Cafe'de Kapitan

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe'de Kapitan

住所 :

Kanza, Kosai, 〒431-0405 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
街 : Shizuoka

Kanza, Kosai, 〒431-0405 Shizuoka,Japan
内山尚行 on Google

The water and coffee were deep and delicious. The beef stew I had for lunch was soaked in the beef and it was boiled softly and delicious.
がんちゃんださん on Google

Aモーニングちょこっと高いですが、ちょこっと朝から贅沢気分で 美味しくいただけます
A Morning is a little expensive, but I feel a little extravagant from the morning You can enjoy it
なおかり on Google

自然の中に突如と現れた、ステキな外観のお店。気になって調べてみれば、このカピタンってのは江戸時代、東インド会社が日本に置いた商館の最高責任者「商館長」のこと。元はポルトガル語で「仲間の長」という意味があるそうです。店内はとってもクラシカルな雰囲気。クラッシック音楽が流れる店内はこれまたクラシカルな調度品、洋画など。時間もゆっくり流れてて。何だか落ち着きます。 頂いたのは「パスタランチA 1,200円」6~7種類ほどのパスタから選んだのは"なすとベーコンのトマトソース"です。サラダと食後にドリンクがついてきます。パスタの茄子はしゃっきしゃき。ほどよい湯で加減なパスタも濃厚なトマトソースとよぉく絡みます。接客のマダム(女将さん?)も親切丁寧♪ 他のお客様のやり取りを聞けば、こちらはビーフシチューが美味しいらしいです。機会があれば頂いてみたいです。
A shop with a nice appearance that suddenly appeared in nature. If you are interested in this, Kapitan is the chief executive of the trading house that East India Company placed in Japan during the Edo period. Originally in Portuguese, it seems to mean "friend chief". The interior has a very classic atmosphere. Inside the store, where classical music plays, there are classic furniture and Western paintings. The time flows slowly. Something calms down. What I got was "Pasta Ranch A 1,200 yen" with 6-7 types of pasta, "Nasuto Bacon Tomato Sauce". A salad and a drink after meal are included. The pasta eggplant is crispy. Pasta that is moderate with moderate water is entangled with rich tomato sauce. Hospitality Madam (lady general?) Is also kind and polite ♪ If you listen to other customers, beef stew is delicious. I would like to ask if there is an opportunity.
shiho on Google

素敵な建物とインテリア、コーヒーカップも多彩で、細部に至るまでお店のこだわりを感じます。 オーナーご夫妻のお人柄も良く、高級感のある店内でゆっくりとした時間を過ごせます。
There are various nice buildings and interiors, and coffee cups, and you can feel the attention of the shop to every detail. The owner and his wife have a good personality, and you can spend a relaxing time in the luxurious store.
山田和美 on Google

I had a morning. It looks a little expensive, but I was satisfied with the volume of the meal for two cups of coffee. I want to go again ?
上高原賢志 on Google

It's a very calm space. I ordered an afternoon tea set and siphon coffee. Coffee has a smooth taste with no habit. There is plenty of refills for a whole cup. Scones are soft, tasty and delicious. it's recommended.
Be Happy on Google

20年ぶり位に来ました♪ 店内はとても清潔。モーニングをいただきましたが、とても手が込んでいて、丁寧に調理されていました◡̈♡ 次回はランチにうかがいたいと思います(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
I came here for the first time in 20 years ♪ The inside of the store is very clean. I had a morning, but it was very elaborate and cooked carefully ◡̈ ♡ Next time I would like to visit for lunch (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
se ka on Google

本格的なコーヒーいただけます サイフォンでおとしてくれます 水出しコーヒーありました! (ホットもアイスも) ガツンとくるお味です もう少し薄めでもいいかもです 店内も食器も高級感ただよってます(^_^;) ごちそうさまでした
Authentic coffee Will siphon There was cold brew coffee! (Hot and ice) It ’s a savory taste. It may be a little thinner The inside of the store and the tableware are luxurious (^ _ ^;) Thank you for the meal

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