平塚ワイン酒場 イザヴィーノ

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 平塚ワイン酒場 イザヴィーノ

住所 :

Beniyacho, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0043 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Webサイト : https://restaurant-43618.business.site/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Beniyacho, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0043 Kanagawa,Japan
もちもちもっちーず on Google

ワインボトルが2000均一につられて行きました。 酒屋で買うと600-800円くらいのワインが並んでいてワインラックから好きなのを選べます。 一番人気と書いてあったバーニャカウダーは800円。コレはコスパ悪く高いし1番人気とは思えない! サラダはこれとポテサラしかない。 フィッシュアンドチップスがアジフライなのも驚いた!!!普通、白身魚じゃない?! メニューにアジフライってあるし。美味しいかったですが。 それとメニューが見ずらい...。 2軒目とかでフード少なく、酒の味もよくわからなくなって行くにはいいかもですね。
The wine bottles were drawn 2000 uniformly. If you buy it at a liquor store, you can choose from a wine rack that has 600-800 yen of wine. The most popular Bagna cauda is 800 yen. This is expensive and I don't think it is the most popular! Salad has only this and potesara. I was surprised that Fish and Chips was fly! Isn't it usually white fish ?! There is a fly in the menu. It was delicious. And the menu is hard to see ... It might be a good idea to go out with a little food at the second house and not even know the taste of sake.
衣穂 on Google

ワインはまあまあ、体に悪いでも美味しい?白レバはコスパ良しでしたが、その他はそんなにコスパは良くありません。 でも感じの良いお店ではありました。チャンスがあればもう一度?と、思います。
Is the wine so good, even if it's bad for you? White liver was good for cospa, but other than that, cospa is not so good. But it was a nice shop. If you have a chance, again? I think.
まっちゃん on Google

自家製のお酒が美味しかった。 料理も美味しい。 アヒージョはしょっぱかったかな。 ハラミは絶品でした。 店の人が客に媚びない接客って感じで、私は楽だったけど、丁寧に接客してほしい人には向かないかな。 またハラミ食べたくなったら行きます。
The homemade sake was delicious. The food is also delicious. I wonder if Ahijo was salty. Harami was excellent. I felt that the shop staff didn't flirt with customers, so I was comfortable, but I think it's not suitable for people who want to serve customers politely. I will go again if I want to eat Harami.
ナカナミ on Google

Wine and tapas If you want to have fun here. You can choose wine to drink in 2000 yen
佐藤誠 on Google

30種類から選べるフルボトルワイン1本2,000円が人気を呼ぶイタリアン酒場。 ワインをメインに飲むとリーズナブルなお会計になると思います。 料理も面白いメニューが多数。 ぶっかけしらすのペペロンチーノは特盛でいただきましょう♪
An Italian bar where you can choose from 30 types of full bottle wine for 2,000 yen. I think that if you drink wine mainly, it will be a reasonable accounting. There are many interesting dishes on the menu. Let's have a special bukkake shirasu peperoncino ♪
朝井 on Google

It is easy for even one woman to enter. The restaurant has a bright atmosphere with delicious food and sake. I will come again. Since there are few small-sized snacks, it may be a good idea to carefully select what you want to eat when you are alone.
Mポセイドン on Google

初めて行きましたが、料理にハズレが無い と言うかまんべんなく美味しい。 お酒が飲めない人には少ししょっぱいかも。 接客の女性も色々と説明してくれて分かりやすかった。ありがとう♪ 仕事が丁寧なお店。感染対策もしっかりしてて安心して食事が出来ました!
I went there for the first time, but there is no loss in cooking It's delicious evenly. It may be a little salty for people who can't drink alcohol. The woman who served the customer also explained various things and it was easy to understand. Thank you ♪ A shop where work is polite. I was able to eat with peace of mind because I had good infection control measures!
Coco .O on Google

Decent wine bar at a good price.

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