Beisia Supermarket Isesaki Station

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Beisia Supermarket Isesaki Station

Isesaki, 〒372-0000 Gunma,Japan
渡辺梨恵 on Google

駅チカ? スーパーだけでわなく!歯科、証券、市役所出張所?的な あとゎ時々現れます!バクだん焼き! お好み焼きともんじゃのいいとこ取りらしいですが 大きいたこ焼き……(笑)でもあじゎ美味しい 食べたくなる美味しさだとおもいます セーブオンゎ間もなく閉店?です 中にある!アイスメロンパンももう少しで会えなくなります!どうかお早めに
Station Chika ? Not just in the supermarket! Dentistry, securities, city hall branch office? Typical Also, it will appear from time to time! Bakudan-yaki! It seems that okonomiyaki and monjayaki are good points. Big takoyaki ... (laughs) But it's delicious I think it's delicious that you want to eat Save On ゎ Closed soon ? It's inside! I will not be able to meet ice melon bread soon! Please as soon as possible
さと on Google

品揃えも良く買い物しやすい。 でも、時々売場に無く違う場所にある時は探してしまうのが少し残念ですね。
Good assortment and easy to shop. But sometimes it's a little disappointing to look for it when it's not in the sales floor and in a different place.
A Ko on Google

駅前の食品スーパー。 生鮮食品から中食、冷食他、日常的な食品は大体揃います。 近隣にスーパーはある物の、穴だったエリアに出来た店なので、行動圏内にある人には便利です。 駐車場もソコソコ有ります。
Food supermarket in front of the station. We have a wide range of daily foods such as fresh foods, ready-to-eat foods, and cold foods. Although there is a supermarket nearby, it is a store that was built in a holed area, so it is convenient for people who are in the area of ​​activity. There is also a parking lot.
りと(ぼちぼち) on Google

近くのもう1軒のISのベイシアと違い、衣類やおもちゃ売り場などは無い。 食品と洗剤などの日用品に特化している。 1番嬉しいのは処方箋取り扱い薬局が中にあること。ここで処方箋を出して買い物を済ませるのがルーティンです。 個人的に嬉しいことは、これはベイシア全体に言えることで、このレビューで言う必要は無いとは思うが……。ハーゲンダッツが何故かとても安い事が1番嬉しいです。いつも買いすぎてしまいます。 ありがとうございます。
Unlike the close of another 1 Cheap IS Beisia, such as clothing and toys department is not. We are specializing in commodities such as food and detergent. No. 1 glad that there in the prescription handling pharmacy. Here's the routine to dispense the shopping out a prescription. Personally happy thing is, this is able to say to the entire Beisia, I think that there is no need to say in this review, but .... Haagen-Dazs is that it is the No. 1 happy for some reason very cheap. I always buy too much. thank you.
Quyền Nguyễn Huy on Google

not good 。
James Andrew Schmidt on Google

Very cheap goods. It was quick and easy to grab a quick bite to eat between train transfers.
Lyka Fox on Google

Excellent selection. Was able to find many plant-based condiments that couldn't be found at any other store
peterchong11 on Google

Superb varieties of food n fruits. Strongly recommend for you to buy crackers /souvenirs /sake /soju to bring home as souvenir. Cheap, even better than buying from duty free airport. Ample parking, and yes, it's free parking!

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