BOOKOFF - Noshiro

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

5-13 Shidomori, Noshiro, Akita 016-0872, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
Postal code : 016-0872
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

5-13 Shidomori, Noshiro, Akita 016-0872, Japan
奈良力之助 on Google

It seems that the entry and exit of goods is quite intense, so it is a valuable store in the northern part of the prefecture. Probably normal for BOOKOFF. The staff of the female clerk is polite and feels good at the manual. The display is a little useless because the same products that are not damaged and are not on sale are scattered on different shelves. Also, how about putting the products for sale together in the place where the sunlight of the entrance and exit wind room hits hard. It may be that products that sell quickly are selected and placed, but the management status is NG.
いいかげん商会 on Google

It comes occasionally, but it will be as it is. I used to sell home appliances, but now it's gone? It used to be a two-story arcade, but I would like you to expand the sales floor area to the second floor as well.
小百合 on Google

The second floor was built and the feeling of oppression disappeared. ? The inside of the store was also bright ?
せんべい on Google

子連れのお客が居たけど親が近くにいるにも関わらずいちいち「危ないですよ」とか言っていた…たかが子供が触れただけで…そんなに子供が気になるなら児童書置かなきゃいいのに??それか本棚の高さ考えたら??対策しないでグチグチ言われても気分悪そう…店員さん…若すぎるのも子供の扱い慣れてないから問題あるね…客商売は老若男女対応できなければやってらんないね?? その家族大量の本を買おうと手に取っていたけど全部戻して何にも買わずに店出たな…お客逃して何がしたいのかしら?
There was a customer with children, but even though their parents were nearby, they said "it's dangerous" ... just by the child touching it ... If you're so worried about your child, you should put a children's book ? ? Or what about the height of the bookshelf? ?? I feel sick even if I'm squeaky without taking measures ... Clerk ... I'm too young because I'm not used to handling children ... I can't do customer business unless I can handle men and women of all ages ?? The family was picking up a lot of books, but I returned them all and went out without buying anything ... What do you want to do if you miss a customer?
シュガー on Google

I went there for the first time in a long time, but the arrangement of the bookshelves has changed. For example, if it's a normal shounen manga, it's divided into jump type and magazine type. However, Jump Magazine Sunday Korokoro and others were all united and arranged in alphabetical order. I was a little restless.
泉水結汰 on Google

近くにある古本屋の中では1番品揃えも良いので以前から結構行くのですが、よく本棚の配置が変わる。 特に、今回は酷かった。出版社ごとの作者名順だったのが、出版社関係無しに作品タイトル名順へと変わっていた。 とにかく、分かりづらいし、作者ごとに並べていた方が別作品も分かりやすくて良かったのにと思う。 新たな本との出会いが減った。
Among the second-hand bookstores nearby, the best selection is good, so I've been going there for a long time, but the arrangement of bookshelves often changes. Especially this time it was terrible. The order of author names for each publisher has changed to the order of work titles regardless of the publisher. Anyway, it's hard to understand, and I think it would have been better if the other works were easier to understand if they were arranged by author. The number of encounters with new books has decreased.
やまとお on Google

We were surprised at the smooth tongue of the clerk

I was able to find the CD I wanted. I also found the DVD I wanted to watch ? and purchased it. There may be treasure if you take a peek. ?

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