
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ミライオム心斎橋店

住所 :

Brise Minamisemba, 4 Chome−8−4, Minamisenba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0081 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://mirai-homme.net/shinsaibashi/
街 : Osaka

Brise Minamisemba, 4 Chome−8−4, Minamisenba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0081 Osaka,Japan
たっくん on Google

店員さんが明るく親切丁寧で、綺麗な個室で いい香りに包まれながらリラックスして脱毛が出来ました。オススメのサロンです!
The clerk is cheerful, kind and polite, in a beautiful private room I was able to relax and remove my hair while being wrapped in a nice scent. This is a recommended salon!
戦え!フミチャンネル on Google

It was my first beard hair removal, but it was nice to have a gentle treatment and it was very easy to go to and messed up! Please go to hair removal by all means!
さかまる on Google

痛みがなく、ヒゲが濃い自分でもすぐに効果を実感しました。 髭剃り負けによる肌荒れも治り、大変オススメです!
I immediately realized the effect even if I had no pain and had a strong beard. It is highly recommended because it will heal the rough skin caused by losing the shave!
竜k on Google

You can see the effect visibly each time. Mr. Hasegawa in charge is also very polite even if it is bright. Because it is a clean space, you can receive the treatment with confidence! I recommend it.
田中寿偉 on Google

心斎橋駅から徒歩5分で着き 脱毛も全然痛くなく、毎回進捗具合確認しながら 僕にあった施術をしてくれるので めちゃくちゃ通いやすいです! 個室なので人目も気にせず行けるのでおすすめです
A 5-minute walk from Shinsaibashi Station Hair loss does not hurt at all, while checking the progress every time Because it will do the treatment that suits me It's really easy to go! It is recommended because it is a private room so you can go without worrying about the eyes
S Masa san on Google

The pain is almost non-existent and continuous irradiation, so it ends in a blink of an eye every time. It grows only sparsely even one month after having the legs done, the cost performance is good, and the owner is a nice person who treats customers politely.
ita一真 on Google

初めて脱毛のサロンに通ってめちゃくちゃ正解でした! 肌荒れとか乾燥が多いので心配もありましたが痛くなく毎回髭や足の毛が抜けていくのが最高でした! メンテナンスで引き継ぎ通いたいです^^ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ※人それぞれですが体質もあるので毛の落ちる量はもちろん違います! ※他の店舗と比べても値段は安いかと思います! 皆さんもミライオム心斎橋に一度足を運んでください!
I went to the hair removal salon for the first time and it was a mess! I was worried because I had a lot of rough skin and dryness, but it didn't hurt and it was great that my beard and leg hair came off every time! I want to take over for maintenance ^ ^ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ * Each person has their own constitution, so the amount of hair that falls is of course different! * I think the price is cheaper than other stores! Please visit Miraiom Shinsaibashi once!
suisui sa on Google

初めての脱毛だったので緊張していましたが、とても丁寧な接客とアットホームなお店の雰囲気でリラックスして受けることができました。 無理な勧誘もなく、通いやすいプランで月に1回行かせていただいています。 目に見えて効果があらわれてきて、とても満足しています。これからも通っていきたいです。
I was nervous because it was my first hair removal, but I was able to relax and receive it with a very polite customer service and a cozy atmosphere. There is no unreasonable solicitation, and I go once a month with an easy-to-go plan. I am very satisfied with the tangible effects. I want to continue going.

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