Bunchan - Kanonji

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bunchan

住所 :

甲3016−1 Kanonjicho, Kanonji, Kagawa 768-0060, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 768-0060

甲3016−1 Kanonjicho, Kanonji, Kagawa 768-0060, Japan
Kaoru Shiramomo on Google

最高の居酒屋さんでした。 丼もの、ラーメン、チャーハン、アテメニューなどなど、懐かしさを感じれる居酒屋さん 座敷もあり、子供連れでしたが、すごく入りやすかったです。 また、焼酎のロックを頼んだのですが、なみなみとつがれていて、普通のお店の2杯分ほどでしまw 挙げ句の果てに、サービスの茶碗蒸しも頂きました。
It was the best izakaya. An izakaya where you can feel nostalgia, such as bowls, ramen, fried rice, and ate menu There was a tatami room and I was with children, but it was very easy to enter. Also, I asked for shochu lock, but it is tied with Minami, and it will be about 2 cups at an ordinary shop w At the end of the phrase, I also had a service of egg custard.
いわたまさゆき on Google

この町・・・お店少ないですね?まぁ寿司屋さんとか割烹的なお店はあったけど、夜も遅かったし?駅から商店街通って来た途中の居酒屋臨時休業だったのもあるけど、結構歩いたよ?ホント、若い人達どこで飲んでるんだろう?と心配してしまいました。 しかしこの店良い!外から見たら小さい店かと思ったけど、中に入ったらビックリするくらい広い店でした。団体さんも入っていましたよ。なんであんなに入口側が狭いの?? メニューも超豊富で、壁が全部メニューかと思う程。変なメニューも散見されます。 料理も美味しく、次は何を注文しようかと楽しくなります。強いて言えば、飲み物メニューが普通だったかな?と思いましたが、そこは大衆居酒屋として正しいのかも。焼酎もでっかいコップで出て来ました。 美味しかったです!ごちそうさまでした!!
There are few shops in this town ... Well, there were some sushi restaurants and restaurants, but was it late at night? There was a pub temporarily closed on the way from the station through the shopping street, but did you walk a lot? Where are the young people drinking? I was worried. But this store is good! I thought it was a small store from the outside, but it was a big store that surprised me when I entered the store. There was also a group. Why is the entrance side so narrow? ? The menu is super rich and I think that all the walls are menus. There are also some strange menus. The food is delicious and it will be fun what to order next. Is it a normal drink menu? I thought, but it might be right as a popular tavern. Shochu came out in a huge cup. It was delicious! Thank you for the meal! !
ALPINA 2002 on Google

30年ぶりにお邪魔する。ココのミソラーメンが好きで若い時は飲んだ〆によく食べた。 あの頃は駐車場が無くて路駐辺り前だったけど今は駐車場があるし、時代の流れですね。 ドアも自動になってるし。 店内は8割方埋まってました。昔と同じくよく繁盛してます。全く案内もされず、空いてるカウンターに着座。 カウンター上にメニューがズラリと並んでるのも昔のまま。 鶏唐揚げやミノ唐揚げを食べたかったけど、かなり飲んだ後だったからミソラーメンだけ食する。 久々に食べたがかなり濃いスープ。こんなに濃かったっけ?散り散りの肉が乗ってるのは昔のまま。 美味かったです。 おあいそすると、しっかり税金を取られました。 メニュー表示価格は税抜きです。
I will bother you for the first time in 30 years. I like Miso Ramen here, and when I was young, I often ate it when I drank it. At that time, there was no parking lot and it was before the road parking, but now there is a parking lot, which is the trend of the times. The door is also automatic. The inside of the store was 80% full. It is as prosperous as it used to be. I was not guided at all and sat down at an empty counter. The menus are lined up on the counter as before. I wanted to eat fried chicken and fried rumens, but after drinking a lot, I only eat miso ramen. I ate it after a long time, but it's a very thick soup. Was it so dark? The scattered meat is still on board. It was delicious. When I met him, I was properly taxed. The menu display price does not include tax.
松平伊豆守信綱 on Google

A shop that locals go to. The freshness of sashimi is good and delicious. A shellfish with the name you hear for the first time. Is this one a classic? I was addicted to it and ate this much.
石川壮一 on Google

The menu is extensive. The chawanmushi that said "It's a service" was delicious with lots of ingredients.
fun fun on Google

お昼に伺いました お店の入口のすぐ横に駐車場の入り口があり、結構な数が停められる広めの駐車場がありました メニューが多すぎて目移りしましたが、カキフライ定食を頼みました ご飯もおかずも結構なボリュームで、サービスで茶碗蒸しまで出てきたのでお腹がパンパンになりました カキフライがサクサクで大きくて美味しかったです! 食の細い方にはちょっと量が多いかも? 今度は違うメニューを食べにまた行きたいです
I visited at noon There was a parking lot entrance right next to the shop entrance, and there was a large parking lot where a good number of people could be parked. There were too many menus, so I changed my mind, but I ordered a fried oyster set meal. The rice and side dishes were quite large, and the service even came out with chawanmushi, so I was hungry. The fried oysters were crispy, big and delicious! Maybe a little more for those with thin food? I want to go to eat a different menu this time
富士浅間堂 on Google

ここ二年ばかり観音寺に行くたびに寄る食堂兼居酒屋みたいな気軽な店です。 いつもそこそこ混んでるので地元でも人気なのでしょうね。 さて、メニューですが幅広く、時価メニューもあります。 これは店内の生け簀の鮮魚だからかもしれません。 どれもボリュームがあり、定食のおかずをつついて酒を飲む、みたいなスタイルがいい感じ。 個人的にはカツオのたたきがオススメです?
It's a casual restaurant like a cafeteria and izakaya that you stop by every time you go to Kannonji for the past two years. It's always so crowded, so it's probably popular locally. Well, the menu is wide, and there is also a market price menu. This may be because the fish in the cage is fresh. All of them have a lot of volume, and I like the style of poking a side dish of a set meal and drinking alcohol. I personally recommend tapping bonito ?
続木満豊 on Google

メニューにのっている料理の種類は100点以上。駐車場は店舗裏にあって20台はとめれます。 お店の中の雰囲気は昭和感がたっぷりで素敵でした。カウンターと座敷のテーブル席が6つ。
There are more than 100 types of dishes on the menu. There is a parking lot behind the store and 20 cars can be parked. The atmosphere inside the shop was nice with plenty of Showa era. There are 6 counters and 6 table seats in the tatami room.

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