BOOKOFF - Aomori

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Miyoshi-102-1 Ishie, Aomori, 038-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 038-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM

Miyoshi-102-1 Ishie, Aomori, 038-0003, Japan
佐藤松義 on Google

青森市内に2店舗有りますが…西と東に1店舗づつ…品揃えとかは好みで変わりますが 買い取りは西にある『BOOK・OFF 青森石江店』の方が良いと思います 過去にAKB関連のlive DVDを大量に買い取って貰いましたが予想外に高い値で…ビックリしました❗
There are two stores in Aomori City, one in the west and one in the east ... The product lineup varies depending on your taste, but I think the BOOKOFF Aomori Ishie store in the west is better for purchase. I bought a lot of AKB related live DVDs in the past, but the price was unexpectedly high ... I was surprised ❗
nr tkms on Google

The figure and card corners are much more fulfilling than before. The part that was probably the backyard has been released and the floor has become wider.
月之和熊 on Google

欲しかった本がここで見つかりました。 そこまでは良かった。 本日は雨。傘をさす程ではないにしろ、せっかくの本は濡らしたくないのが心情。 袋をもらおうと・私「ふ…」・店員「袋代5円かかります」 と、ちょっとイラついた感じで言われました 私何か悪いことしました?
I found the book I wanted here. That was good. It rains today. I feel that I don't want to wet a book, even if I don't put an umbrella on it. To get the bag, I "Fu...", The clerk "It costs 5 yen for the bag." I was a little frustrated. Did I do anything wrong?
佐々木裕二 on Google

前の日に電話して新品の商品が変形してたから返品したいって連絡して返品可能ですって言われたのに、当日持っていったら返品不可ですって言われました。 連絡ノートにも書いてないとか言われましたし店員さんが半ギレでした… 名前と電話番号も教えてたのに知らない言われたし、流石にここまで酷い事は初めてでした…
I called the day before and was told that I could return the new product because it was deformed and I wanted to return it, but I was told that I could not return it if I brought it on the day. I was told that it wasn't written in the contact note, and the clerk was half-finished ... I was told that I didn't know my name and phone number, and it was the first time I was so terrible ...
ノリユキ on Google

普通のブックオフ。駐車場は狭め。店舗が狭く品揃えも少なく感じる。店舗の外観の形が三角なのは前に入ってた店の名残。 最近久しぶりに行ったらアニメ系フィギュアが充実していた。
Ordinary book off. Parking lot narrows. I feel that the store is small and the assortment is small. The triangular shape of the store's appearance is the remnant of the store that was in front. When I went to it after a long time recently, there were a lot of anime-related figures.
Ward Maxson on Google

So much more than books
Daniel Womack on Google

Always a fun race to see what they have a available
Jean-Marc Giffin on Google

Everytime I've been to a BOOK OFF, the service and selection had been great, especially if you can read Japanese.

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