
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くらの古本ゲームCD中古店

住所 :

Honcho, Toda, 〒335-0023 Saitama,Japan

Webサイト : https://kurano8.web.fc2.com/
街 : Saitama

Honcho, Toda, 〒335-0023 Saitama,Japan
パン太郎 on Google

目立つ看板等なく小さめのお店ですが、昔の漫画本や雑誌のバックナンバーなどがあります。また、古いゲーム機(バーチャボーイがありました!)もありました。 掘り出し物が見つかる店ではないでしょうか。
It is a small shop with no noticeable signs, but there are old comic books and magazine back issues. There was also an old game machine (there was a virtual boy!). Isn't it a shop where you can find bargains?
イムスワ on Google

埼京線の戸田公園駅から歩いて2分くらいの店 店の外観は、どこにでもありそうな不動産屋みたいな作りの感じ(^_^;) 店内はCDが多かった感じ(@_@;)懐かしい8センチがたくさんあったヽ( ̄▽ ̄)gameはそこまで無いような気がする 自分は、この店でCD1枚と某コード本(ゲームの)を買った
A shop about 2 minutes walking from Toda Koen station on the Saikyo Line The appearance of the store is like a real estate store that seems to be everywhere (^ _ ^;) There were many CDs inside the shop (@ _ @;;) There were many nostalgic centimeters ヽ (¯ ▽ ¯) game I feel that it is not there I bought one CD and a certain code book (game) at this store
M n o TO on Google

8センチCDの品揃えはいい ただ、「値段はしっかり」って感じです。 ex. 背徳の瞳 1500円 主に80年代の雑誌を探しに行きましたが、付録なしの明星、平凡やボムやダンクなどが少しありました。80年代の写真集はあまりなかった印象
A good selection of 8 centimeters CD However, I feel that "price is solid". ex. The eyes of the virtue 1500 yen I mainly went to look for magazines in the 1980's, but there were a few stars, such as Akashi, medieval, bomb and dunk without appendix. Impression that there was not much photo collection in the 1980s
竹石周史 on Google

I'm grateful that I'm dealing with a PC engine, but I felt it was expensive. I think that even 3 discounts are higher than the market price.
play test on Google

2020年1月に行った時も「閉店セール」をしていたが 2021年1月も元気に営業しているようだ。 同じゲームソフトが200円だったり500円だったりと 値付けが雑なので買うときは棚を吟味すべし
When I went there in January 2020, I had a "closed sale" It seems that it is operating well in January 2021. The same game software costs 200 yen or 500 yen The shelves should be examined when buying because the pricing is sloppy.
さや on Google

くらのさんまだご健在で嬉しいです。 私が小学生の頃近場の駄菓子屋大黒屋さんの先代店主、奥様が切り盛りされている中幾度と立ち寄らせていただきました。 戸田市も私が越してから10年経ち周りの景観がものすごく変わっており変わらないお店があってくれるのは心の拠り所でもあります。
I'm glad that Kurano is still alive. When I was in elementary school, I stopped by many times while my wife, the former owner of a nearby candy store Daikokuya, was in full swing. It's been 10 years since I moved to Toda City, and the scenery around it has changed dramatically, and it's also my heart's content that there are shops that haven't changed.
infinity zero on Google

昭和で時が止まったかのような外観 一度足を踏み入れると、むせ返る程の古書の香り 陽に焼けて、決して良いとは言えない商品の数々 店内BGMは80年代のヒットパレード どう見ても営利目的と言うより趣味の域の営業スタイル 夕方には小学生がたむろし、夜にはマニアな女性が集まる… そんなお店が此処【くらの】 コミック・雑誌・CD・ゲーム そんな中、目を引くのがゲーム 数こそ多くはないものの、裸ソフトに丁寧にジャンル分けと一言コメントが表示されているのは高評価 FC・PCE・MD・SS・DC・PS1&2等々多種を極め今ではアキバ辺りでも見掛けない珍しいタイトルが目白押し… まぁ、価格が価格だけに誰も買わないのかなと思うのだが人によっては掘り出し物はあるかもしれない… 寧ろ此処はそんな珍しい商品を店の雰囲気を味わいながらウィンドウショッピングする店が正解だと思う 平成も終わりを告げ始めている昨今、此処くらのでノスタルジックなひと時を過ごしては如何だろうか…
Appearance as if time had stopped in Showa Once you step into it, the scent of an old book is so strong that it turns Many products that are burnt in the sun and can not be said to be good In-store BGM is a hit parade of the 80's In any case, it is a hobby area rather than a commercial purpose Elementary school students hang out in the evening, and geeky women gather at night ... Such a shop is here [Kurano] Comics, Magazines, CDs, Games Meanwhile, the game is eye-catching Although the number is not large, it is highly appreciated that the genre classification and one-word comments are displayed carefully on naked software FC, PCE, MD, SS, DC, PS1 & 2, and many more, and now many rare titles that are not even seen around Akiba… Well, I think that nobody buys the price just for the price, but there may be bargains for some people ... On the contrary, I think the correct answer here is to do window shopping for such rare products while enjoying the atmosphere of the store. Nowadays, the end of the Heisei era has begun, so why not spend a nostalgic moment here?
Hanya Honya on Google

少量ですがPCエンジンやメガドライブなどのマイナーなレトロゲームも取り扱っていました。 閉店セール全品30%OFFと書いてありましたが、商品の大半が「相場よりも高値×3割増し」に設定されているように感じます。 全体的に背表紙が日焼けした商品が多く、購入する気にはなれませんでした。
We also dealt with minor retro games such as PC Engine and Mega Drive, though in small quantities. It was written that all items on the closing sale were 30% off, but I feel that most of the items are set to "higher than the market price x 30% more". Overall, there were many products with tanned spines, so I didn't feel like buying them.

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