cafe shima coffee roaster

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact cafe shima coffee roaster

住所 :

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan
小川清也(repelog) on Google

コーヒーもパウンドケーキ美味しいです? 豆も売ってて、ドリップパックも売ってます。 ちょっとしたプレゼントにも良いです〜☕
Coffee is also delicious pound cake ? I also sell beans and drip packs. It's also good for a small gift ~ ☕
七名塚 on Google

代々木八幡にあった自家焙煎珈琲店の移転先。 基本的にほぼ豆売とtakeoutのみで毎月1~10日の13:00~19:00で営業。その他の日は主に参宮橋~代々木上原界隈を中心に出張で淹れられるスタイル。
Relocation of a home-made roasted rice shop located in Yoyogi Hachiman. Basically, it is open from 13:00 to 19:00 on the 1st to 10th of the month, with only Mameuri and takeout only. The other days are mainly styled on business trips centered on Sannomiyabashi-Yoyogiuehara area.
鈴木すずき on Google

The clerk was kind and the canelé I bought at the store was very delicious. The atmosphere of the shop was good, and it was a place where even I, who is a beginner of coffee, thought that coffee was good. Also, when I gave it to my family, it was well received that it was very delicious. Also, I think it was a very good shop that I would like to repeat.
Takahashi Novi on Google

散歩しいてたまたま見つけた小さな珈琲コーナー。焙煎の香りに思わず入店。豆の販売がメインかな? テイクアウトで飲むこともできます。豆ごとの特徴を書いたメニューをもあるけれど、お店の方に好みを言えばアドバイスしてくれます。時間をかけてじっくりと1杯を淹れてくれます。
A small coffee corner that I happened to find while taking a walk. Entered the store without thinking of the scent of roasting. Is it mainly selling beans? You can also drink at takeout. There is also a menu that describes the characteristics of each bean, but if you like it, it will give you advice. It takes time to brew a glass slowly.
79 19 (19937) on Google

少しおしゃれな雰囲気の珈琲豆屋さんです。いくつか豆の種類がありますが、店員さんが優しく好みを聞いてくれました。深煎のグアテマラを買って家で淹れてみたのですが、とても美味しかったです。 その場で淹れてもらってテイクアウトすることや、お菓子を買うこともできます。(お菓子の種類は多くはないです。パウンドケーキとカヌレ?) このあたりだとおすすめのお店です。
It is a coffee bean shop with a slightly fashionable atmosphere. There are several types of beans, but the clerk kindly asked me what I liked. I bought a deep roasted Guatemala and brewed it at home, but it was very delicious. You can have them brewed on the spot and take them out, or you can buy sweets. (There are not many types of sweets. Pound cake and canelé?) It is a recommended shop around here.
mimi mi on Google

このような時だから大好きな珈琲が飲みたいと通販しました。 代々木八幡にあった大好きな珈琲店がこちらに焙煎所をオープン。不定期ですがお店をオープンされ丁寧に焙煎された珈琲豆が購入できます。 とっても丁寧に焙煎された珈琲が大好きです。 ぜひおすすめです。
At such a time, I bought a mail order that I want to drink my favorite coffee. My favorite coffee shop in Yoyogi Hachiman opened a roasting shop here. Although it is irregular, you can purchase coffee beans that have been opened and carefully roasted. I love coffee roasted very carefully. I highly recommend it.
natsuko hasegawa on Google

A shop I found by chance when I took a walk in the evening. Take out decaffeinated hand drip, which has been increasing recently but still few. It had a refreshing aftertaste and was very delicious. I should have bought a pound cake ... let's go again.
zz.L on Google

お店はテイクアウトのみだそうですが、お煎りのコーヒー豆はおすすめします。 買って帰って、自分から淹れるのも美味しいです。
It seems that the shop only takes out, but we recommend roasted coffee beans. It is also delicious to buy it and brew it yourself.

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