Cafe Affettuoso

4.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Cafe Affettuoso

住所 :

Shinjo, Bizen, 〒705-0014 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88997
街 : Okayama

Shinjo, Bizen, 〒705-0014 Okayama,Japan
佐藤和美 on Google

chiriko0723 on Google

R3.4.21 娘①とランチデートのはずだったのに?会議になったとかで❌になり、いつメンでランチです? 1ヶ月前から予約してました。その時、何か、聞くの忘れて、、、そぉ時間。当日、連絡です?12時からなのですが11:30からでも良いとのことで感謝です? 田園を抜けて、突き当たり。大きなお屋敷。場所はすぐ、わかったんですが、?️を聞こうと電話しようとしたら、農作業してる方が、やって、来られ「アフェットゥオーソに来られた?ここ?ありがとう。駐車場は家の裏です」きっと、ご主人さん? ご自宅兼の立派な大きなお屋敷、お庭も美しく、管理されてます。 岡山県備前市新庄1236 《カフェ アフェットゥオーソ (cafe affettuoso)》 1日1組限定 気まぐれランチ スイーツコーヒー付 1500円 ご店主は奥さまです。素敵なお部屋に通されます。どこをみても美しいお人形さんたちにたくさん囲まれてます?そして、ワンオペでお忙しくされる奥さま。 10分ほどで配膳。前菜、春の旬まつりです? ミモザサラダ、キッシュ、ミートグラタン⁈筍ガーリック炒め⁈サラダ?には、最近、よく聞く、手作り柿酢をかけていただきました?前菜だけでかなりの量ですよ? 主役にバトンタッチ。主役の脇を添える副菜たちも青々しく??春野菜まつりです?何だったかなぁ?野菜たちの名前が出てきません?スターのお肉はポークステーキマスタードソース。旬の天ぷら。根野菜カリフラワーマリネ。筍ごはん。具沢山のお吸い物。 筍ご飯2/3 ペシったのに、お腹は9割、腹パン状態。 スイーツとコーヒーがやってきました。お手製のいちごジャムから苺ムース?に変身?レモン入りのパウンドケーキ??スイーツは別腹? 帰る時に「あら?お急ぎですか?」と。ゆっくりと降りたかったのですが、やはりコロナのことを思えば??‍♀️早々に食べ終え帰路しました?? こちらの営業日、水曜日、土日曜日。1日1組限定。12時〜ランチ時間 またまた、年休取らないと行けないお店です? 来訪出来てよかったです?? #岡山 #備前市 #カフェアフェットゥオーソ #cafeaffettuoso #1日1組限定 #水土日営業 #気まぐれランチ #岡山ランチ #長船ランチ #lunch #晴れの国 #OKAYAMA #japan #コロナに負けるな
R3.4.21 I was supposed to have a lunch date with my daughter ①, but it became ❌ because it was a meeting ? When did I have lunch with Men ? I made a reservation from a month ago. At that time, I forgot to ask something ... that time. I will contact you on the day ? It is from 12 o'clock, but I am grateful that it is okay from 11:30 ? After passing through the countryside, at the end. A large mansion. I knew the location right away, but when I tried to call to hear ?️, a farmer came and said, "Did you come to Afettuoso? Here ? Thank you. The parking lot is behind the house. I'm sure my husband ? The large mansion and garden that doubles as your home are beautiful and well-managed. 1236 Shinjo, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture 《Cafe affettuoso》 Limited to 1 group per day Whimsical lunch With sweets coffee 1500 yen The shopkeeper is his wife. You will be passed through a nice room. Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by beautiful dolls ? And your wife is busy with one operation. Serve in about 10 minutes. Appetizer, spring season festival ? Mimosa salad, quiche, meat gratin⁈ Stir-fried bamboo shoot garlic⁈ Salad ? was sprinkled with handmade persimmon vinegar, which I often hear recently ? Appetizer alone is a considerable amount ? Button touch to the leading role. The side dishes that accompany the protagonist are also lush ?? Spring Vegetable Festival ? What was it ? The names of the vegetables do not come out ? The star meat is pork steak mustard sauce. Seasonal tempura. Root vegetable cauliflower marinade. Bamboo shoot rice. A lot of soup. Bamboo shoot rice 2/3 pesi, but 90% of the stomach is in a state of bread. Sweets and coffee are here. Transform from homemade strawberry jam to strawberry mousse ? ? Pound cake with lemon ? ? Sweets are different ? When I got home, I said, "Oh? Are you in a hurry?" I wanted to get off slowly, but when I think of Corona, I finished eating early and went home ?? This business day, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Limited to one group per day. 12: 00-lunch time Again, it's a shop you can't go to unless you take annual leave ? I'm glad I was able to visit ?? #Okayama #Bizen City #Cafe Affetto Orso #cafeaffettuoso # Limited to 1 group per day #Open on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays #Capricious lunch #Okayama lunch #Osafune lunch #lunch #Sunny country #OKAYAMA #japan # Don't lose to Corona
アットマークすすむ on Google

