4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BODY ARCHI 大宮店

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–8:15PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8:15PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8:15PM
Friday 9:30AM–8:15PM
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

最新マシンを使えてセルフですが期待出来ます。セルフ施術中お隣の部屋のお掃除をスタッフの方がしていたようですが私が滞在中ずっと掃除をしておられました。コロナの不安もありますが徹底的に清掃してくれているんだなあと安心して通えると思いました。 なかなか希望の時間に予約が取りにくいのでその点が解消出来ればバッチリです。
You can use the latest machine and expect it to be selfish. It seems that the staff was cleaning the next room during the self-treatment, but I was cleaning it throughout my stay. I'm worried about the corona, but I thought I could go there with peace of mind because it was thoroughly cleaned. It is difficult to make a reservation at the desired time, so it would be perfect if that point could be resolved.
プーさんとビビリの極み野郎 on Google

I'll join at the end of last month! I decided to make a reservation and went to the experience. It was embarrassing that my sister at the reception could see my sad body, but it was good to join. The next day when I ran the machine, I had a muscle soreness and I realized the effect. I hope that I will continue to go on a regular basis and be healthy and thin.
YUME OKI on Google

通い始めて1ヶ月です。 筋肉をつけつつ順調に体重が落ちています!お通じも改善しました! スタッフさんも気さくでとても通いやすいです。 これからも通い続けたいです。
It's been a month since I started going. I'm losing weight steadily while building muscle! Communication has also improved! The staff is friendly and very easy to get to. I want to continue going on.
清水貴美子(ブラックキミコ) on Google

駅から離れていて、東口のワッフル屋さんとルミネの間の階段を下り、マクドナルドを道なりに進みドトール側にわたり商店街を抜けて、八百屋さんとバッグを売っている御店の前の小さな横断歩道を渡り、左に進む、ビルの間を奥まで進むと突き当たりでした。 いつも親切丁寧に接して下さいます‼️私が入会した時より素晴らしいプレゼントが契約するとありました?もうすぐ一年かな?コロナで仕事が休業になり、身体中のリンパの詰まりが自分で動画を見ながらながせます‼️有難い‼️
A small crossing in front of the greengrocer and the shop selling bags, away from the station, going down the stairs between the waffle shop at the east exit and LUMINE, following McDonald's, passing through the shopping street to the Doutor side. Crossing the pedestrian crossing, going to the left, and going all the way between the buildings, it was at the end. Please treat me kindly and politely! ️ There was a contract for a better gift than when I joined ? Is it about a year? Work is closed in Corona, and you can see the lymphatic blockage in your body while watching the video yourself! ️ Thank you! ️
匿名 on Google

カスタマーに退会したいと申し出たのに 退会させてもらえず、三月末に強制退会 辞めたいと申し出た日から4ヶ月分を払わされました。 残り1ヶ月も払えと言われましたが、退会の仕方もカスタマーで教えて頂けなかったのに法律事務所から電話が掛かってきて最悪でした。 大宮店といいよりカスタマーが最悪でした。 ほんと4ヶ月返金してほしいです。 4ヶ月分を払った時にまた利用できますってメールが来たのも腹立たしいです。
I offered to unsubscribe from a customer I was not allowed to withdraw, and I was forced to withdraw at the end of March. I was paid four months from the day I offered to quit. I was told to pay for the remaining month, but the law firm called me and it was the worst, even though the customer couldn't tell me how to withdraw. The customer was the worst than the Omiya store. I really want a 4 month refund. It's annoying that I got an email saying that I can use it again when I paid for 4 months.
M Yoda on Google

こちらに通い始めて、あと少しで3ヶ月になろうとしてますが、自分のペースで通えるので、長く続けられそうです。 スタッフの皆さん、親切でとても優しくて、相談にものってくれます。
It's been almost 3 months since I started going here, but I can go at my own pace, so I think I can continue for a long time. All the staff are kind and very kind and willing to consult with you.
ゆっきー on Google

入会して一年、周りから痩せたね!と言われるくらい効果が出て嬉しいです(^^) 一般のエステに行ったこともありますが 値段が高く続かずすぐにリバウンドしてしまったので、値段も安く続け安くて助かってます。 受付のお姉さんたちも感じが良くて気持ちがいいです♪
It's been a year since I joined, and I've lost weight from around me! I'm glad that the effect is so good (^^) I've been to a general beauty salon, The price wasn't high and it rebounded immediately, so the price continued to be low and it was cheap and helpful. The older sisters at the reception are also nice and comfortable ♪
s aa on Google

一年位通ってます。 最近思うことがあるので口コミさせていただきました。 新規顧客様が増えたせいか予約が取りづらく行きたい日は全て×になってるので予定を立てづらいです。 当日空きがないかチェックしている状態です。 必ず当日になると空きが出るのですが、当日キャンセルするくらいなら予約入れないで欲しいとゆうのが本音です。 2枠まで予約できるのですが、とりあえず予約入れとこって人が多すぎる気がします。
I've been there for about a year. I have something to think about recently, so I made a review. It is difficult to make a schedule because all the days when you want to go are marked with x, probably because the number of new customers has increased. We are checking if there is a vacancy on the day. There will always be a vacancy on the day of the event, but I really want you not to make a reservation if you cancel on the day. I can make reservations for up to 2 slots, but I feel that there are too many people to make reservations for the time being.

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