丹波里山レストラン Bonchi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丹波里山レストラン Bonchi

住所 :

Sone, Kyotamba, Funai District, 〒622-0232 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://ajim.info/meal/
街 : Kyoto

Sone, Kyotamba, Funai District, 〒622-0232 Kyoto,Japan
makoto onitsuta on Google

1月の土曜日に来店 黒豆づくしと唐揚げ定食をオーダー 唐揚げは普通、黒豆づくしはローストビーフ、 ご飯、白あえが美味しかったです セルフサービスのお茶も黒豆茶美味しかったです 名産の黒豆満喫できました
Visited on Saturday of January Order black bean jam and fried set meal Fried chicken is usually, roast beef is black beans, The rice and white pan were delicious The self-service tea was also delicious I was able to enjoy the specialty black beans
タバサアン on Google

以前はバイキング形式のお店ですが定食形式に変わっていました。京丹波の物にこだわり、美味しく提供されてました。黒豆づくし黒豆定食が人気です。京丹波の美味しいものをのせた丼や京丹波ロース豚カツ定食、私はデミグラスソースで煮込んだハンバーグと大黒しめじのコロッケ定食、豚汁と大黒しめじの小鉢、プチデザートはトマトのゼリーでした。1480円でした。味も量も見た目、納得の内容でした。ただ土曜日なのに、接客、配膳の方々の煮ん数が少なく、残念です。次回は京丹波黒丼か黒豆定食、食べたいです?️ 黒豆茶、ほうじ茶、煎茶、お水はセルフサービスです! 京都縦貫道唯一のサービスエリアない併設のレストランです。一般道からも入れます。 美山にドライブの途中にも、おすすめです。サービスエリアないで、地元野菜、お土産、お弁当、鯖寿司、パン、スイーツ、盛りだくさんです。
Previously it was a buffet style shop, but it was changed to a set menu style. It sticks to the thing of Kyotanba, it was deliciously served. Black beans setting black beans set menu is popular. Kon Tanba's delicious bowl of rice and Kyotanba rose pork cutlet set meal, I cooked Hamburger stewed with demiglace sauce and Croquettes of Daikokuji Shimeji, a small bowl of pork juice and Daikokushiji, petite dessert was a jelly of tomato. It was 1480 yen. The taste and quantity were both looks, content of conviction. Although it is only Saturday, it is disappointing that the number of people who cater for meals and serving dishes is small. Next time I want to eat Kyotanba black rice bowl or black beans set menu meal Black bean tea, hojiji tea, green tea, water is self service! It is the restaurant of the hotel without the only service area of ​​Kyoto Longngeundo. I can also enter from the general road. It is recommended also in the middle of drive to Miyama. There are no service areas, local vegetables, souvenirs, lunch boxes, mackerel sushi, bread, sweets, plenty.
せいうち on Google

「道の駅京丹波、味夢の里」にあるレストランです。 シルバーウィーク中、高速の渋滞に巻き込まれながら、12時半に店に到着すると、先に待ち客が3組ありました。 「黒豆づくし1380円」を注文しました。 新米が出たばかりで、ほんのり温かい黒豆ご飯でした。おかずの一つ一つに黒豆が取り入れられ、一品一品の味がよく、おいしくいただきました。 レストランは大きな窓があり明るく、開放感があります。テーブル席が11あり、隣のテーブルとの距離が広くとられていて、座っているだけで気持ちがよかったです。
It is a restaurant in "Road Station Kyotanba, Ajimu no Sato". During Silver Week, when I arrived at the store at 12:30 while being caught in a high-speed traffic jam, there were three pairs of waiting customers first. I ordered "black soybeans for 1380 yen". The new rice was just released and it was a slightly warm black soybean rice. Black beans were incorporated into each side dish, and each dish had a good taste and was delicious. The restaurant is bright with large windows and has a feeling of openness. There are 11 table seats, and the distance to the next table is wide, so it was nice just to sit down.
kasabura akasa on Google

入り口は狭いですが中は広いです。 ご飯は白米と豆ご飯と選ぶことができます。 野菜もたっぷりついていますので、栄養バランスはしっかり取れていそうです。 鶏肉の唐揚げはすこしパサついていましたが、美味しいですよ! またフードロスを防ぐために食べきれない分はお持ち帰り用のタッパーをもらうことができます。 またセルフのドリンクは水、ほうじ茶の温かい、冷たいもの。丹波の黒豆茶のようなものがありました! 全般的に美味しくていい雰囲気の食堂でした!
The entrance is narrow, but the inside is wide. You can choose between white rice and bean rice. It also comes with plenty of vegetables, so it seems that the nutritional balance is well balanced. The fried chicken was a little dry, but it's delicious! Also, to prevent food loss, you can get a take-out tapper for the portion you cannot eat. Also, self-drinks are hot and cold with water and roasted green tea. There was something like Tamba's black soybean tea! It was a cafeteria with a nice atmosphere that was generally delicious!
A __ on Google

I had a chicken nanban set meal here! I was very surprised that one of them was much bigger than the one I saw on the menu and it was so luxurious with tartar sauce! I was so hungry that set meal I forgot to take a picture because it looked delicious ? I'm sorry to say this, but there are many soups that are often attached to set meals like instants. (?) But here was the proper pork soup, and I was particular about the details ... Also, the speed at which food comes is extremely fast. The dessert black soybean pudding was also delicious, and it was a perfect 5 star! The family ate other menus, but they all looked delicious! !!
Mr. K on Google

We use locally produced ingredients. The food was original and delicious.
Dora Kazuko Okura on Google

2022/1/10 ジビエフェアで行きました☺普通の「黒丼」の鶏肉が鹿ロースト3枚に代わっただけで、お値段が300円高くなるのはチョイ納得できないので、評価星?1つ落とします? 2021/11/7 道の駅のレストラン「Bonchi」で「黒豆づくし」のセットいただきました☺白和えでなく、黒和えが美味しかった???黒豆入りの豚汁もいけます☺夫は食べれない量やのに、なぜだか「トンカツ定食」いただいて、しっかりのボリュームに四苦八苦してましたが、お肉が柔らかいので完食できていました☺
2022/1/10 I went at the Jibie Fair ☺ I'm not convinced that the price will be 300 yen higher just because the chicken of the ordinary "black bowl" is replaced with 3 deer roasts, so one rating star ? Drop it ? 2021/11/7 I got a set of "black soybeans" at the restaurant "Bonchi" at the roadside station ☺ The black soybeans were delicious instead of the white ones ??? You can also have pork soup with black soybeans ☺ However, for some reason, I had a "pork cutlet set meal" and struggled with a solid volume, but I was able to finish it because the meat was tender ☺
Ryo Stephen on Google

ラストオーダーに近い時間に訪問したのですが、店員さんは一切嫌な顔せずゆっくりして行ってとおっしゃってくれました。 とても気持ちよく食事ができ、大満足でした。道の駅のレストランでこういった体験ができると思いませんでした。
I visited at a time close to the last order, but the clerk told me to go slowly without any disgusting face. I was able to eat very comfortably and was very satisfied. I didn't think I could have such an experience at a restaurant at the roadside station.

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