(株)東北自動車販売 郡山店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)東北自動車販売 郡山店

住所 :

Bizendate, Koriyama, 〒963-8044 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89799
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/pit/shop/0901279/top%3Fsite%3DGMB
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Bizendate, Koriyama, 〒963-8044 Fukushima,Japan
脇川俊治 on Google

Anything in the car can be consulted freely and it will be helpful. I also depended on the optional insurance. Next is the old car of the skyline!
齋藤。 on Google

部長?や営業の方はお金持ちと女性には親切です。お客さんをお金でしか判断しない方々なんだなぁと感じました。 購入前に必ず他のお店も見たほうがいいかもしれません。
Director? And people in sales are kind to the rich and women. I felt that they are people who can only judge customers with money. It may be better to look at other shops before buying.
渡邉真也 on Google

車検をお願いして帰ってきた車内に、タバコの吸い殻が落ちていました。どうしたら車検後の車に吸殻が落ちているのでしょうか。妻はいま妊娠中ということもあり、怒りは増すばかりです。 電話でこの件を確認すると掃除はしたと答えていましたが、車内のシートの上は車検に出す前と変わらず、掃除をした様子はありませんでした。 他の方の口コミの評価がいいだけに残念です。もう二度と利用しません。
A cigarette butt was falling in the car that came back asking for a car inspection. How is the butt in the car after car inspection? My wife is now pregnant, and my anger is only increasing. When I confirmed this matter by phone, I said that I cleaned it, but on the seat in the car was the same as before I went to the car inspection, I did not seem to have cleaned it. It is disappointing that other people's reviews are good. I will not use it again.
e n on Google

大分前の話だけど…この店舗になって初めてオイル交換に行ったとき、道路沿いから入って車を停めました。 そしたら、店員Sが「そっちに停めたのかよ、移動めんどくせーな、チッ」と舌打ちしてきました。 車を買う前までは丁寧です。 買ってからは対応が雑になります。 知り合いに紹介して、知り合いが車を買うと紹介者にも紹介料としてもらえるのは知っていましたが、4台紹介した後に「紹介料渡すからまたよろしく」と言って、4台分はもらえませんでした。 Eもまだいるのかね。
Oita's story ... When I first went to this store to change the oil, I entered along the road and stopped. Then, the clerk S tongues, "Why did you stop there, it's awkward to move. It is polite until you buy a car. After buying, the correspondence will be rough. I knew that if I introduced a friend to an acquaintance and bought a car, the referrer would also get a referral fee, but after introducing 4 cars, I said, "I will give you a referral fee again" and I got 4 cars did not. Is E still there?
ガチャピン on Google

大変、いいお店でした。 二台目の購入でしたが、一台目購入同様すごく良く対応していただきました。 初めての方でも安心できるお店だとおもいました。 整備工場もあり、大変安心して購入できました。 次に、娘の車もあるので、是非、御社にお願いしたいと思っています。
It was a very good shop. Although it was the second purchase, I received very good response as the first purchase. I thought that it was a store where even first-time users could feel at ease. There was also a maintenance shop, and I was able to purchase it with great confidence. Next, I have a daughter's car, so I would like to ask your company.
へーこきましたねあなた on Google

今回も東北自動車販売さんにお世話になり6台目の購入となります。昔からお世話になりスタッフさんも親切で家族共々お世話になっております。 はて、口コミを見て思ったのですが思いもよらないことが書いてありびっくりしました笑 私はそんなこと全くなかったのでビックリしました‼️あんな書き方をする人がいるんだと思いガッカリしました泣 こんな公の場であんな書き方をする人の気が分かりません 何台も紹介してるんであればそれなりの中かと思うのですが・・・そこまで仲良くないのか笑 まっ、いろんな人がいる中スタッフさんも大変ですね❗️私は勝手に洗車しに遊びに行くし友達いっぱい紹介しますのでこれからもよろしくお願いします?最高の車屋でおすすめです❣️
This time, I will be taking care of by Tohoku Motor Sales, and it will be my sixth purchase. The staff has been very kind and helpful to me and my family. I thought after seeing the word of mouth, but I was surprised at the unexpected thing written. I was surprised because there was no such thing at all! ️I was disappointed because I thought that there are people who write like that. I can't understand the people who write in such public places. If you're introducing a lot of cars, I think it's something like that ... Well, while there are various people, the staff is also tough ❗️ I will go out to wash the car arbitrarily and introduce my friends so please continue to support me ? Recommended at the best car shop ❣️
ほっぱー on Google

About 2.3 years ago, when my girlfriend bought a car, was it a dealer? Exchange contacts with. After that, while dating her, the dealer at that time sent me many private messages that had nothing to do with my work, and she was in trouble. At the end, I sent him "Do you have a boyfriend?", So it was really unpleasant. It says that women are welcome, but please be aware that there are staff members who are willing to deal with female customers. Attention should be paid to Mr. S, a good old Ossan staff.
じゅん on Google

飛び込み当日予約にもかかわらず、タイヤの履き替えをしてくれました!! あまりの作業の早さにビックリしてしまうぐらい、手際が良かったです。 また機会があればぜひ、お願いしたい地元の車屋さんですね!
Even though I made a reservation on the day of the dive, he changed the tires! !! It was so smart that I was surprised at how fast the work was. If you have another chance, I would definitely like to ask a local car shop!

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