Center for Environmental Science In Saitama (CESS) - Kazo

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Center for Environmental Science In Saitama (CESS)

住所 :

914 Kamitanadare, Kazo, Saitama 347-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 347-0115
Webサイト :

914 Kamitanadare, Kazo, Saitama 347-0115, Japan
プンスケ on Google

小学生以下は無料です。日曜日でもほとんど人はいなく、体験できます。クイズゲームができたり、ゴミの重さを体験できたり色々学べます。 子連れで行くと楽しめて勉強にもなります。
Elementary school students and younger are free. Even on Sundays, there are few people and you can experience it. You can play quiz games, experience the weight of garbage, and learn a lot. If you bring your children, you can enjoy it and study.
プン吉 on Google

初めて行きましたが、広くて勉強にもなるのでいいですね。 料金も中学生以下は、無料なので行く価値は、あります。 土曜日でも混んでいないのでゆっくりと見れます。
I went there for the first time, but it's good because it's wide and it's also good for studying. It's free for junior high school students and younger, so it's worth the trip. It's not crowded even on Saturday, so you can see it slowly.
Yokai Photographer on Google

環境や理科に興味がある小中学生にぴったりの施設です。展示館や各種イベントが充実しています。 Youtubeに埼玉県環境科学国際センターが作ったCESS(Center for Environmental Science in Saitama)というチャンネルがあります。オタマジャクシやサギの見分け方など、自然科学に特化した内容となっています。
This facility is perfect for elementary and junior high school students who are interested in the environment and science. The exhibition hall and various events are substantial. Youtube has a channel called CESS (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama) created by the Center for Environmental Science in Saitama. The content is specialized in the natural sciences, such as how to distinguish tadpoles and herons.
tec bane on Google

Nicknames are "Aya Kankan" and "CESS". I have lived in the area for over 10 years, but I visited for the first time. I heard that a group of elementary school students are coming, so I visited the site without any admission fee, but at the touching earth corner, the female person in charge gave me a kind and detailed explanation despite me alone. I was grateful.
テオ on Google

葉っぱの拓本を作る体験教室に参加しました。木の成長や、葉の役割を簡単に聴いた後、拓本を作りました。材料等、しっかりしたものが揃えられていて、先生の話もわかりやすく、とてもスムーズに出来て楽しかったです。エコバッグまで出来なかったので家でもやってみたいと思います。 触れる地球は、コロナ禍で触れない地球になってましたが、係の方が丁寧に楽しく説明しながら見せてくれました。私たちには新発見なこともあり、とても勉強になり、面白かったです。
I participated in a hands-on classroom to make leaf rubbing books. After listening briefly to the growth of trees and the role of leaves, I made a rubbing book. I enjoyed the fact that the materials and other materials were well prepared, the teacher's story was easy to understand, and it was very smooth. I couldn't even make an eco bag, so I'd like to try it at home. The earth that I touched became the earth that I couldn't touch because of the corona, but the person in charge showed me while explaining it carefully and happily. It was a lot of learning and fun for us because it was a new discovery.
John Scatman on Google

入場料が大人300円、中学生以下無料と安いのに展示物はとてもしっかりしていて良い。館内もかなりの広さがあり、子連れなら1時間以上は遊べる。 なんなら大人だけでもちょっと楽しい。 館の外のビオトープはお金がかからない。とても広く生物がたくさんおり、こちらも子供はかなり楽しめる。
Admission is 300 yen for adults and free for junior high school students and younger, but the exhibits are very solid. The hall is also quite large, and if you are traveling with children, you can play for over an hour. It's a little fun for adults alone. The biotope outside the building does not cost money. It is very large and has a lot of creatures, which is also quite enjoyable for children.
n o on Google

入館料一般300円・学生200円。 入館券は受付前に自販機で購入。 館内はとてもきれいでした。 埼玉県の大気や水の環境の紹介も大きなパネルで解りやすく展示。 2階の『触れる地球コーナー』も大きな地球儀が周っているように見ていておもしろいかった。 SDGsの取り組みの紹介箱の配置も良いです。 スタッフの人達の対応がとても親切。
Admission fee is 300 yen for general students and 200 yen for students. Purchase the admission ticket from the vending machine before the reception. The hall was very beautiful. Introducing the atmosphere and water environment of Saitama Prefecture is also displayed on a large panel in an easy-to-understand manner. It was interesting to see the "touching earth corner" on the 2nd floor as if a big globe was spinning around. The placement of the introduction box for SDGs initiatives is also good. The correspondence of the staff is very kind.
Lynda Hogan (InSaitama) on Google

Excellent value for money and educational to boot. we spent 3 hours here on a very wet day, we would have spent longer if it had of been a fine day as there are things to do outside as well as indoors. They have various events as well as the various exhibits in the experience centre. There is also a library and study hall. Beautiful grounds, striking architecture.

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