4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Nakayamacho, Inuyama, 〒484-0087 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 484-0087
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Nakayamacho, Inuyama, 〒484-0087 Aichi,Japan
asami on Google

I went in after seeing the reviews at my travel destination. I ate appetizers, omelets, pizza and pasta, but they were all delicious! The appetizer platter seems to change depending on the time, but it is especially recommended because I enjoyed eating it in various ways. The customer service and the store were comfortable, and I wish I were in the neighborhood.
ok gk on Google

一人でも気兼ねなく入れるいいお店です。気軽にイタリアンが楽しめる感じ。料理は味は良く盛り付けもきれいで、グランドメニューと黒板メニューがあるので時期によって別の味を楽しめそうなのもGoodです。前菜盛合せは色々乗っていて満足感があり、フライドポテトは小振りのじゃがいもを丸ごと揚げていてホクホクで美味しく、キッシュは旨みが強くてお酒に良く合います。 2回目にデザートでさつまいものタルトを食べましたが、生地は甘過ぎず、ほのかにさつまいもの風味があり、タルト生地は固過ぎずサクサクしていて美味しかったです。チェーンの喫茶店でコーヒーとケーキを食べるならここでデザートまで頂きたいと感じました。
It's a good shop where you can go alone. Feel free to enjoy Italian. The food is delicious and well arranged, and there is a grand menu and a blackboard menu, so it's good that you can enjoy different tastes depending on the season. Assorted appetizers are a variety of rides and satisfying, fried potatoes are fried whole potatoes are delicious and delicious, quiche has a strong taste and goes well with alcohol. I ate sweet potato tart for dessert the second time, but the dough was not too sweet and had a faint sweet potato flavor, and the tart was not too hard and crunchy and delicious. I felt like dessert here if I had coffee and cake at a chain coffee shop.
T Kodama on Google

No matter what you eat, it's delicious, but the pizza is lightly baked and crispy. The desserts are also handmade, especially the mascarpone cheese pudding. The price is also very good at a reasonable price.
まめ吉 on Google

だんなさんと二人でランチに行って、とっても美味しくって夫婦二人とも気に入って、私の誕生日のクリスマスイブに家族4人で夜食べに行きました。 ランチでは食べられないいろんな料理を頼みましたが、どれを食べても美味しいです? 下の子がまだ小学生ですが、食に意外とうるさく、美味しくないと食べないのですが、ボッコの料理はどれもおいしい!と言ってました。 今日は、高校生の上の子とランチに行きました。今日もおいしかったです! 緊急事態宣言が解除されたから?か、今日はお客さんが多かったので行かれる方は予約されると良いかも?です。 次回は、予約して…かテイクアウトでまた利用させて頂きますね。
I went to lunch with my husband, it was so delicious and both couples liked it, so I went to eat at night with my family on Christmas Eve on my birthday. I ordered various dishes that I can't eat at lunch, but all of them are delicious ? My younger child is still in elementary school, but the food is surprisingly noisy and I can't eat it unless it's delicious, but all of Bocco's dishes are delicious! I said. Today, I went to lunch with my older child in high school. It was delicious today too! Is it because the state of emergency has been lifted? Or maybe it's better to make a reservation for those who go because there were many customers today? is. Next time, I will make a reservation ... or use it again for takeout.
onon r on Google

行きつけのお気に入りのイタリアン。何食べても本当に美味しいですが個人的に鶏ハムとキッシュが大好きです。ナッツとはちみつとゴルゴンゾーラチーズのピザは甘さとしょっぱさがやみつきになります。 気さくで多才な面白いオーナーさんがやってる居心地のいいお店です。これからもいっぱい食べに行きますね。
岸大助 on Google

ランニングしている時にいつも気になっていたお店で。13時過ぎに訪問。店の前には既に停められていたので。もう一つの駐車場が裏とありましたが裏ではなく少し離れたところでしたね。 クリームパスタのランチを注文。前菜、フォカッチャ、ドリンクも付いて1100円です。 前菜が美味しい。味付けが最高です。普段はクリームパスタは全く食べませんが、色々ありまして。とても美味しいです。麺の硬さもいい感じでアルデンテより気持ち硬いくらいで私好みでした。味もクリームですが、さっぱりとしているけど深みもあってこのクリームパスタは大好きになりました。常連さんがいらっしゃるようで、もう少しこちら側のことも気にしていただけると良かったかなぁと。とはいえ店舗の雰囲気、皆さんの感じ良さはしっかりと感じ取れました。常連になりたいですね。ごちそうさまでした。
At the store that I was always interested in when I was running. Visited after 13:00. It was already parked in front of the store. There was another parking lot on the back, but it wasn't on the back but a little far away. I ordered a cream pasta lunch. Appetizer, focaccia and drink are included for 1100 yen. The appetizer is delicious. The seasoning is the best. I don't usually eat cream pasta at all, but there are many. it tastes very good. The hardness of the noodles was also nice and it was harder than al dente, so I liked it. The taste is cream, but it's refreshing but deep, so I love this cream pasta. It seems that there are regulars, and I wish I could be more concerned about this side. However, I could feel the atmosphere of the store and everyone's feelings. I want to be a regular. Thank you for the meal.
T Wallabi on Google

凹でランチ??ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ お店は大盛況〜☀ メインはパスタ3種/ピザ2種からひとつ選ぶよ。サラダにスープに自家製パンにドリンクまでついてきて1,100円? oomori+100円? インスタをチラチラ見ていて「おいひほー(^q^)」と期待して伺ったのだけど、案の定? マスターのセンスが良いんだろうなぁ…きっと他も何食べても美味しんだろなぁ…?♥ ボリュームはしっかりあった。けど、デザートが食べたくて勢いで追加注文?? ふたりで行ったんだけど、何も言わずとも2等分にしてくれた♡ (元々独り占めするつもりだったんだけど、せっかくなのでシェアすることに乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ 店員さんの接客もホスピタリティ溢れてたよーー!ま、マスターとかなり喋ってたのが気になるっちゃ気になるけど?
Lunch at the concave ??ʕ • ᴥ • ʔ The shop is a great success ~ ☀ I'll choose one from 3 types of pasta / 2 types of pizza. Salad, soup, homemade bread and drinks are included for 1,100 yen ? oomori + 100 yen ? I was glancing at Instagram and asked for "Oihiho (^ q ^)", but as expected ? I think the master's sense is good ... I'm sure it's delicious no matter what else I eat ... ? ♥ The volume was solid. However, I wanted to eat dessert, so I made an additional order ? ? I went with them, but they divided it into two equal parts without saying anything ♡ (I originally intended to monopolize it, but I decided to share it because it was a big deal ˘ o ˘ ㄏ The customer service of the clerk was also full of hospitality! Well, I'm worried that I was talking to the master quite a bit ?
Moon Sun on Google

I really love eating here. I invited my friends and co.workers to have dinner or lunch together and they like it too! Very satisfied with the taste, special mention their carbonara and mushroom pizza!

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