Bishamon - Kato

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bishamon

住所 :

2326 Kamitakino, Kato, Hyogo 679-0211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798989
Postal code : 679-0211

2326 Kamitakino, Kato, Hyogo 679-0211, Japan
クーちゃんCUCYAN on Google

常連です。 但馬牛がマジで美味しい 値段も他の焼肉屋より安い。 同じ値段で妥協しながら食うなら 一度は行ってみるべき
I'm a regular. Tajima beef is really delicious The price is also cheaper than other yakiniku restaurants. If you eat while compromising at the same price Should go once
はるさく on Google

お肉柔らかくて、 ネギ塩タンもネギを包んであって、 食べやすかったです! こんなに美味しいクッパは他では食べたことなく、また食べたいと思いました!
The meat is tender Green onion salt is also wrapped in green onions, It was easy to eat! I have never eaten this delicious Kuppa before and I wanted to try it again!
バロバロバロン on Google

ランチはお得で美味しいです。 ¥1000ちょっとかな? ご飯もお代わり自由で最高! それと、しびれ という部位は他の店ではあんまり見ないので、食べる価値あるかも…?? 美味しくて、リーズナブル。
Lunch is good value and delicious. I wonder if it is ¥ 1,000. Good food is also free and great! Also, because I don't see so much at other stores, may it be worth eating ...? ? Delicious and reasonable.
上村典正 on Google

Nikku (meat), to the effect! ? Recommended is tongue. It is recommended to ask for a meat platter ?
木本豊 on Google

地元で人気店と言うことで神戸の須磨からドライブがてら車を走らせて行ってきました。 私も妻もランチのA定食を注文。暫くして出てきた料理を見てびっくり超豪華。これで1人前1200円とは驚きのコストパフォーマンス。神戸だとおそらく2000円は超えると思います。味も最高。女性のスタッフの方も気さくで親切丁寧な方でした。帰り際に厨房奥にいたご主人さんも会釈して頂きこのお店のお客に対する思いやりが垣間見えました。是非また行きたいと思います。おすすめです。
Since it is a popular shop in the local area, I drove from Suma in Kobe to drive. Both my wife and I ordered the A set meal for lunch. I was surprised to see the food that came out after a while and it was super luxurious. This is a surprising cost performance of 1200 yen per person. In Kobe, it will probably exceed 2000 yen. The taste is also the best. The female staff was also friendly, kind and polite. On my way home, my husband, who was in the back of the kitchen, gave me a nod, and I got a glimpse of the compassion for the customers at this restaurant. I definitely want to go there again. it's recommended.
Keiji Endo on Google

I used it at night. It was very delicious, but I used it for 5 people and paid about 40,000 yen. I didn't know until the liquidation because there was no course. Also, be careful as you don't even have a warmer on the toilet seat of the man's toilet.
hgtn BHG on Google

いつも利用してます。相方はAランチ1200円に税。私はBランチ1000円に税。。お肉は一緒に食べます。お肉が本当に美味しくて最高です。Aセットについている豚肉や鶏肉も素晴らしいです。 お店の方も感じが良く白ごはんはお代わり自由ですし(Aランチ)大食いでも大丈夫。付属のキムチも美味しい。大変高品質でリーズナブルでお気に入りです。お昼営業は週末のみらしいです。
I always use it. The companion is taxed on A lunch 1200 yen. I tax B lunch 1000 yen. .. I eat meat together. The meat is really delicious and the best. The pork and chicken that come with the A set are also great. The shop feels good and you can replace the white rice freely (A lunch). The included kimchi is also delicious. Very high quality, reasonable and favorite. It seems that lunch is open only on weekends.
マーカスアイランド on Google

ランチで訪問。焼肉屋さん。AとBのランチを注文。ボリュームあってお得感強い。お冷が烏龍茶なのもポイント高い。 ただ、タバコが吸えるのが残念。
Visit for lunch. Yakiniku restaurant. I ordered lunch for A and B. There is a lot of volume and it is very profitable. The point is that the cold is oolong tea. However, it is a pity that I can smoke.

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