Car Pika Land Takabarihara - Nagoya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Car Pika Land Takabarihara

住所 :

1 Chome-311 Takabarihara, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0073, Japan

Postal code : 465-0073

1 Chome-311 Takabarihara, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0073, Japan
hiro vttwo on Google

The nozzle of the spray car washer is bent and the machine itself is old. Only 400 minutes for washing in water is reasonable if the machine is decent.
Desu SD on Google

Car wash goods are not sold here, but they are sold at a nearby Hiace home improvement store. It is relatively empty for a coin car wash. The only drawback is that there is no automatic car washer and only a spray car washer.
小林大輔 on Google

It's good because it's always relatively empty, but car washers don't change, so if you choose a 400 yen course, you will lose 100 yen if you only have 500 yen coins. If there is only 1,000 yen, you can only buy a drink at the vending machine on the premises, but there is no drink of 100 yen, so if you get a 500 yen coin on your change, to avoid losing it, you need to do one more time, You have to buy a drink using a 500 yen coin.
太田電鉄 on Google

え~と、手動洗車機以外何もありません。 その洗車機もかなりボロく、ゴミ箱もろくに無いのでゴミが散らかっており、監視人みたいな人もおらず無人でした。 また、ワックスなどの整備スペースは特に決められておらず、どこでやってもいいような感じでした。 他のカーピカランドよりも管理が悪く残念でした…
Well, there is nothing but a manual car wash. The car washing machine was also quite messy, and there wasn't enough trash, so the trash was cluttered and there was no one like a watchman and it was unattended. Also, there was no specific space for wax and other maintenance, and it felt like I could do it anywhere. It was poorer to manage than other Carpika Lands and I was sorry...
内藤拓人 on Google

ほどほどに空いているコイン洗車場です。 早朝に行くといいかも。 幾つかのコイン式のウォーターガンと、車内用の掃除機が並んでいるのみ。 バケツは無料貸し出しですが、水道は有料でバケツ一杯十円です。 ウォーターガンは100円玉限定で返却ナシですが、両替機はなく自販機が置いてあるのみ。 行く前には、拭き上げ用タオルと小銭の用意が必要です。 ちなみに、大通り側から入ると入り口がクッソ狭いです。 裏側の脇道と繋がっていますので、そちら側から出入りすることをオススメします。 ちなみに、大きく大回りしないと南側には帰れません。 大通りを使わないなら、カーナビか地図を頼りましょう。
It is a moderately empty car wash. Maybe I should go early in the morning. There are only a few coin-operated water guns and a vacuum cleaner for the car inside. The bucket is free to rent, but the water service costs 10 yen per bucket for a fee. The water gun is a 100-yen coin only, and is not returned, but there is no money changer and there is a vending machine. Before you go, you will need a towel and coins to clean up. By the way, when you enter from the main street side, the entrance is narrow. Since it is connected to the side road on the back side, we recommend that you go in and out from that side. By the way, if you do not make a big turn, you cannot return to the south side. If you don't use the main street, use a car navigation system or a map.
渡邊真人 on Google

It's a good car wash because it's easy to wash on a motorcycle and you can rent water and a bucket for free. You don't have to worry about coins when selling pre-cade cards.
R Matsu on Google

Recently, the number of car wash shops has decreased sharply. It is rare for a car wash in the neighborhood. I sometimes get in the way with my car R or aqua car wash.
Y Perio on Google

数回利用してみた感想です。 高圧洗浄機は水圧が強め。 ゴミ箱なし。 両替機なし。 敷地内に自販機あり。 100円or 500円が利用可能。 お釣りの返金なし。 バケツ3個を無料で貸し出している。 10円でバケツ一杯の水が出てくる。 連続利用するとなぜか少量しか出てこない? お湯は出ない。 エアー付き掃除機が一台ある(100円 / 5分) バケツ洗車が許可されているのかは不明だが、 そのせいでバケツが利用できなくなるため 持っているなら持参する方が良いと思う。
It is an impression that I tried using it several times. The water pressure of the high pressure washer is stronger. No trash can. No money changer. There is a vending machine on the premises. 100 yen or 500 yen is available. No refund for change. We rent out 3 buckets for free. A bucket of water comes out for 10 yen. Why does only a small amount come out when used continuously? There is no hot water. There is one vacuum cleaner with air (100 yen / 5 minutes) It's unclear if bucket car washing is allowed, Because of that, the bucket will not be available If you have one, I think it's better to bring it with you.

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