Cafe - Hatsukaichi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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Yoshiwa, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-0301, Japan
矢口由美 on Google

A hearty hospitality that makes you feel good to come anytime
あすか玲 on Google

Every year, I have lunch when I drive in the cool summer ? I think that the fact that the master is smiling since I was open in Tatemachi tells me the good environment ? I love steak and hamburger steak ?
カズ on Google

Dressing that suits anything! !! It has a moderate acidity and is delicious not only for vegetables but also for sashimi.
Duck buckwheat on Google

It seems that a long-established Sorazan who was previously operating in Tatemachi moved here. The price has changed, but this atmosphere is more suitable than eating in the city. The smoke of rainbow trout is very delicious, but I can't drink alcohol when I can only come by car.

お店の中は雑多でごちゃごちゃしていました。 山の中のキャビンなのだから、もう少し雰囲気出してほしいですね。 ハンバーグ定食(1800)を食べましたが、手作りでなく市販品のものみたいで美味しくなかったです。
The inside of the shop was miscellaneous and messy. It's a cabin in the mountains, so I'd like you to create a little more atmosphere. I ate a hamburger set meal (1800), but it wasn't handmade and it looked like a commercial product and it wasn't delicious.
川本昌伸 on Google

山の中でとても静かで落ち着ける良いお店でした。 6月終わりでしたが広島市内と比べて10℃の気温差があり、肌寒いくらいだったので、夏は涼しく過ごせると思います。 オムレツ美味しかったです。
It was a nice shop that was very quiet and calm in the mountains. It was the end of June, but there is a temperature difference of 10 ° C compared to Hiroshima City, and it was chilly, so I think that summer can be cool. The omelet was delicious.
T Y on Google

もみの木森林公園へのドライブついでに寄ってみました。 店内に入ると薪ストーブ(暖炉?)がありました。 料理は・・・というと、可もなく不可もなくという感じ(あくまでも個人の感想です。) しかし値段を考えると・・・。 雰囲気を楽しむと考えれば、良いのかも!
I stopped by for a drive to Mominoki Forest Park. When I entered the store, there was a wood stove (fireplace?). When it comes to cooking, it feels like it's neither good nor bad (it's just an individual impression). However, considering the price ... If you think that you enjoy the atmosphere, it may be good!
羽根玉子 on Google

もみの木森林公園の近く、正に山間のログハウスです。 雰囲気のあるその佇まいと木漏れ日が降り注ぐ癒しの空間が、都会の喧騒から逃れた人々を優しく包み込んでくれます。 オーナーご夫妻の暖かい空気感と、出される本格洋食がとても美味しく、「来て良かった!」と感じるのではないでしょうか。
It is a log house in the mountains near Mominoki Forest Park. The atmosphere and the healing space where the sunlight shines through the trees gently envelops those who have escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city. The warm atmosphere of the owner and his wife and the authentic Western food served are very delicious, and you may feel "I'm glad you came!".

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