Cafe la cafe - Tottori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe la cafe

住所 :

3 Chome-101-8 Nishimachi, Tottori, 680-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 680-0022

3 Chome-101-8 Nishimachi, Tottori, 680-0022, Japan
ren jiro on Google

窓から久松山(鳥取城址)を正面に見ることのできる店内は半割丸太材で壁面を仕上げた落ち着けるスペースです。 メニューは豊富。マスターお薦めのトマトスープが周りにかけられたオムライスをいただきましたが美味しかったです。ランチサービスのコーヒーはコーヒーメーカーと要追加料金ですがサイフォン式を選ぶことが出来ます。 駐車場は店舗裏に数台分あります。
You can see Hisamatsuyama (Tottori Castle Ruins) from the window in front of the store, which is a calm space where the walls are finished with half-cut logs. The menu is abundant. I got an omelet rice with tomato soup recommended by the master and it was delicious. Coffee for lunch service is available with coffee maker and additional charge, but you can choose siphon type. There are several parking lots behind the store.
小山大将(たいしょう) on Google

I was surprised that there were so many types of omelet rice
K. Oh on Google

It seems that it is crowded with civil servants during the day. Closed on Wednesdays. It is open until 21:00 at night and there are few people. The talkative and cheerful master will give you a quick cup of coffee, pasta, omelet rice and desserts. Good coziness.
on Google

駐車場がないので注意。 味は普通。
Please note that there is no parking lot. The taste is normal.
りきぼん on Google

平日のランチに訪問。スープオムライスを注文。金額ははっきり覚えていませんが1000円~1200円。サラダ・ドリンク付きで、ドリンクは小さなアイスにも変更可。PayPayは使えませんでした。店内は落ち着いた雰囲気。貸切もできるそうな。 メニューが豊富で結構迷いました。女性だとちょうどいい量、男性だと少し少ないと感じる人もいるかも。大盛りもできるようでした。
Visit for lunch on weekdays. I ordered soup omelet rice. I don't remember the amount of money, but it's 1,000 yen to 1200 yen. With salad and drink, drink can be changed to small ice cream. I couldn't use PayPay. The atmosphere inside the store is calm. It seems that you can also charter it. The menu is plentiful and I'm pretty lost. Some people feel that women are just right amount and men are a little less. It seemed like we could have a large serving.
LEE LINDA on Google

ユニークなマスター。 このお店、お料理は絶品です! お一人でやられていて、丁寧に仕上げられるので、ランチで人が多いと時間がかかってしまうのが、難点かな。 時間に余裕を持っていきましょう。 オムライスも絶品ですが、冷たいカッペリーニも最高です。 ※R3.8.10写真追加 やっと追加できました! コロナ対策もばっちり?
Unique master. This shop and the food are excellent! It's done by one person and it's finished carefully, so it's a drawback that it takes time if there are many people at lunch. Let's have some time to spare. The omelet rice is excellent, but the cold capellini is also great. * R3.8.10 Photo added I was finally able to add it! Corona measures are perfect ?
やめぴ on Google

初めてなのでオーソドックスなイタリアントマトスープなんちゃらオムライスを頼みました! それぞれの味の個性が強い!と思いました! 食べ応えのあるライス?、 おいしい卵?、 なんといっても味わい深いたっぷりのソース! ??? 一口ずつ驚きながら食べました? 大変おいしかったです!!!!! セットのサラダ?とスープ?も おいしかっです(=^ェ^=) 一人で経営されている?こともあってか、 少々出来上がるまで時間ができたので、 時間に余裕を作って行きたいですね!?
It's my first time so I ordered an orthodox Italian tomato soup with omelet rice! The individuality of each taste is strong! I thought! Rice with a satisfying taste ?, Delicious eggs ?, After all, a generous amount of delicious sauce! ??? I ate bit by bit with surprise It was very delicious! !! !! !! !! Set salad ? and soup ? It's delicious (= ^ e ^ =) Are you running alone? Maybe because of that I had some time to finish it, so I want to make some time to spare! ?
David D. Tan on Google

Excellent place to grab a coffee and delicious pancake

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