café Kotori - Seto

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact café Kotori

住所 :

53-39 Higashigongencho, Seto, Aichi 489-0883, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 489-0883

53-39 Higashigongencho, Seto, Aichi 489-0883, Japan
M F on Google

瀬戸市文化センター近くの民家を改造して出店したカフェ。 こだわりのコーヒーや食事が楽しめます。 いつもあまり込んでいないようなのでのんびりしたい方におすすめです。
A cafe opened by remodeling a private house near the Seto City Cultural Center. You can enjoy your favorite coffee and meals. It seems that it is not always crowded, so it is recommended for those who want to relax.
y h on Google

1人でも入りやすい静かなお店です 大勢でワイワイは雰囲気に合わないかも 駐車場はお店の向かって右側一台と 左側にも一台止める場所が増えたようです 器もとても素敵です スイーツは手間をかけたもので毎回 どれを食べても満足してます お皿にコンポート、フルーツソースなどと共に盛り付けてくれます これもとても美味しいんです? お客さんが退席後にテーブル、入り口ノブなど除菌剤で丁寧に対策されてました 感染症対策もキチンとされています 安心できます?
It is a quiet shop that even one person can easily enter A lot of people may not fit the atmosphere There is one parking lot on the right side of the shop It seems that there are more places to stop one on the left side The vessel is also very nice Sweets are time-consuming and every time I'm satisfied no matter what I eat Serves on a plate with compote, fruit sauce, etc. This is also very delicious ? After the customer left the table, the table, entrance knob, etc. were carefully treated with disinfectants. Infectious disease control is also considered to be chitin You can rest assured ?
ウクレレと占い on Google

There is a cafe quietly near the Seto City Cultural Center. Handmade body-friendly desserts are really recommended, and when you want to relax alone, you will be healed.
姫川捨丸 on Google

瀬戸文化センターでイベントの際に立ち寄りました。 ゆったり感、とても好みのカフェです。 近所だったら入り浸ってたかも!
I stopped by at the Seto Cultural Center for an event. It's a relaxed cafe that I like very much. If it was a neighborhood, I might have been immersed in it!
やっくん on Google

二週間程前にお店の前を通り気になってたカフェ。瀬戸市文化センターの近くにあり、テーブル席3つとカウンター席に4人くらいが座れる小さなカフェです。 今回オーダーしたのはブレンド珈琲に2種のりんごのアップルパイ? 珈琲はハンドドリップでスッキリとした苦味と酸味がある飲みやすい珈琲で、アップルパイはしっとり感とシャキシャキ感の食感の違いを楽しめる手作り感ある素朴なアップルパイでした。 一人でもまったりできそうなカフェです。 駐車場?️は、お店すぐ横に1台分だけあります。
A cafe I was curious about going through the store about two weeks ago. It is a small cafe located near the Seto City Cultural Center, with four table seats and four people sitting in the counter seat. This time I ordered two kinds of apples apple pie for blended coffee Coffee was a drinkable coffee with a bitter taste and sour taste which was refreshed with hand drip, and apple pie was a rustic apple pie with a handmade feel that you can enjoy the difference between moist feeling and shakyaki feeling of texture. It is a cafe that can be chilled alone. There is only one car parking lot just beside the shop.
奈代野 on Google

先日、初めて行きました。 雰囲気もはなまるちゃんです。 落ち着く場所で、ゆったり出来ました。 無農薬の紅茶やモーニングセットオススメ?✨
I went there the other day for the first time. The atmosphere is also Hanamaru-chan. It was a calm place and I was able to relax. Recommended pesticide-free black tea and breakfast set ?✨
シャ・ラ・ラ on Google

丁寧な料理やデザートと接客 こじんまり落ち着いた店内の雰囲気 良いと思います。 店内の小物や本、雑誌にも 想いが感じれて、料理待ってる間も 色々楽しめました
Polite food, desserts and customer service A small and calm atmosphere inside the store I think it's good. For small items, books, and magazines in the store I can feel my feelings and while I'm waiting for food I enjoyed various things
川合・若林敦子 on Google

食材を大切にされ、作り手の思いがお料理、ケーキ、お店の空間そこここに滲み出ています。 一人静かに本を読んだりする時に訪れたい。 アップルパイは絶品です!
Ingredients are valued, and the creator's thoughts are exuding in the space of dishes, cakes, and shops. I want to visit when I read a book quietly alone. The apple pie is excellent!

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