Cats House ねこや - Nagoya

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cats House ねこや

住所 :

Kamegahora, Midori Ward, Nagoya, 〒458-0804 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 458-0804
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Kamegahora, Midori Ward, Nagoya, 〒458-0804 Aichi,Japan
にゆん on Google

男性のオーナーさんと猫達の対応は素晴らしかったですが、入店時に1時間と伝え、退店時間の5分前には手を洗った上でレジ横にいたのにも関わらず、女性の店員さんは予約の対応や来店対応にかかりっきりでこちらにまったく気づかず。 やっと上記の対応が終わったので精算を行いましたが、レシートに記載されている金額から1,000円以上高かった為に確認した所、「あー、1分過ぎてしまっておりますので、10分延長分追加しております。」との事。「あなたの対応が終わるまで5分前から待ってましたよ。」と伝えましたが、「1分でも過ぎてしまうと延長料金がかかるんですよ、こっちも仕事なので。」(原文まま)と言われました。 あなたの仕事は猫の世話ですか?接客では無いのでしょうか?接客業であれば、ずっとレジ横にいるお客様に気づかなくてはいけないのでは? それだけ延長をシビアに行いたいのであれば、セルフレジの導入をお勧め致します。 オーナーさんの誠意あるご返信を期待しております。
The correspondence between the male owner and the cats was wonderful, but I told him that it was 1 hour when I entered the store, and even though I was next to the cashier after washing my hands 5 minutes before the exit time, the female owner The clerk was completely unaware of this because he was busy dealing with reservations and visits. I finally settled because the above correspondence was completed, but when I confirmed that it was more than 1,000 yen higher than the amount stated on the receipt, "Ah, 1 minute has passed, so it will be extended by 10 minutes. We are adding minutes. " "I've been waiting for 5 minutes before your response is over," he said. "If even one minute has passed, an extension fee will be charged, because this is also a job." (Sic) I was told. Is your job caring for cats? Isn't it customer service? If you are in the hospitality business, do you have to be aware of the customers who are always next to the cash register? If you want to extend it so severely, we recommend you to introduce self-checkout. We look forward to your sincere reply.
ただのり on Google

妻の免許更新の送迎、時間潰しの散歩してて見つけました☆人懐っこくて寄ってきます。ほんの30分ほどでしたが癒されました。 猫の匂い等は、まったく無かったです。 また3年後に伺います☆
I found my wife's license renewal transfer and a time-killing walk ☆ I'm friendly and approaching. It was only about 30 minutes, but it was healed. There was no smell of cats. I will come back in 3 years ☆
n n on Google

I wasn't very friendly, but when I looked at the reviews here, many people said they were friendly, so maybe I just hated them? The cat was cute I visited you a long time ago
まさひろ on Google

ここの猫ちゃんはとても人懐っこくてすごく癒されました。 多くの猫カフェに行きましたが、どこに行っても猫ちゃんには逃げられてばかりだったのでとても楽しかったです! これまで猫カフェに行っても触れなくて・・・という方にもおすすめだと思います。 また遊びに行きます!
The cat here was very friendly and healed a lot. I went to many cat cafes, but everywhere I went, I was just getting away from me, so it was a lot of fun! I also recommend it to those who have never been to a cat cafe before. I will go play again!
推しが天使ꪔ̤̮ on Google

初めて行ったのですが、とても人懐っこい子ばかりでとても癒されました♪ 猫ちゃん達の毛並みも良くて、触っても逃げない子が多かったです^^* 店主さんも丁寧に色々教えてくださったので居心地がとても良かったです! また行きたいと思います♪
I went there for the first time, but I was very healed by all the friendly children ♪ The cats had good coats, and many of them couldn't escape even if they touched them ^^ * The shop owner also taught me various things, so I was very comfortable! I want to go again ♪
ru shige on Google

素敵な店名とガラス窓から覗く猫ちゃんに誘われてつい入店♪ 猫さん達は人懐っこい子に恥ずかしがりな子、大人しい子と様々でみんな可愛いです♪ 掃除も隅々まで行き届いており非常にキレイな室内でした。アレルギー持ちの方も安心なのではないでしょうか。 30分からの料金設定ですが、足りないかも知れませんよ。
I was invited by a cat with a nice store name and a glass window to enter the store ♪ The cats are all cute, including friendly children, shy children, and quiet children ♪ It was a very clean room with thorough cleaning. Isn't it safe for people with allergies? The price is set from 30 minutes, but it may not be enough.
まるころ on Google

衛生管理が素晴らしいです。 そして猫ちゃん達が本当に懐いていて、とっても可愛いです?沢山遊んで頂きました(ฅ'ω'ฅ) 皆様が理想とする猫カフェだと思います✨ 本当におすすめです。
Hygiene management is excellent. And the cats are really nostalgic and very cute ? I had you play a lot (ฅ'ω' ฅ) I think it's your ideal cat cafe ✨ I really recommend it.
7 7 on Google

人懐っこくてとてもかわいいねこちゃんが いっぱいいました! 猫アレルギー体質ですが わたしはわりと平気でした! 楽しい時間をありがとうございます!
A friendly and very cute cat There were many! I have allergies to cats I was fine! Thanks for a great time!

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