. The atmosphere of the cram school was good and I was able to concentrate on my studies. Thanks to that, I was able to pass the university I wanted to attend. Thank you very much.

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