お盆明けでも容赦ない酷暑続きますね! 栄養補給ランチにやって来たのは備前市の「カフェ アフェットゥオーソ(cafe affettuoso)」さん、住宅街の中にあるうちカフェさん、外看板ありませんので到達難易度かなり高い隠れ家カフェさんですね!! 玄関で靴を脱いで店内へ、右の扉を開けると応接間に長テーブル、コロナ対策で中央にアクリル板...現在は一組/日だけの予約制になっています。 最初にフルーツサラダがやって来ます、桃・いちじく・葡萄がしっかり入っていますね。時期的に桃は最終盤、品種は川中島白桃、濃紅色の大玉、お盆過ぎてもしっかり甘いです! 手前は冷製茶碗蒸し、エビと夏野菜スープはエビエキスがしっかり、夏野菜の旨味も溶け込んで絶品。冷製トマトスープは自家製トマト仕様、あっさり塩味ですっきり感際立ちます。 メインは夏野菜の天ぷら、こちらも自家製野菜で新鮮な素材の天ぷらはストレートに美味いですね、どれもカラッと揚がっています。キッシュは良質な卵風味でボリュームあり、小鉢の冬瓜&春雨サラダも良質、全体的にもレベル高いプレートランチ! 小鉢の牛肉もご飯がしっかり進みます^^ 食後にはデザートと珈琲を頂きながら暫しまったり...多趣味の店主さんは人形制作にも取り組まれています。見事な人形の数々を拝見させて頂きました!
Even in the beginning of the Bon Festival, the terrible heat will continue! It is "Cafe affettuoso" in Bizen City, a cafe in a residential area, and a hideaway cafe that is quite difficult to reach because there is no outside signboard! ! Take off your shoes at the entrance to the store, open the right door and you will see a long table in the reception room, and an acrylic plate in the center to prevent corona. . . Currently, only one group/day is reserved. First comes the fruit salad, which has peaches, figs, and grapes in it. The peach is in the final stage, the varieties are Kawanakajima white peach, a large crimson ball, and it is sweet even after the Obon! The foreground is cold chawanmushi, and the shrimp and summer vegetable soup is excellent with shrimp extract, and the taste of summer vegetables melts in. Cold tomato soup has homemade tomato specifications and has a lightly salty flavor that makes it stand out clearly. The main dish is summer vegetable tempura, which is also homemade and made from fresh ingredients. The tempura is delicious and straight-fried. Quiche has a good egg flavor and a large volume, and a small bowl of winter melon and vermicelli salad is also of good quality, and a plate lunch with a high level overall! ♪ Rice goes well with small bowls of beef ^^ After the meal, I took a while for a while with dessert and coffee. . . Many hobbyist owners are also involved in doll production. I saw a lot of wonderful dolls!

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