芳賀 - Kakogawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 芳賀

住所 :

Befucho Shinobe Kitamachi, Kakogawa, 〒675-0121 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 675-0121
街 : Hyogo

Befucho Shinobe Kitamachi, Kakogawa, 〒675-0121 Hyogo,Japan
mi xi on Google

パッとしない外見ですが、入ってみると意外に明るくて洒落た店内です。 ランチは見た目、味、量、値段ともに大満足。 自宅から距離があるのが難点ですが、また行きたいと思います。
It looks awkward, but it's surprisingly bright and stylish when you enter. Lunch is very satisfying in appearance, taste, quantity and price. It is difficult to stay away from home, but I want to go again.
ゆうべー on Google

I often use it for lunch because my house is near.
はしやす on Google

I was able to eat delicious food in a calm atmosphere. Next time, I would like to try the Omakase dishes that match the menu. (Reservation required by the day before)
吉川淳一 on Google

Lunch ☀️ ? Supper ? ? Both are good ?️ (* `・ ω ・) ゞ After couple ❓️ Friendly, feeling and cozy. CORONA measures are also widespread ☺️ Please come and visit us!
工藤勝司 on Google

久しぶりに、帰郷してランチを頂きました。 うな丼を食しましたが、なかなか美味しいかったです
After a long time, I returned home and had lunch. I ate Unadon, but it was delicious
Myungmee Choi on Google

It was the first time in 15 or 6 years, but it was very delicious. The hamburger was very soft and the salad dressing was great. ¥ 1320 with coffee and cake, cospa is the best.
Miranda on Google

ランチに何度も来てますが、料理はどれも美味しいです!家では再現できないレベルの高さです。魚か肉か選べるランチでおすすめは魚も美味しいですが、個人的にはお肉の鶏の竜田揚げです!デザート、コーヒー(オレンジジュースも可)、サラダ、味噌汁、一品料理ついてこのお値段はかなりお得だと思います。店の雰囲気も店の方々もとても感じが良いです! *第1.3の火曜日と水曜日は定休日だそうです*
I've been to lunch many times, but the food is delicious! It is a level that cannot be reproduced at home. For lunch where you can choose fish or meat, the fish is delicious, but personally, it's fried chicken in Tatsuta! For desserts, coffee (orange juice is also acceptable), salads, miso soup, and single dishes, I think this price is quite good. The atmosphere of the store and the people at the store are very nice! * The 1.3th Tuesday and Wednesday are closed *
とりにく on Google

ここの若鶏の竜田揚げは最高。 普段なら揚げ物で鶏肉1枚なんて一人じゃ絶対食べきれないんだけど、ここは揚げ方が上手いから胸焼けせずに完食できちゃう。 駐車スペース、店の前は2台のみだけどお店の斜め向かいの駐車場にも止められるので安心。
The young chicken tatsutaage here is the best. Normally, I can't eat a piece of chicken alone with fried food, but I'm good at frying here, so I can finish it without heartburn. There are only two parking spaces in front of the store, but you can park in the parking lot diagonally opposite the store, so you can rest assured.

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