Cafe Amelie - Tottori

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe Amelie

住所 :

203 Sakaemachi, Tottori, 680-0831, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 680-0831
Webサイト :

203 Sakaemachi, Tottori, 680-0831, Japan
梅の屋シン on Google

A fresh dessert like crepe like Loco Moco Don and fruit special shoe. The mixed juice was also delicious.
ねこネコ on Google

飲み放題のついたコース頂きました。 飲みすぎたのか、料理は後半お腹いっぱいで手がすすみませんでした。写真は最後にでたデザートです。 アルコール類が薄い印象で、飲み放題だし、たくさん飲めるんではないでしょうか。
I had a course with all-you-can-drink. I was overwhelmed with food, I was full of food in the second half and I was sorry I didn't have enough hands. The picture is the last dessert. It is an impression that alcohol is light, so it's all-you-can-drink and you can drink a lot.
香織 on Google

サプライズする時のお店選びにオススメのお店。 ケーキのセンスも素敵で、アイシングクッキーも可愛く作ってくれる☆ 友人をサプライズする時や集まりに、よく利用させて貰ってます◎ 牛肉のフォーランチを食べましたが、 ボリュームがあってお腹いっぱい! 美味しかったです! 唐揚げも更についてるから、肉好きさんにオススメのボリュームランチ☆
Recommended shop for choosing a shop when you are surprised. The taste of the cake is wonderful, and the icing cookies are also cute ☆ I often use it when I am surprised by my friends and at gatherings ◎ I ate beef pho lunch There is volume and I am full! It was delicious! The fried chicken is also available, so it's a recommended volume lunch for meat lovers ☆
千絵 on Google

ランチで何回も行っています。 いつ行っても、どのメニューも美味しいです! 日替わりランチも美味しいですし、季節限定メニュ―も美味しく、いつも迷います。 肉や魚はもちろん、野菜に工夫を凝らされていて、あまりの美味しさに驚いて尋ねると、とても手間暇かけられているのが分かります。 ランチに行くといつも元気をもらっています。
I go there many times for lunch. Every menu is delicious no matter when you go! The daily lunch is delicious, and the seasonal menu is delicious, so I always get lost. Not only meat and fish, but also vegetables are devised, and when you are surprised at how delicious they are, you can see that it takes a lot of time and effort. Whenever I go to lunch, I get energized.
伊藤和美 on Google

ネイルサロンの帰りに、パンケーキ? 以前から行ってみたいと思っていたので、入店できて嬉しかったです。 店内は4テーブルです。ディナーは予約のみでした。 スイーツ系のメニューも豊富です。 ベリーのパンケーキは生クリームたっぷりで中にアイスクリームも入ってました。 夏にはパフェも食べたいですね! お店は建物の2階です。階段が急でしたので歩きやすい靴で行かれることをおすすめします。
Pancakes on the way home from the nail salon ? I've always wanted to go, so I was happy to be able to enter the store. There are 4 tables in the store. Supper was reserved only. There is also a wide selection of sweets menus. The berry pancakes were full of fresh cream and had ice cream inside. I also want to eat parfait in the summer! The shop is on the second floor of the building. Since the stairs were steep, we recommend that you wear comfortable shoes.
るぱん on Google

インテリアも内装もオシャレでメニューも豊富でどれも美味しいです! 店員さんの接客も丁寧で非の打ち所がないので困ってます。何かないかな、、 あ!雰囲気良すぎてついプロポーズしたくなるので気をつけて下さい!俺は何回か男友達に指輪渡してます?
The interior and interior are fashionable and the menu is abundant and all are delicious! The customer service of the clerk is also polite and impeccable, so I am in trouble. I wonder if there is something ... Ah! The atmosphere is so good that you want to propose, so be careful! I handed the ring to my boyfriend several times ?
Ann D. Silva on Google

A very cute and peaceful place
John Frommelt on Google

Stopped by as we were waiting for our hotel check-in time. Great variety of specialty sweet drinks and good food. Food was more North American style Cafe (that we tried) but it was well done and delicious none the less. English is minimal but they were very helpful and spoke what they could to assist.

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