コープこうべ魚崎浜ドライC - Kobe

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コープこうべ魚崎浜ドライC

住所 :

Uozakihamamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0024 Hyogo,Japan

Postal code : 658-0024
街 : Hyogo

Uozakihamamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0024 Hyogo,Japan
ビューン on Google

順番待ち、長過ぎ! 待ち疲れる‼️ 不要な作業をドライバーにさせ過ぎ‼️
Waiting in line, too long! I'm tired of waiting! ️ Let the driver do unnecessary work too much! ️
ポテロング on Google

受付をしてた番号をスピーカーから放送してバースに着車するのだが、声が小さいのでとても聞き取りづらい エンジンを切らないと聞き逃すレベル 何で電話で連絡しないのか不思議…
I broadcast the reception number from the speaker and arrive at the berth, but it is very difficult to hear because the voice is quiet Level that you will miss if you do not turn off the engine I wonder why I don't contact you by phone ...
y. double on Google

If this is the first shot, all the later schedules will collapse
makoto nakata on Google

奥の方にプロフィットセンターが有り、受付もコープとは別に奥に有り7時から受付 荷下ろしは8時頃から開始っぽい
There is a profit center in the back, and the reception is also in the back separately from the co-op. Reception starts at 7 o'clock. Unloading seems to start around 8 o'clock.
はれやまただとし on Google

In the morning, if you get a numbered ticket, you can sleep until 6 o'clock (laugh), but the gate is closed only on Monday morning, so you can not enter until 5 o'clock
super power on Google

Admission is possible 24 hours a day, pick up the number tag at the reception and start reception from 6 o'clock
尚尚 on Google

It was the second arrival at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. Take a numbered ticket. Reception is open from Monday to Thursday at 6 o'clock. Money is accepted at 5 o'clock. The wholesale was finished in about an hour.
たんたんたたんたん on Google

待ってる内に三時間くらい寝てしまって、やべっ!飛ばされたかな?と思って事務所行ったらまだ順番来てませんでした。 結構待つところみたいです
I slept for about 3 hours while I was waiting, and hey! Was it skipped? When I went to the office, I hadn't come in order yet. It seems like I'm waiting for a while

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