Cemetery of Kondo Isami - Aizuwakamatsu

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Contact Cemetery of Kondo Isami

住所 :

Keizan, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 965-0812
Webサイト : https://www.aizukanko.com/spot/207
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Keizan, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0812, Japan
Y. Fujino on Google

It is at the tip of the mountain path from Tenningji. I am worried that it is in such a quiet place, but I will not get lost when I go to the street of the signboard. The truth is unknown, but Toshizo Hijikata seems to have buried his hair or bleached neck. Hijikata Toshizo's memorial was also built by the side. (October 2019)
トキメキの魚らん坂 on Google

近藤先生のお墓が会津にあると聞いておりましたが、なかなか伺う時間が無く現在に至っておりました。 今回出張の仕事が早く終わりましたので間隙を縫って行って参りました。 お墓までは結構な坂道を登ります。 足腰の悪いお年寄りの方は辛いかもしれません。 お墓の横には自由に書き込めるノートが置いてあります。 皆さんの熱い気持ちが伝わってきます。 お墓に向かう道中の坂道では、なぜだか涙がポロポロと溢れてきました。 行けて幸せでした。
I heard that Kondo-sensei's grave is in Aizu, but I haven't had much time to ask. Since the work on this business trip ended early, I went to sew the gap. Climb the slope up to the grave. Older people with poor legs may be spicy. Next to the grave is a notebook that you can write freely. Your passion is transmitted. For some reason, tears overflowed on the slope on the way to the grave. I was happy to go.
Kon Yucca on Google

神聖な地 福島の愛宕神社 長ーい階段は、心臓破りなほどキツく体力のない方には少しきついかもしれません。 登りきったあとの空気のおいしさは、まさに五感を刺激してくれるので、全身が浄化された気分になります。 坂が急で少し狭いですが、車である程度上まで行けるので、足が不自由なかたなどは、車ルートでいくのも良いかもしれません。
Sacred land Atago Shrine in Fukushima The long stairs may be a bit tight for those who are not as stiff as the heart. The deliciousness of the air after climbing will stimulate your senses, so you will feel as if your whole body is purified. The slope is steep and a little narrow, but you can go up to some extent by car, so if you have difficulty walking, it may be good to go by car route.
源頼親 on Google

近藤 勇(こんどう いさみ)は、江戸時代末期の武士。新選組局長。後に幕臣に取り立てられ、甲陽鎮撫隊隊長。勇は通称で、諱は昌宜(まさよし)という。慶応4年(1868年)からは大久保剛を名乗り、後にさらに大久保大和と改めた。家紋は丸の内に三つ引。天然理心流四代目宗家。ウィキペディアより引用。
Isami Kondo is a samurai at the end of the Edo period. Shinsengumi director. Later, he was picked up by the shogunate and was the captain of the Koyo retreat. Isamu is a popular name, and 諱 is called Masayoshi. From the 4th year of Keio (1868), he called himself Takeshi Okubo, and later changed to Yamato Okubo. The family crest is three-pull in Marunouchi. Tennen Rishin-ryu 4th generation Soke. Quoted from Wikipedia.
新都心ET on Google

あの新選組局長の近藤勇の墓です。駐車場から山道を登ります。 なぜ山の上に墓を建てたのかは分かりませんが、山の上であっても毎日のように訪問者がいるところに近藤勇の魅力があることを裏付けられます。
It is the grave of Isami Kondo, the director of the Shinsengumi. Climb the mountain road from the parking lot. I don't know why the tomb was built on the mountain, but it proves that Isami Kondo's charm lies in the fact that there are visitors every day even on the mountain.
眞鍋麻樹 on Google

市内から東山温泉まで徒歩で移動中に参拝。 官軍から墓を荒らされるのを避けるためか?ものすごく辺鄙なところに墓があります。 雪の積もった傾斜のきつい登り坂の獣道を行くので、マイナス2℃なのに汗をかきました。 場所はあれですが、ここから臨む鶴ヶ城は格別です。 隣には土方さんの墓もありますが、これは戊辰戦争後も会津にとどまった斎藤一か新撰組ファンが気を利かせて建立したものと思われます。
Worship while traveling from the city to Higashiyama Onsen on foot. Is it to avoid the grave being destroyed by the government forces? There is a tomb in a very remote place. I was sweating even though it was minus 2 degrees Celsius because I was going on a steep uphill beast road with snow. The place is that, but Tsuruga Castle facing from here is exceptional. There is also Hijikata-san's grave next to it, which is believed to have been erected by Hajime Saito or Shinsengumi fans who stayed in Aizu after the Boshin War.
れいちぇる“土方” on Google

車は天寧寺さんの入り口に停めさせていただき、山道を10分くらい歩いて着きました。 ⚠️ナビが更に上まで車で行けと言っても聞いては行けませんよ。 入り口の案内板から先は徒歩ですが、迷いそうな所には表示があるので迷うことはありません。歩きにくいので運動靴がベスト。 帰りは愛宕神社に抜けようとしましたが、獣道だし車に戻るには遠回り過ぎなので、おとなしく同じ道を戻りました。 三鷹と板橋にもお墓はありますが、歳三様が友を偲ぶことができた墓はここだけとのこと。
The car was parked at the entrance of Tenningji-san and walked along the mountain road for about 10 minutes. ⚠️ Even if you say that the navigation system should drive further up, you can't ask. It's a walk from the information board at the entrance, but there is a sign in the place where you might get lost, so you won't get lost. Athletic shoes are the best because it is difficult to walk. On the way back, I tried to get out to Atago Shrine, but it was a beast road and it was too detour to return to the car, so I quietly returned to the same road. There are graves in Mitaka and Itabashi, but this is the only grave where Toshizo was able to remember his friends.
yuuri yurika on Google

3月まだ雪が残っている。しかも何の道の整備もされていないので、 正に冬山を登ってるのと同じ。 息は切れるし汗はかくし、いきなりドボっと深い雪に、はまるし、 もう、、、 私は体力が無いので途中で諦めました。 雪がある時はスノーブーツで体力のある人なら行けるけど、 雪がない時期がおすすめです。
There is still snow in March. Moreover, since no road has been maintained, Just like climbing a winter mountain. I'm out of breath, I'm sweating, and suddenly I'm stuck in deep snow. already,,, I gave up on the way because I had no physical strength. When there is snow, snow boots can be used by anyone with physical strength, It is recommended when there is no snow.

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