café and pub cotti 保護猫たちが暮らすカフェ - Itami

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact café and pub cotti 保護猫たちが暮らすカフェ

住所 :

Kitano, Itami, 〒664-0007 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Postal code : 664-0007
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Kitano, Itami, 〒664-0007 Hyogo,Japan
love jerry on Google

Nyanno Suke on Google

保護ネコカフェですが、ネコちゃんの愛想がとても良く、エサで釣ることなく(時間帯にもよるのでしょうが)ドンドン近寄ってきて遊んでくれます。 喫茶スペースはあまり広くはないのですが、オーナーの細やかなお手入れもあり、毛が舞うようなこともなく、とても清潔にされていました。 カフェタイムでマンダリンアイスコーヒーとプリンのセットを頼みましだが、いずれもとても優しいお味でコチラも良かったです。
It is a protection cat cafe, but the cat's love is very good, and you can get close to it and play without feeding (even if it depends on the time). The cafe space is not very large, but the owner's care was taken care of and the hair wasn't fluttering and it was very clean. I ordered a set of mandarin iced coffee and pudding at cafe time, but they all had a very gentle taste and good quality.
wonderfulf on Google

It is a place for protected cats to meet new families, but is also recommended for those who just want to spend time with cats. There are many types of drinks.
ma Mmu on Google

今日はじめてお邪魔しました。 ねこたちがすごくフレンドリーで、スリスリしてきてくれてとても楽しくまったりとしたひと時を過ごすことができました☆ ねこはいくつかの部屋を自由に行ききできて、リラックスした様子で、まるでねこのお家におじゃましている感じです。 コーヒーと豆乳ドーナツをいただきましたが、コーヒーはインスタントではなくいい香りで、ドーナツももちもちしていて美味しかったです! お店の方にはねこの保護について、日本の保護猫の現状など色々なお話も伺うことができました。 またねこたちに会いに行きたいと思います。
I was disturbed for the first time today. The cats were very friendly, and they were so thrilled that we were able to spend a very fun time ☆ The cat is free to go through several rooms, looks relaxed, and feels like he is in the cat's house. I had coffee and soy milk donuts, but the coffee was not an instant, it had a nice scent, it had a donut and it was delicious! We were able to ask the store about various aspects of cat protection, including the current situation of Japanese cats. I would like to see the cats again.
のののきなこ on Google

初めてお邪魔させて頂きました。 猫さんたちがのんびり過ごしている幸せ空間で、おいしいお食事を楽しめます。 海老アボカドサンド、とてもおいしかったです。 次はパスタを頂きながら猫さんたちをもふもふしに伺います! いっぱいナデナデさせてくれた猫ちゃんたち!ありがとう♪
I was allowed to bother you for the first time. You can enjoy delicious meals in a happy space where cats are relaxing. The shrimp avocado sandwich was very delicious. Next time, I will visit the cats while having pasta! The cats who let me do a lot of nadenade! Thank you ♪
K M on Google

優しくておっとりした店主が作る猫にもヒトにもとても居心地のいい空間です。 入口がちょっと分かりにくいけど、恐れず3階の扉を開いてみてください。 のんびり、ゆったりとしたネコと同じ時間を過ごすことができるステキなカフェです。 そして、猫たちみんなとても人懐こくいい子たちなので、相棒にゃんこお探しの人は是非1度覗いて見て。
It is a very comfortable space for both cats and humans created by the gentle and gentle shopkeeper. The entrance is a little confusing, but don't be afraid to open the door on the 3rd floor. It's a nice cafe where you can spend the same time as a relaxing and relaxing cat. And since all the cats are very friendly children, if you are looking for a partner Nyanko, please take a look.
cororin pon on Google

大好きなカフェです。 ビルの3Fの奥にあるので少しわかりにくいかもしれませんが、それがまた隠れ家っぽくて良い感じ♪ ドアを開けるとかわいい猫ちゃんたちがお出迎えしてくれます。 いろいろなタイプの猫ちゃんがいるので飽きません。 メニューもオーナーさんのこだわりが伺え、どれも美味しいですがアボカドサンドが特におススメです。 かわいい猫ちゃんの看板が目印ですよ!
This is my favorite cafe. It may be a bit difficult to understand because it is on the back of the 3rd floor of the building, but it looks like a retreat again and it feels good ♪ When you open the door, cute cats will welcome you. There are various types of cats so I won't get tired. The menu also shows the owner's commitment, and although all are delicious, avocado sandwich is especially recommended. Look for the cute cat sign!
K E on Google

They were made and provided with very good things in mind, and all the cats were quiet and good. It was so clean that I couldn't believe that 9 of them lived, and I was surprised that the price was too reasonable even though I stayed for about 2 hours. I definitely want to come and visit again.

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