Bonne Vie

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bonne Vie

住所 :

Sunadacho, Kofu, 〒400-0821 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Webサイト :
街 : Yamanashi

Sunadacho, Kofu, 〒400-0821 Yamanashi,Japan
ポンタ on Google

I sent a hydrangea "galaxy" on Mother's Day this year. It is a shop where you can feel the commitment.
荻原洋子 on Google

It's small, and there are many rare flowers and succulents outside, so it's a fun place just to look at. The shop staff will also tell you a lot.
尚美 on Google

I was asked by my son to arrange for the teacher of the soccer club advisor to leave. I was impressed by the wonderful flowers that were very luxurious and heavy.
望月信子 on Google

砂田に移って来てからのお付き合いですが、送り主のイメージを伝えただけで、素晴らしいアレンジを作ってくれます。 実家の兄や姉の誕生日や結婚記念日に東京まで作って送ってもらうと「東京でもなかなか見た事のないアレンジだ」と電話がきます。 それもそのはず、総理大臣賞受賞したので…小松さんもフレンドリーで、話やすい方なので、花の相談にのってもらえますよ。
It's been a relationship since I moved to Sunada, but just by telling the image of the sender, he makes a wonderful arrangement. When I make it to Tokyo on my brother's or sister's birthday or wedding anniversary, I get a phone call saying, "It's an arrangement I've never seen in Tokyo." That should be the case, because I won the Prime Minister's Award ... Mr. Komatsu is also a friendly and easy-to-speak person, so you can consult with me about flowers.
mukouyama k on Google

凄く親しかった方が亡くなり枕花をお願いしましたが、名札の名前が間違えて書いてありました、ちゃんと伝えたはずですが、こちらの店の店員さんには重要性がある事の認識は無いのでしょうか? 急遽葬儀会場の方が対応してくれたので何とかなりましたが、二度とこちらの店を使うことは無いでしょう。
A very close person died and asked for a pillow flower, but the name on the name tag was written incorrectly, I should have told you properly, but the clerk at this store does not recognize that it is important Is not it? The funeral hall responded in a hurry, so it was pretty good, but I'm sure I'll never use this store again.
Me_True on Google

姉の誕生日のお祝いにアレンジをお願いしました。県外からの依頼だったため、ネットでいろいろなお店のホームページを見て、一番姉の好みに合いそうなお店だと思い、連絡しました。とても洗練されていておしゃれな感じのお店ですが、お店のかたはとても親切で電話やメールの対応も、姉の喜ぶものを…と、心を尽くしてくださるのが伝わってうれしかったです。 もちろん、作ってくださったアレンジは姉のイメージにぴったりで、姉の大好きな花ばかりでした。しかも素敵な男性(店長さんでしょうか?)が届けてくださったと、姉も大喜びでした。ありがとうございました。
I asked for an arrangement for my sister's birthday celebration. Since it was a request from outside the prefecture, I looked at the websites of various shops online and thought that it was the shop that most likely suits my sister's tastes, so I contacted them. It's a very sophisticated and fashionable shop, but the people in the shop are very kind, and I was glad to hear that my sister was happy to answer the phone and email. Of course, the arrangements I made were perfect for my sister's image, and all the flowers she loved. Moreover, my sister was overjoyed when a nice man (maybe the store manager?) Delivered it. Thank you very much.
ーー on Google

外に多肉・サボテンが並んでいて、暑いけど日光に当ててる分徒長などなくきれい。店内はおしゃれでかわいい。 帰って早速植替え。かわいい。
There are many succulents and cactuses outside, so it's hot, but it's beautiful because it's exposed to sunlight. The store is fashionable and cute. Immediately after returning, I repotted. cute.
山下和子 on Google

A flower designer and arrangement with good taste and high quality. It corresponds to various scenes. So far, we have asked for delivery to outside the prefecture, but the people who gave us are very pleased with such things as "I have never received such a wonderful flower" and "Thank you very much for the gorgeous, tasteful and wonderful flower". increase. I would like to continue to ask.

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