
4.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

bleach -


Contact bleach

住所 :

Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0015 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0015 Osaka,Japan
Daisuke Yamada on Google

y t on Google

最悪なお店でした。 ブリーチ3回の髪にリタッチをお願いしたのですが、ブリーチして色むらだらけになったところで「ブリーチだけだとこうなるんですよ 笑」みたいに言われ、カラーもやむなくお願いしました。(リタッチのブリーチだけだと浮くのは私も知らなかったのでそれはいいですが、カラーの料金もかかるなら先に説明すべきだったと思います。) カラーは薄めのピンクパープルベージュをお願いし、写真も見せたのですが出来上がったのは青味の強いパープル、しかもかなり暗い色を載せられていて全く違う色味でした。それを指摘し、「前の髪色に戻せます」と言われたのでやり直してもらうことになりましたが、最初の一言が「あの子(アシスタント)が配合を間違えた」と言われ、引きました。 やり直した後も、元の髪色でもやりたかった髪色でもなく全く違うもので本当にショックでした。 元に戻ると言われましたが一度暗い色をのせると元の通りのハイトーンにするにはブリーチし直さなけばいけません。3回ブリーチしたお気に入りの髪も全部ぱあになりました。 説明も配慮も足りてない上、技術も下手以下でこの立地でよく潰れないなと思います。早く潰れてください。
It was the worst store. I asked for bleach to be retouched on my hair three times, but when I bleached and became uneven in color, I was told that it would be like this with bleach only. (I didn't know that it's just retouch bleach, so that's fine, but I think it should have been explained first if it would also cost a color.) I asked for a light pink purple beige color, and I also showed the photo, but the result was a very bluish purple color, and it was a very dark color and it was a completely different color. I pointed out that, and I was told that I can return to my previous hair color, so I had to try again, but the first word was said that "that child (assistant) made a mistake in the formulation", I pulled it. Even after I tried again, I was really shocked by the completely different hair color I had wanted or not. It was said to return to the original, but once the dark color is put on, it is necessary to bleach again to get the original high tone. All my favorite hair that I bleached three times has become dry. In addition to lacking explanation and consideration, I think that the technology is not good and I can not crush well in this location. Please crush early.
林知憲 on Google

オープンからずっと通わせて頂いています。 最初に店内に入った感想はとにかくオシャレでスタッフの皆さまも笑顔で対応してくれてすごく気持ち良かったです^^ ここの1番の魅力は担当スタイリストの技術と接客です。まずカウンセリングも自分のなりたいものがあやふやで上手く伝えれないタイプなのですが、いつも僕の意思を汲み取りつつ+α の提案をしてくれるので安心して任せられます。カットの技術も素晴らしく時間が経ってもまとまってくれるし、とにかくスタイリングが楽チンです^^ たまにカラーやパーマもお願いするのですが持ちも良いし、その時の気分に合わせて変幻自在にしてくれるので担当スタイリストさん以外には任せられません^^ アシスタントの方もいつも気持ちのいいシャンプーと適度な接客が心地良いです◎ ありがとうございございます! コロナで大変なご時世ですが換気、衛生対策も徹底しており安心してお店に伺う事が出来ます。 これからもずっと通いたい!そういうお店です^^
I have been able to go through since opening. Anyway, the impression that I entered the store at first was fashionable and it was very pleasant that all the staff responded with a smile ^ ^ The number one attraction here is the stylist's technology and customer service. First of all, counseling is a type that I can't convey what I want to be ambiguous, but I always give my +α proposal while listening to my intentions, so I can rest assured. The cutting technique is wonderful and it will be organized even if time passes, and styling is easy anyway ^ ^ Sometimes I request color and perm, but it is good to have it and it will change the mood according to the mood at that time. I can not leave it to anyone other than the stylist in charge ^ ^ The assistants are always happy with the comfortable shampoo and moderate customer service. Thank you! Although it is a very difficult time in corona, you can visit the shop with confidence because ventilation and hygiene measures are thorough. I want to continue going all the time! That kind of shop ^^
つじ on Google

カットもカラーもパーマもいつもオーダー以上のお洒落な仕上がりにしてくれます。 今までこだわりが強く、中々好みの髪型にならなかったのですが細かなこだわりまでバッチリな仕上がりにしてくれます。 あと驚いたのがスタイルのキープ力です!伸びてもまとまりやすいままで、次に美容室行けるまでの髪型が崩れた期間を感じなくてストレスフリーなんです! スタッフさんはお二人ともゆるっと優しい雰囲気でお洒落なのにすごく落ち着く美容室です! またお願いします〜(^ ^)
The cuts, colors and perms will always be more fashionable than ordered. Up until now, I haven't been particular about hairstyles, and I didn't get the hairstyle I liked, but it gives a perfect finish to even the smallest details. I was also surprised at the style keeping power! It's easy to stay organized even when it grows up, and I'm stress-free because I don't feel the period when my hairstyle collapses before I can go to the beauty salon! The staff is a beauty salon that is very calm even though both of them are fashionable with a gentle atmosphere! Thank you again~ (^ ^)
a. t on Google

前のお店から松本さんにずっと通ってる。 家族や友人にもオススメして、今では周りみんなbleachに通うほど。 ハイライトたくさん入ってるからパーマはしない方がいい、この色にするならブリーチ必須、切るならクセがあるからこうした方がいい。 など、出来る事としない方がいい事を私の髪質に合わせてしっかり教えてくれるからすごくありがたい。 子供がいるから結べる長さ、巻くの苦手やから乾かしてオイル付けるだけでオシャレに見えるように、という要望に毎回必ず仕上げてくれて、子供達のカットもタブレット見せながら子供達の座りやすい場所で切ってもらえる。 今の時期コロナ対策も完璧。 控えめに言って最高の店、ぜひ。
I go to Matsumoto-san from the previous shop all the time. I recommend it to my family and friends, and now everyone around goes to bleach. It's better not to perm because it contains a lot of highlights. If you want this color, you need to bleach, and if you want to cut it, you need to have a habit. I am very grateful because it will teach me what I should do and what I should not do according to my hair quality. Every time I want to make it look fashionable just by having a child, it's length that can be tied, I'm not good at winding, and just drying it and oiling it will make me finish every time. You can cut it. Corona measures are perfect at this time. To say the least, this is the best store.
r i on Google

It is a shop that I use for color cut every month. The cut is almost up to you, and the colors are usually one color or highlight, but this time it is a bleach after a long time. I bleached it and then asked him to color it, but he kindly treated me very carefully and I finished it so beautifully that I was surprised by the surroundings without causing any pain to my hair. The bleach condition was brightened by one time, and I thought it would be great. Mr. Matsumoto, who is in charge of it, will color it according to the person so that they can enjoy the process of discoloration, so I can always leave it with confidence. I was very satisfied this time. See you next month.

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