Boulangerie Atsushi - Hachioji

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Boulangerie Atsushi

住所 :

2 Chome-112-9 Kamiyugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0373, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 192-0373
Webサイト :

2 Chome-112-9 Kamiyugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0373, Japan
osumi on Google

It is a house in a residential area. The nobori of freshly baked bread is a landmark. Cute flowers were in bloom in the garden, and they welcomed me comfortably. The chewy bread made from rice flour is delicious. The rice flour cheese-grilled curry bread, which won the gold medal at the Curry Bread Grand Prix, was really delicious.
shige. w on Google

住宅街の中にあり見つけるのに苦労しました。さらに横浜のパンフェスに参加して臨時休業に。外観だけアップしました。 そのあと行きましたので店内の画像を追加でアップしまして。
It was in a residential area and I had a hard time finding it. Participated in the Yokohama Yokohama Panfes and temporarily closed. Only the appearance has been improved. After that I went to the store to add additional images.
R K.D on Google

近所にこんな素敵なパン屋さんがあるとは! 住宅街にあるパン屋さんで最初は「ここかな〜?」と思いますが、入ってびっくりとてもおしゃれなパン屋さんです! 休日の朝にはまた行きたいお店です。
There is such a nice bakery in the neighborhood! At first, I think it's a bakery in a residential area, but I was surprised to find that it's a very fashionable bakery! This is the shop I want to visit again on holiday mornings.
MI SHIRO on Google

とても丁寧な 対応の 優しい味のパン屋さんです 毎年 11月中旬から始まる シュトーレンは 予約をして あんパン、 カンパーニュ その他 数種類 の パンを 遠方に 御使い物 として 送っています 。
It is a bakery with a very polite and gentle taste. Stollen, which starts in mid-November every year, makes reservations and sends anpan, campagne and several other types of bread to distant places for use.
SGT maguro on Google

ごく普通の住宅地の住宅がお店です。 パン屋さんの旗?が立っていなかったらわからないかも… 恐る恐る可愛いお庭を抜けてお店に入ると美味しそうなをパンが迎えてくれます。 品数は多くないですか、お手頃で美味しいパンでした!
A store is a house in an ordinary residential area. You might not know if the bakery flag ? wasn't standing ... When you enter the shop through the cute garden, the bread will welcome you. Isn't there a lot of items? It was an affordable and delicious bread!
こふく池沢 on Google

小さなかわいらしいお店。色々なパンを食べましたが 全部美味しいです。暑い季節でなければどうぶつパンがおすすめです。中はチョコレートクリーム。何種類かの動物さんが描いてあります。私は北海道小豆をつかったあんぱんが一番好きです。
A small and pretty shop. I ate various breads, but they are all delicious. Animal bread is recommended unless it is hot. Inside is chocolate cream. Some kinds of animals are drawn. I like Anpan made with Hokkaido azuki beans the most.
koji oh on Google

After parking the car in the parking lot of Kamiyugi Park and playing with the children in the park, it was within walking distance, so I visited for the first time. I bought rice flour rolls, muffins, curry bread, and freshly baked rye bread. I had them walk on the way home as it was, but the freshly baked rye bread is delicious! It was the best. The chewy rice flour roll was also delicious. Children are also very satisfied. I want to revisit this! It was a taste that made me think. Let's have a campagne this time. Thank you for your impression, and a treat.
To Mi on Google

ものすごく人ん家... パン屋に見えない... すごいインパクトです。 買ったパンを素敵なお庭で頂きました。 穏やかな休日の午後、人気のあるパンはほぼ売り切れ。 それでも完売ではなかったのでいくつか購入できました。 なかなか美味しかったです。 また来ます!

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