CAROL - Takamatsu

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CAROL

住所 :

1-5 Kajiyamachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0028, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887898
Postal code : 760-0028
Webサイト :

1-5 Kajiyamachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0028, Japan
honoka on Google

It is a beauty salon that is always indebted. I went to various hair dressings, but when I wasn't satisfied with the finish, I met Mr. Takemoto of Carol. The counseling is polite and the colors and cuts keep the trend down and make me look good. I am very satisfied with the finish every time because he understands somehow the nuances and tastes that I conveyed in mysterious words. A very enthusiastic and skilled cosmetologist. Of course, the other staff are also polite and cheerful, and since they teach me how to care for hair from the perspective of a hairdresser, I am looking forward to going there ^^ Recently, I have been praised as "hair is always beautiful". .. I am grateful to Carol for that. Thank you for your continued support! ♪
みなみな on Google

竹本さんのシルキーカットおすすめです! 家に帰っても乾かすだけでまとまる綺麗なボブになります? ヘアカラーはいつもお任せですが、トレンドの可愛い色にしてくれます! トリートメントはオージュアのトリートメントを使ってくれてサラサラになって毎回感動します♪
Takemoto-san's silky cut is recommended! Even if you go home, just dry it and it will be a beautiful bob ? Hair color is always up to you, but it will make you a trendy cute color! The treatment uses Aujua's treatment and it makes me feel smooth and impressed every time ♪
y B on Google

いつもお世話になってます!? こちらの美容室は、竹本さん指名で 毎回通ってます。 竹本さんはショート、ボブ、カラー全て 理想的に仕上げてくれます? 最近はオルチャンヘアーにハマってて ヘアセットも上手です☺️ 美容室迷ってる方はキャロルさんおススメします♪
I am always indebted to you! ? This beauty salon is nominated by Mr. Takemoto I go there every time. Takemoto-san is short, bob, and all colors It will be ideally finished ? Recently I'm addicted to Ulzzang hair Hair set is also good ☺️ If you are wondering about the beauty salon, I recommend Carol ♪
chiryon lee on Google

いつもありがとうございます♪ 普段はカットカラートリートメントをしているんですが、今回はインナーカラーとカットをして貰ってとっても可愛くなりました! いつ行ってもいい感じにしてくれるのでオススメ美容室です(*´╰╯`๓)♬
Thank you always ♪ I usually do cut color treatments, but this time I got a cut with the inner color and it became very cute! It is a recommended beauty salon because it makes you feel good whenever you go (* ´╰╯`๓) ♬
et on Google

I always ask you to cut it. Short hair makes a cute little face. You can rest assured that it will be a short that matches the trend without saying anything. My bangs are also cut according to my face, so I always just sit down. The atmosphere of the shop is good, and the tablet is placed there, so you can watch your favorite movies and magazines as much as you want and take a break from raising children. Next time, please give me a color. Thank you very much.
HI K on Google

いつもありがとうございます♪ Carolには、リニューアルオープンから通わして頂いてます!毎回おまかせでお願いしているのですが、とってもいい感じにしてくれます! 香川にはあまりないオシャレな美容院です。 凄くオススメで綺麗にしてくれるので重宝してます! カットもいつもいい感じにしてくれるので、お任せで全然大丈夫だと思います。 信頼できる美容室です♪ いつもありがとうございます。
Thank you always ♪ Carol has been attending since the reopening! I ask you to leave it to me every time, but it makes me feel very good! It is a fashionable hair dress that is not often found in Kagawa. I highly recommend it and it will clean it up, so it's useful! The cut always makes me feel good, so I think it's okay to leave it to me. It is a reliable beauty shop ♪ I am always grateful for your help.
Y M on Google

関東から香川に移住してきて香川で良い美容室がないか困っていたところ、知り合いの美容師さんから紹介していただきました。 カット・カラー共に上手でカットは乾かすだけで整う形に、カラーは白髪染めでも透明感が出るようにしてくれ大満足です! 店長さんもスタッフさんも人柄が良く癒されます^_^
When I moved to Kagawa from Kanto and was wondering if there was a good hair dressing shop in Kagawa, I was introduced by a beautician I knew. Both the cut and the color are good, and the cut is shaped just by drying, and the color is very satisfying because it gives a transparent feeling even when dyeing gray hair! The store manager and staff are well healed ^ _ ^
世の中クソ on Google

いつも、竹本さんにカットしてもらってます! こんかいは思い切ってシルキーカットてカットをしてもらいました( ・ᴗ・ ) 髪は伸ばし中なのですが、イメージチェンジしたかったのでヘアのくびれを作って貰ってウルフカットにしました。 とってもいい感じになって、丸アイロンや、ストレートアイロンを使わなくても丸く形になるので不思議(*●∧●*)です〜! またお気に入りの美容院なのでお邪魔します! ありがとうございました✨
I always have Mr. Takemoto cut it! I took the plunge and had a silky cut (・ ᴗ ・) I'm growing my hair, but I wanted to change my image, so I asked him to make a constriction for my hair and made it a wolf cut. It feels very nice and it becomes a round shape without using a round iron or a straight iron, so it's strange (* ● ∧ ● *) ~! It's my favorite hair dressing shop, so I'll bother you! Thank you ✨

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