Beck's Coffee Shop - Saitama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Beck's Coffee Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-16-12 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 330-0063
Webサイト :

1 Chome-16-12 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan
Yokote Ryosuke on Google

改札内にある小さなカフェ 喫煙席は奥まったところにあります。土地柄少し小さめの店舗ですが、席数は多く、つまり狭いという印象です。
A small cafe smoking seats that are within the ticket gate is located at the place where recessed. Is a land pattern slightly smaller stores, but the number of seats a lot, that is, the impression that narrow.
M M on Google

1人客には使いやすい、カウンター席ばかり。ただ、狭い。荷物の置き場がない…。 メニューを指差しまでして注文したのに、フードを間違えられててガッカリしました。
Only counter seats are easy to use for one person. However, it is narrow. There is no storage space for luggage ... I even pointed at the menu and ordered, but I was disappointed because I made a mistake in the hood.
うじまっちゃ on Google

便利だけど狭すぎる。落ち着かない。 いい加減全面禁煙にして欲しいものです。
It's convenient but too narrow. I'm restless. I want you to quit smoking entirely.
山本一美 on Google

I went to lunch on weekdays in March 2022. Eight kinds of vegetable minestrone are missing from the menu. When I asked the clerk, it was gone. It was my favorite. Please revive.
Er Ng (sakaryon) on Google

駅ナカらしくちょっとした時間調整向けのお店ですかね。狭いですし、完全分煙とはいえ喫煙席がありのますので。 他の方も記載されていますがこの狭さ、席数でもリモートワークや仕事の電話をかける人と遭遇する確率が高い気がします。見たくなくてもPC画面が目に入りますし電話は聞こえますので、業務上の情報管理とかテキトーな方なんでしょね。残念です。
Isn't it a shop for a little time adjustment like station Naka? It's small and there are smoking seats even though it's completely smoke-free. Others are also mentioned, but even with this small number of seats, I feel that there is a high probability of encountering people who make remote work or work calls. Even if you don't want to see it, you can see the PC screen and hear the phone, so you're a business information manager or a techie. I'm sorry.
toshi NT on Google

一部の席にコンセントありです。 日曜日の朝10時頃はそんなに混んでないです。
There are outlets in some seats. It's not so crowded around 10am on Sunday morning.
せきどたいぞう on Google

初訪、駅での待ち合わせで時間が出来てしまいお邪魔しました。 まあまあ混んでいて、ソーシャルディスタンスで椅子をひとつずつ空けており、最後の席しか空いてなくて、座ったのですが、壁との間がほとんどなくて横向きにしか座れず辛かったです。その席は考えた方がいいかと思いました。 いただいたのは、コーヒーゼリーとアメリカンコーヒーでした。2つともなかなか美味しかったです。
The first visit, the meeting at the station gave me time to bother me. It was fairly crowded, I had one chair open at a social distance, and I sat down with only the last seat available, but it was hard to sit sideways because there was almost no space between the walls. I thought it was better to think about that seat. I had coffee jelly and American coffee. Both were quite delicious.
ニタシゲユキ on Google

駅なかにあるBECK'S COFFEE。カウンター席にはコンセントがあってとても便利。時間調整が必要なときに良いお店です。
BECK'S COFFEE in the station. There is an outlet at the counter seat, which is very convenient. It's a good shop when you need to adjust the time.

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