Body Care Forest

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Body Care Forest

住所 :

Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3133 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30–11:30AM
Sunday 9:30–11:30AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 9:30–11:30AM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30–11:30AM
街 : Miyagi

Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3133 Miyagi,Japan
大場史恵 on Google

The calf is rugged due to standing work + childcare, but you can loosen it firmly here! The muscle training after unraveling will definitely make your legs lighter. When I first started going, it was a 30-minute course, but when I was advised "Why don't you loosen it up once?" And took the 60-minute course ... I can't stop it anymore! You can feel that the gorigori disappears during the treatment!
ペンギン on Google

The face line that I had been worried about for a long time was improved, and I was surprised to realize the effect once. I was very grateful for the exercises I could do at home. I was able to take it while relaxing, and my mind and body became easier. The atmosphere of the shop and the staff were kind and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. I highly recommend it.
ああ on Google

フェイシャルリフトアップ立体動体波コースを施術していただきました。 スタッフの方も優しく、男性ですが全然入りやすかったです。 施術はクレンジング、オイルマッサージ、機械での筋トレでした。 顔のラインがはっきりしてとても効果を実感できました。また来たいと思います。
We had you perform facial lift-up three-dimensional moving body wave course. The staff was kind and male, but it was easy to enter. The treatments were cleansing, oil massage, and mechanical muscle training. The lines on my face were clear and I could really feel the effect. I would like to come again.
K S on Google

顔の左右差が気にならなくなりました! フェイシャルリフトアップ立体動態波コースを受けました。痛みはほとんどなく、気持ち良いアロマオイルマッサージと電気の刺激で大変気持ちの良い施術でした。今野先生も優しく美容の知識を教えて下さって感謝しております。
I don't care about the difference between the left and right faces! I took a facial lift-up three-dimensional dynamic wave course. There was almost no pain, and it was a very pleasant treatment with a pleasant aroma oil massage and electrical stimulation. I am grateful to Professor Konno for kindly teaching me my knowledge of beauty.
しらすくん on Google

フェイシャルリフトアップを施術して頂きました クレンジングから始まり、オイルマッサージでリンパを流しながらのフェイシャルマッサージが最高に気持ち良いです その後はマシンを使って顔の筋肉を鍛えていくトレーニングに入りますが、トレーニング後にマイクロカレントで解すので、顔の筋肉がつっぱったり痛みなどは全く無いです 施術前後では、顔のスッキリ感は明らかです! 顎や頬がシャープに引き締まるので小顔効果は抜群なので、定期的に通っています スタッフの方も明るく優しいので話しやすくて 癒されますよー 清潔なサロンでコロナ対策もバッチリです ぜひおすすめしたいサロンです
I had a facial lift up Starting with cleansing, facial massage while draining lymph with oil massage is the most comfortable After that, I will start training to train the facial muscles using a machine, but since it is solved with microcurrent after training, there is no tension or pain in the facial muscles. Before and after the procedure, the refreshing feeling of the face is obvious! Since the chin and cheeks are sharply tightened, the small face effect is outstanding, so I go regularly The staff are also cheerful and kind, so it's easy to talk You will be healed Corona measures are perfect in a clean salon This is a salon I definitely recommend
ほだ on Google

フェイシャル5回目の施術でした。 初回から効果は実感していましたが、段々とほうれい線やたるみが改善されて来ました。 継続的に見ていこうと思います。
It was the 5th facial treatment. I had realized the effect from the first time, but the nasolabial fold and slack have gradually improved. I will continue to watch it.
さくさくぱんだ on Google

The face line that I had been interested in continuously has been refreshed. Oil massage is especially comfortable.
おやまこうき on Google

フェイシャルを本日受けて来ました。 このお店の立体動体波という機械は筋トレと同じで骨格ではなく筋肉にアプローチしていくメニューだという事を施術のまえのお話しでお聞きしました。 回数は必要になってくるらしいですが、鏡を見せられた時とてもスッキリしていて、効果の実感出来ました。 スタッフも話しやすい方で通いやすい店舗だと思いました。
I received a facial today. I heard in the story before the treatment that the machine called 3D moving body wave in this shop is the same as muscle training and it is a menu that approaches muscles instead of skeletons. It seems that the number of times will be necessary, but when I was shown the mirror, it was very refreshing and I could feel the effect. I thought it was a store where the staff were easy to talk to and easy to go to.

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