アロマ&デトックス たまゆら

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アロマ&デトックス たまゆら

住所 :

Central, 〒910-0006 Fukui,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88979
Webサイト : http://ravensara101.com/tamayura/
街 : Fukui

Central, 〒910-0006 Fukui,Japan
寺澤怜美 on Google

I always use it on a monthly basis‼ Of course the scent is good, but the neck and shoulders are stiff and the swelling of the feet ... everything will be eliminated‼ Your feet and waist will be thinner and your body will be lighter every time ☆ The staff members are friendly and cheerful, and you can't quit once you go It is absolutely recommended (´ □ `*)
かどかどちゃん on Google

前から行きたかった場所に行って来ました♥️ 階段を下りて店に行くまでに、もうアロマの素敵な香りがして、その香りにつられてお店に入ると可愛い店内とスタッフさんの笑顔が、待っており後は、オススメのアロマとコースで極上のひとときでした♥️?✨ いや~行って良かった♥️ 当日は、好転反応と呼ばれる、スポーツをした後のような軽いだるさはありましたが、よく眠れ、次の日も凄く身体の調子が良かったです‼️そして、あれ…あれもよく出ます‼️?✨ デトックスされました♥️
I went to the place I wanted to go from before♥️ By the time you walk down the stairs and go to the store, there is already a nice scent of aroma, and when you enter the store with that scent, the cute inside and the smiling faces of the staff are waiting, and after that, the recommended aroma and course It was a wonderful moment ♥️?✨ No, it was nice to go ♥️ On that day, I had a slight lassitude after playing sports called a turnaround reaction, but I slept well, and my physical condition was very good the next day too! ️ And that... that often comes out too!! ️?✨ I was detoxed ♥️
杉森有記 on Google

It is a blissful time to choose the essential oil according to the mood of the day before the treatment. You can take the time to provide careful counseling. The space is also comfortable with finely tuned music, temperature and lights.
森岡実由紀 on Google

I received a reward plan. It was a long time because it was a body and facial massage. I felt a little hot because of the heating. I really liked the massage because it was rather strong, so I thought it was a little unsatisfactory. I'm glad that you can choose your favorite oil. I wanted to drink something on the way because my throat was dry.
白黒犬 on Google

たまゆらのデトックス祭りに参加しました。 初めは続けられるか不安でしたが、たまゆらスタッフさんのサポートもあり、プログラム終了時点で体重がマイナス3キロになりました! たまゆらさんに感謝です! これから春に向けてお洋服を買うのが楽しみです!
We participated in Tamayura detox festival. At first I was worried that I could continue, but with the help of Tamayura staff, my weight dropped to minus 3 kg at the end of the program! Thanks to Tamayura! I am looking forward to buying clothes for spring!
h y on Google

Recommended by a friend, I was curious about what an aroma treatment was like. It was more comfortable than I imagined. It was my first time to go to the restaurant, so I was nervous at first, but the atmosphere of the restaurant was cozy and I was very relaxed. I slept soundly at night. I look forward to working with you again next time ♪
tksysd_fukui yoppi (よっぴ) on Google

Aroma and detox massage specialty store located on the first basement floor behind Fukui Loft in the center of Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. This was my first time to do this, so I chose a 60-minute detox aroma treatment course for beginners. First, the staff will choose the aroma that suits you, and while enjoying the scent, you will be massaged with aroma oil. I was a little reluctant to hear that the treatment would be one pair of shorts, but the 60-minute course was for the back, legs, and arms, and the interior was dark, so I wasn't ashamed at all as I had imagined. There is a 90-minute course or a course with facials, but the amount is quite large, so I would like to go again when there is a discount campaign for the year-end and New Year holidays lol
宮地牧子 on Google

He / she chooses aroma according to physical condition and feeling of the day. Aroma massage while feeling the fragrance is the best. The atmosphere of the shop is also fashionable and the inside of the shop is wrapped in a very good aroma. I'm starting to go here and realize how good smelling good scent is for my body and mind. Eliminate daily stress and do your best again It is a retreat and a healing space that makes you feel like you are. If you come once, it is definitely a repeater ╰ (* ´︶` *) ╯ ♡

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