Baskin Robbins - Kusatsu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Baskin Robbins

住所 :

センターコート, アル・プラザ草津, 1階, 1 Chome-23-30 Nishishibukawa, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 525-0025
Webサイト :
Description : Colorful ice cream parlor chain known for its many flavors plus sorbet & yogurt.

センターコート, アル・プラザ草津, 1階, 1 Chome-23-30 Nishishibukawa, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0025, Japan
ぐりぽん on Google

It's expensive, so it's only a rare occasion, but children are happy and delicious, and the customer service is very good, so the shop is comfortable to use.
ヤッさん on Google

I bought it because I wanted ice cream at this time. The staff was very friendly and I was able to shop comfortably.
めれんげめれんげ on Google

私の知る限り最安値で31が食べられます! 訪問時はスモールシングル280円でした
As far as I know, you can eat 31 at the lowest price! It was 280 yen for a small single at the time of the visit
もちもっち on Google

普段は近くにベンチがあるのですが、催事などしていると、撤去されており食べるところに困ります( ̄▽ ̄;)
I usually have a bench nearby, but when I am doing a special event, I'm being removed and having trouble eating ((̄ ;;)
金森澄枝 on Google

Instead of a birthday cake, we celebrated with 12 ice creams. I am satisfied with my favorite ice cream!
C U on Google

注文してから少し時間がかかりすぎている印象。 なのですぐに行列になる。 しかしながらアイスは美味しいので待ってでも買いたくなる^^;
Impression that it took a little too long after ordering. So it will be a line soon. However, the ice cream is delicious so I want to buy it even if I wait ^^;
Rick Hrn on Google

Amit Patel on Google

Good shop

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