cafe Kiitos

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact cafe Kiitos

住所 :

Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0014 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0014 Miyagi,Japan
堀籠清子 on Google

パンケーキが美味しかった??? カウンターの方が大学芋を、食べてたので気になりました。次は大学芋。
The pancakes were delicious ??? I was worried because the counter was eating Daigakuimo. Next is Daigakuimo.
りく on Google

オフィス街なので12時くらいに行くとだいたい満席で断られることが多いです。でも本当にごはんもコーヒーも美味しくて満席だとわかっていても空いてないか扉をあけてしまいます。 サイフォンで入れたコーヒーは、味音痴なわたしにも違いがわかるくらい優しい味です。またお邪魔します。
It's an office district, so when you go around 12 o'clock, it's usually full and you're often refused. But even if I knew that the rice and coffee were really delicious and full, I would open the door to see if it was vacant. The coffee made with a siphon has a gentle taste that even I, who has no taste, can tell the difference. I will bother you again.
36 amt on Google

Lunch is delicious. I feel relieved to taste at home. A couple ... Is it? The correspondence is very polite and healed. I also like coffee and cheesecake, so I'd like to come back soon.
しろいぬぴろ on Google

A delicious lunch and after-dinner tea will give you vitality for your work from the afternoon.
ネイル on Google

初めて入りましたが、ランチ美味しかったです! 定食な感じですが、カフェの雰囲気もあり不思議な感じですがなんか落ち着きます♪
I entered for the first time, but the lunch was delicious! It feels like a set meal, but it feels strange because of the atmosphere of the cafe, but it makes me feel calm ♪
C T on Google

コーヒーとチーズケーキを頂きましたが、どちらも美味しかったです。 チーズケーキは、クセがなくて優しいお味。 お店に入ると、お冷が出て来るのかと思ったら お水か白湯のどちらがいいか聞かれました。 私は白湯にしましたが、こういうのは女性にとってうれしいですね。 マスターが優しい雰囲気で居心地が良かったです。 ランチも気になるので、再訪したいと思いました。 ※後日ランチで伺いました。 12~13時は混むので、13時頃がいいですよと、 以前マスターがおっしゃっていたので13時位に訪問。 のんびりとランチ出来ました。 お料理は家庭的な優しい味ですごく美味しかったです。毎日食べても飽きなさそう。 ご飯の量が少なめも選べて、女性にはうれしいですね。 ランチだと、チーズケーキのハーフサイズも注文出来て満足満足でした。
I had coffee and cheesecake, and both were delicious. Cheesecake has a gentle taste with no habit. If you wonder if the cold comes out when you enter the store I was asked if I should use water or white water. I chose white hot water, which is nice for women. The master was kind and cozy. I was worried about lunch, so I wanted to revisit it. *I asked for lunch later. It's crowded from 12:00 to 13:00, so I recommend around 13:00. The master said before, so I visited at 13:00. We had a leisurely lunch. The food was very tasty and homely and was very delicious. You will never get tired of eating it every day. You can choose a smaller amount of rice, which makes women happy. At lunch, I was happy that I could order a half size cheesecake.
セキツバチャンネル on Google

仙台市内で休みの日にふらっと寄った イイ感じのカフェ・Kiitos(キートス) とても家庭的で優しいランチメニュー でした? この和風ハンバーグは大根おろしも マッチして美味しい! ご飯は専用の炊飯器で炊いているらしく ふっくら炊きたてでこれも美味しい! コーヒーも本格的な味わいです。 こうして、カフェにいると色々な 考えがまとまったり、YouTubeのネタや ブログネタも思い浮かぶので良いですね?
I dropped in on a day off in Sendai city A nice cafe, Kiitos Very homely and gentle lunch menu It was ? This Japanese-style hamburger is grated radish Match and delicious! Rice seems to be cooked in a dedicated rice cooker It's freshly cooked and this is also delicious! Coffee is also a full-fledged taste. In this way, when you are in a cafe, there are various things You can get your thoughts together, youtube material, It's good because blog material also comes to mind ?
加藤真二 on Google

One day is a movie day, so I went to the cinema for the first time in a while. After watching the three-hour work, I had plenty of time until the next movie, so I wandered around the city. I visited an Ita restaurant that I had visited several times to have lunch, but I didn't do it. When I was walking, I found a new coffee shop, so I entered the shop. I ordered lunch. Croquette set meal.

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