ガマエキサカバ BOSSA - Gamagori

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ガマエキサカバ BOSSA

住所 :

Minatomachi, Gamagori, 〒443-0034 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 443-0034
Webサイト : https://bossa-gamagori.business.site/
街 : Aichi

Minatomachi, Gamagori, 〒443-0034 Aichi,Japan
Yasuhito Suzuki on Google

おいしいお店 とりきも 大好き。トウモロコシの唐揚げも今の時期美味しいよ。
I also love delicious shops. Deep-fried corn is also delicious now.
川瀬裕美 on Google

The fried corn was very delicious. The atmosphere was also good! The rice was delicious on average! There was no parking lot and I parked at a nearby parking lot. The chicken is fresh and delicious!
Nori on Google

串ものの美味しさは絶品でした? 人気店だと思いました❗
The deliciousness of the skewers was excellent ? I thought it was a popular store ❗
やきとり184 on Google

In the elevator of the hotel where I stayed, I heard that BOSSA is good in a conversation with a young couple. I would like to visit if I have the opportunity.
ちゆ on Google

料理は美味しかった! ただ店長さんの元々の知り合いのお客さんが多いのか、店員さんと話盛り上がってるので、カウンター席だし一見さんは居ずらいし、話を遮って注文頼みづらい。 あとメニュー表にメニューだけで料金載ってないから、いくらになるか分からなかった。 駐車場がないので、地元の人か電車の人向け。
The food was delicious! However, because there are many customers who the store manager's original acquaintances are talking with, I'm excited about talking with the clerk. Also, I didn't know how much it would be, because the price is not listed in the menu list. There is no parking lot, so it is suitable for locals or trains.
ヒゲゴリラ on Google

お店にたどり着くのに少し迷いましたが、美味しいお酒と食事を楽しめました。 映画「ゾッキ」撮影時にはスタッフや演者の方も訪れたとか。 若い人で賑わっていましたよ。
I was a little lost to get to the shop, but I enjoyed delicious sake and food. The staff and performers also visited when shooting the movie "Zokki". It was crowded with young people.
ミルク姉さん on Google

今回初めて行きましたが、開店と同時に、店内もすぐに満員になるくらい人気のあるお店なんだなと思いました。 とても忙しそうでしたが、大将も、スタッフの方も皆、気持ちの良い接客をして下さりました。 頼んだ料理は、どこの店にも負けないくらい、美味しいものばかりです。 子供の頃から魚が大嫌いな娘と一緒に食べに行きましたが、 前菜に出てきたハマチのマリネを とても美味しいと、喜んで食べてました。 魚を食べる娘を見て、思わずビックリした私です。 新鮮な素材を使っているので、安心して食べることが出来ます。 また、リピートしたいお店です。 駅のすぐ近くなので、オススメです。
I went there for the first time this time, but at the same time as the store opened, I thought it was so popular that the store would fill up quickly. It seemed to be very busy, but the general and the staff all provided a pleasant customer service. The dishes I ordered are as delicious as any other restaurant. Since I was a kid, I went to eat with my daughter who hates fish, Marinated yellowtail that appeared in the appetizer I was happy to eat it when it was very delicious. I was surprised to see my daughter eating fish. Because it uses fresh ingredients, you can eat with confidence. Also, it is a shop that you want to repeat. It is recommended because it is very close to the station.
大倉由美子 on Google

A restaurant where you can enjoy really delicious food. I went without a reservation, but he was willing to respond and said, "Please take your time next time." The taste and appearance are so great that you forget to take a picture.

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