トルー 文京店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact トルー 文京店

住所 :

Bunkyo, Kisarazu, 〒292-0804 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Bunkyo, Kisarazu, 〒292-0804 Chiba,Japan
ほんまひろみ on Google

前から気になっていて、雰囲気は昭和の喫茶店風で素敵。ちょっと敷居が高そうだったけれど、今日は初めて行ってみた。あの味と、ボリュームで、あの値段は、あの店の雰囲気を楽しむ気持ちが無いと、も 来ないかな、、と思った。
I've been worried about it for a long time, and the atmosphere is wonderful, like a Showa café. The threshold seemed a bit high, but today I went there for the first time. With that taste and volume, at that price, if you do not want to enjoy the atmosphere of that store, I thought it wouldn't come.
狩野かずこ on Google

Lunch is reasonably priced and delicious at an old shop
クッキーミルク on Google

近くを通りかかったので、本当に何となく来店しました。入った雰囲気は、「いや~、レトロだなぁ」の一言で個人的には大好きでしたので終始ワクワクしていました。お客さん層はほとんど常連さんでしょうか、「一人でゆっくりコーヒーを飲む方」「店員のおばさまと話す男性」。初めて行ったのに、凄く気さくに接して下さる店員さんには地味に感動しました。写真のハンバーグ定食は1200円でしたが、まぁ肉が甘くてジューシー!! 定食にはコーヒーも付いてきて本格的なコーヒーをゆっくり頂きました。 時間があればいつまでもいたい、、そんな素敵なお店でした。
As I passed by, I came to the store really somehow. The atmosphere I entered was exciting all the time as I personally loved it with a single word, "No, I'm retro." Most customers are regular customers, "If you drink coffee alone slowly," "A man who talks with the lady of the clerk." Even though I went there for the first time, I was impressed by the soberness of the clerk who was very kind and friendly. The hamburger set meal of the photograph was 1200 yen, but the meat is sweet and juicy! ! The set meal was accompanied by coffee and I slowly had a full-fledged coffee. It was such a wonderful shop that I would like to stay forever if I have time.
パンダカスミ on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店って雰囲気でゆっくりお喋りできる。 照明も雰囲気があって、ソファーもお尻が痛くならない。 女性客が多い。 タバコ吸える。 セットの物を食べると1000円は越える。
You can relax and chat in the atmosphere of a traditional coffee shop. The lighting has an atmosphere, and the butt of the sofa does not hurt. There are many female customers. You can smoke. Eating the set items exceeds 1,000 yen.
ブルームーン on Google

It is the old-fashioned coffee shop loved by the locals. Lunch and coffee are the best! There are no parfaits or flakes. It is also attractive to be able to smoke!
ざるうみ on Google

とても落ち着く雰囲気です。 薄暗さが良いです。 クリームソーダが美味しいです。 店員も気さくです。
It's a very calm atmosphere. The dimness is good. The cream soda is delicious. The clerk is also friendly.
N Kasuga on Google

There is a retro atmosphere. Coffee is normal. Anyway, it's smoking and the smoke is amazing. The smoke is not separated. Thanks to that, the taste of the dish is less than half. It's a good place for smokers.
瀬沼健太郎 on Google

昔からこちらのお店で人気と聞いたシズニングステーキセットとアイスコーヒーを頂きました。 シズニングステーキは、食べやすくカットしたステーキにたっぷり野菜が超美味しくてご飯が足りなくなります。大盛りにしておくことをおすすめします。 食後のアイスコーヒーも、昭和レトロ感たっぷりで落ち着いた店内でのランチはとても満足です。また食べにきます。
I had a seasoning steak set and iced coffee, which I heard was popular at this shop for a long time. Seasoning steak is an easy-to-eat cut steak with plenty of vegetables that are super delicious and you will run out of rice. We recommend that you make a large serving. After-meal iced coffee is also very satisfying for lunch in the calm shop with plenty of Showa retro feeling. I will come to eat again.

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