Botanical Garden, Osaka City University - Katano

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Botanical Garden, Osaka City University

住所 :

2000 Kisaichi, Katano, Osaka 576-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 576-0004
Webサイト :
Description : University's research gardens with Japanese endangered plants & around 450 tree species on 63 acres.

2000 Kisaichi, Katano, Osaka 576-0004, Japan
松村良男 on Google

It is a botanical garden in Kisaichi, but if you post a disability certificate, you can enter it for free. The autumn leaves were beautiful and spectacular. Also, I would like to take a walk around the botanical garden with my friends.
大阪のタクシードライバーage3Taxi on Google

But to have a botanical garden at City University? You can feel like an Indiana Jones in Osaka. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring and a very pleasant walk in autumn. If you are interested in a plant, please feel free to talk to the researchers. They will explain it to you in detail. I think this is a facility worth coming all the way to. ここ辺りは私の大変大好きな場所なのですが 市大の植物園があるとは? インディージョーンズになった様な気分を大阪で味わえます。 春は桜を秋はとても気持ちのいい散歩が楽しめます。 気になった植物が有れば研究員の方々に気軽に声かけてください。 丁寧に説明して下さいます。 わざわざ来る価値のある施設だと思います。
But to have a botanical garden at City University? You can feel like an Indiana Jones in Osaka. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring and a very pleasant walk in autumn. If you are interested in a plant, please feel free to talk to the researchers. They will explain it to you in detail. I think this is a facility worth coming all the way to. This area is my favorite place What is a city-sized botanical garden? You can experience the feeling of becoming Indiana Jones in Osaka. You can enjoy cherry blossoms in spring and a very pleasant walk in autumn. If you have a plant that interests you, please feel free to ask the researchers. Please explain politely. I think it's a facility worth visiting.
カワセミ on Google

30年以上前に1度訪ねたことがあるのですが、当時の様子は殆ど思い出せなかったです。 木々の紅葉を眺めたり、最近マイブームのラクウショウやメタセコイアを楽しみました。 車で行ったのですが、ゲートのバーが閉まっており、右側にある事務所で支払いを済ませて開けてもらうという、ちょっと面倒な方法でした。(帰りも同様) 園は研究目的の施設で、自然のままを維持する趣旨があるようですが、ゲートのシステムまで維持しているのかなと思った。
I visited it once more than 30 years ago, but I could hardly remember what it was like at that time. I watched the autumn leaves of the trees and recently enjoyed my booming bald cypress and metasequoia. I went by car, but the bar at the gate was closed, and it was a bit of a hassle to pay and open it at the office on the right. (Same for returning) The garden is a facility for research purposes, and it seems that it has the purpose of maintaining it as it is, but I wondered if it maintained the gate system.
井上新一 on Google

10/30の訪問です。花は少ない時期ですが、コロナ疲れから癒しを求めて散策させていただきました。 大きな楠木や、メタセコイヤの並木がきれいで、森に踏み込むような感覚が味わえました??。 素敵です? 駐車場は、入口ゲートで?を降りて、先に入場券?️を買う方式です。未舗装ですが、30台ほどは停められそうでした。ゲートで係の方が丁寧に、案内してくれます。 16:30に、閉園となります。1.5時間くらいは十分に過ごせますので、遅くとも3時には入園したいですね。 季節折々に訪問したくなる身近な癒されスポットだと思います?
It is a visit on 10/30. Although there are few flowers, I took a walk in search of healing from the tiredness of the corona. The large Kusunoki trees and the rows of Metasequoia trees were beautiful, and I felt like stepping into the forest ??. Nice ? The parking lot is a method of getting off ? at the entrance gate and buying an admission ticket ?️ first. It's unpaved, but about 30 cars seemed to be parked. The person in charge at the gate will guide you carefully. The park will close at 16:30. I can spend about 1.5 hours enough, so I would like to enter the park at 3 o'clock at the latest. I think it's a familiar healing spot that you'll want to visit every season ?
KO3 FKD on Google

メタセコイアの紅葉を見に行きました。ほかに、カエデ、イチョウなどの紅葉を満喫できました。現在は、ツバキやサザンカ、ビオラ、コスモスなどのお花も楽しめます。 広々とした植物園、というよりじゅうぶん『森』の散策が楽しめます。現在歩ける場所をくまなくのんびり歩くと、たっぷり2時間以上かかりました。見どころ満載。入口で、園内マップと開花情報のプリントをいただけますので、こちらを参照しながら、のんびり山歩きを楽しんでください。 トイレあります。お弁当を広げられるベンチや東屋も各所にあります。たいへんきれいに整備されています。 なんどもほしだ園地は訪れておりましたが、こちらは今まで素通りしてきたことが悔やまれます。ほしだ園地は紅葉シーズンなど大・混雑する時期も多々あるのですが、こちらはぜんぜん空いていますよ〜!星のブランコはありませんが、気持ちよく密を避けて去りゆく秋を楽しめますよ〜。
I went to see the autumn leaves of Metasequoia. Besides, I was able to enjoy the autumn leaves such as maple and ginkgo. Nowadays, you can enjoy flowers such as camellia, sasanqua, viola, and cosmos. You can enjoy a walk in the "forest" rather than a spacious botanical garden. It took me more than two hours to take a leisurely walk through the places I can walk now. Full of highlights. At the entrance, you can get a map of the park and a print of flowering information, so please enjoy a leisurely mountain walk while referring to this. There is a toilet. There are benches and eastern stores where you can spread your lunch. It is in very good condition. I have visited Hoshida Garden many times, but I regret that I have passed by until now. Hoshida Garden is often very crowded, such as during the fall foliage season, but it's completely vacant! There is no star blanco, but you can comfortably avoid the denseness and enjoy the passing autumn.
Ahmed Baniata on Google

I love nature
Kylee Grossman on Google

Great way to spend the day. A lot to explore and enjoy.
Maddie Moo on Google

This garden is owned by the university so there is little English available on the signs. It is still a beautiful garden regardless and worth the small entrance fee. My English speaking friends really enjoyed it.

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