Cafe Montana

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe Montana

住所 :

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Ꮋ K on Google

3/21月曜日の12時頃初めて来店し2名で利用させていただきました。祝日と言うこともあり、外には列ができてました。待っているとお店の人が出てきて手際良く人数確認、オーダーをとり、メニューの説明等丁寧にしてくれました。 カウンターに案内され!カウンターでは厨房が見えるので視覚で楽しみ、味は勿論美味しかったです。 今回チーズドライカレーと、カレーつけ麺の辛さOVER DRIVEを注文し、チーズカレーは味めちゃくちゃ美味しのですが、量が少なく感じました。外の待ちがなければお代わりしたい位やみつきに♡ カレーつけ麺は辛さOVER DRIVEで中辛位の辛さで旨味がある、辛さなので結構食べやすいです。今度行ったときは一番上の辛さで注文したいです。お酒はメニューに載ってるのですが提供はしてないそうです。
We visited the store for the first time around 12:00 on Monday, March 21st and used it for two people. Sometimes it was a holiday, so there was a line outside. When I was waiting, a person from the shop came out and checked the number of people, took an order, and explained the menu carefully. Guided to the counter! I could see the kitchen at the counter, so I enjoyed it visually, and of course the taste was delicious. I ordered cheese dry curry and spicy OVER DRIVE of curry tsukemen this time, and the cheese curry tasted insanely delicious, but I felt that the amount was small. If you don't have to wait outside, you'll be addicted to the place you want to replace ♡ Curry tsukemen is spicy OVER DRIVE and has a medium spiciness and umami, so it is quite easy to eat. The next time I go, I want to order with the highest spiciness. Alcohol is on the menu, but it is not offered.
Tommy Mi on Google

吉祥寺の小洒落たカレー屋と思いふらっと立ち寄り、カリーまぜそばを注文。 しっかりしたスパイスとパクチー、太麺が絡み合ってなかなかの味の濃さ。しかしお箸が止まりません。 麺を食べ切るや否や追い飯を追加注文。ご飯も大きめのお茶碗いっぱいに盛られており想像以上の量。ありがたいです。 こういったお店ではなかなかお腹いっぱいにならずに消化不良感もあるのですが、がっつりお腹いっぱいにしてもらいました。
I stopped by thinking that it was a fashionable curry shop in Kichijoji, and ordered curry mixed soba. The solid spices, coriander and thick noodles are intertwined and the taste is quite strong. But the chopsticks don't stop. As soon as I ate up the noodles, I ordered additional rice. Rice is also served in a large bowl, which is more than you can imagine. Thank you. At these stores, I don't feel full and I have a feeling of indigestion, but I was completely full.
Kナオキ on Google

吉祥寺にある『モンタナ』さんへ モンタナさんはカレーをベースにした麺類メニューがメインとなります。 外観や店内はオシャレな感じで女性客が多いお店でした。 平日の遅めのランチに訪問したので、すぐ入店出来ましたが、土日や祝日はお店の前は行列になる人気店です!! 店内はカウンターとテーブル席。 今回はモンタナカレー混ぜそばを注文。 また、辛さも選べるらしく、7段階のからの真ん中のフランジャーという4辛をお願いしました。 力強いうねりを生み出す辛さとのこと。 注文して5,6分程で着丼。 どんぶりのど真ん中の卵が印象的なモンタナカレー混ぜそば(^-^) 十分に混ぜ混ぜし、早速、頂きました。 麺は中太の平打ち麺でカレー風味とネギの香り、また、パクチーも添えてありますので、口の中が南国感漂う香りになります。 卵のとろみとカレーのコンビは最高ですね!! 完食し、もう少しお腹に入りそうだったので、追い飯をお願いし、混ぜそばのカレーライスに変化させ、頂きました!! モンタナさん、美味しかったです! モンタナのチーズドライカレーも興味がありましたので、次回、頂こうかなと思います(^o^)
To "Montana" in Kichijoji Montana's main menu is curry-based noodles. The exterior and interior were fashionable and there were many female customers. Since I visited for lunch late on weekdays, I was able to enter the store immediately, but on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, it is a popular store that is lined up in front of the store! !! There are counters and table seats in the store. This time I ordered Montana curry mixed soba. Also, it seems that you can choose the spiciness, so I asked for 4 spiciness called the flanger in the middle from the 7th stage. The spiciness that creates a powerful swell. It takes about 5 or 6 minutes to order and donburi. Montana curry mixed soba with an impressive egg in the middle of the bowl (^-^) I mixed it well and got it immediately. The noodles are medium-thick flat noodles with curry flavor and green onion scent, and also with coriander, so the mouth has a tropical scent. The combination of thick egg and curry is the best! !! After finishing the meal, I was almost hungry, so I asked for additional rice and changed it to curry rice with mixed soba noodles! !! Montana was delicious! I was also interested in Montana's cheese dry curry, so I think I'll have it next time (^ o ^)
luntiang pentakulo on Google

Awesome food, nice drinks and humorous touches here and there (check out the menu!!). There's usually a wait, though.
Gordon Kerr on Google

Very delicious and cosy.
Claire Williamson on Google

The curry tsukemen (dipping noodles) were amazing. You can pick the level of spice from 1-7; I picked 4 which was just about right. Also serve cider and beer as well as a few other curry-y dishes. Small and cozy.
Juri Rocha on Google

A small curry shop in Kichijoji. I ordered cheese dry curry. It comes with some salad, and the combination of curry and cheese was amazing. I felt like it was a bit overpriced but it’s worth trying.
Omri R on Google

If you're into country music and curry this is probably a good place to check out. The curry is good. I also had the tsukenmen which was just OK. Overall prices are a bit higher than your usual curry place but it can be a nice choice for the atmosphere. I liked the spiciness amplifier system but for reference - even level 2 was quite spicy.

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