Can Do

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Can Do

住所 :

Koyamachohigashi, 〒680-0942 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
街 : Tottori

Koyamachohigashi, 〒680-0942 Tottori,Japan
やまひで on Google

Even if you enter the store and confirm this, there is no word of “welcome”. It seems that it is important to chat with customers because the staff are good.
舩橋正則 on Google

I am always indebted to Sapporo Akahoshi. It is cheaper and useful than Kakuyasu.
Nao Morimoto on Google

A liquor store with abundant Western liquors and a reasonable price has a 100-yen shop and a candy store. It is a mysterious combination, but the knob is convenient because you can buy it for 100 yen.
4004 tatata on Google

お酒の専門店? 日本酒? ビール 発泡酒 洋酒 ノンアルコール 何でも有ります? ツマミも、少々有ります? お店の方も、親切です? 何でも相談に乗ってくれ、在庫がなければ 奥から 出してくれます???
Liquor specialty store ? Sake ? Beer Happoshu Western liquor Non-alcoholic There is anything ? There are also a few knobs ? The shop is also kind ? Please consult with us about anything, if it is out of stock It will come out from the back ???
秀夫西谷 on Google

There is sake from Shimane prefecture !! I'm looking forward to it! I used to buy a bottle of Hojo wine, but I wonder if I should buy sake too !? Gassan / Cross Asahi is also available!
今田克史 on Google

今日は弟にあげる為に、ウイスキーを買いに行きました。 ウイスキーを2本と、お酒を1本購入しました。 お酒は今月24日に庭の選定に、毎回見える方用に買いました。 店内はお客様も少なく、安心して買い物が出来ました。 いつも土日祝日は避けており、今日もゆっくり店内を❗️ 希望する品が手に入りました。 有り難う御座いました。
Today I went to buy whiskey to give to my brother. I bought 2 bottles of whiskey and 1 bottle of liquor. I bought sake for those who can see it every time when selecting a garden on the 24th of this month. There were few customers in the store, so I was able to shop with peace of mind. I always avoid weekends and holidays, and I'm slowly ❗️ inside the store today as well. I got the item I wanted. Thank you very much.
katsutoshi hirai on Google

トスとこの商品があるとの事で行きましたが、数が少ないですね。 通販で買っていた茶碗蒸しの素が安く売ってあったので買いました。
I went to say that there is this product with Toss, but the number is small. I bought the chawanmushi that I bought online because it was sold at a low price.
asuka Y. on Google

There is a can do in one corner of the store, but it seems that it will close by the end of November. The store is currently on sale, and you can buy 2 items for ¥ 110! It's a sold-out sale, so first come, first served! Shizu liquor store is still alive, and maybe in the future, a corner with Can Do will become a liquor store.

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