Bar Reveur(バー リヴェール)田町

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bar Reveur(バー リヴェール)田町

住所 :

Shibaura, Minato City, 〒108-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7PM–5AM
Sunday 7PM–5AM
Monday 7PM–5AM
Tuesday 7PM–5AM
Wednesday 7PM–5AM
Thursday 7PM–5AM
Friday 7PM–5AM
街 : Tokyo

Shibaura, Minato City, 〒108-0023 Tokyo,Japan
PAL -BLAC[k] on Google

Basically, we are open 7 days a week, but it seems that 3 young people are entering by shift division as a master. How to make a cocktail is polite and minor items are well studied.
小川悠樹 on Google

こじんまりとした佇まいながら ウィスキー、カクテルにこだわりがあるお店。 店内はジェームズディーンやオードリーの写真が飾られ。オールドムービーが流れるゆったりとした空間。 若いマスターも柔らかい雰囲気で1人でも安心していけますねー
While having a small appearance A shop that specializes in whiskey and cocktails. The store is decorated with photos of James Dean and Audrey. A spacious space where old movies flow. Even a young master can feel at ease alone in a soft atmosphere.
うぉり on Google

マスターのトークのジャンルが広く色んな会話を楽しみながら、 お酒も楽しめるバーです。 店内も落ち着いた装飾なので、ゆっくりお酒を楽しみたい方にもおすすめ。
While enjoying various conversations with a wide range of master talk genres It is a bar where you can enjoy alcohol. The interior of the store is also calmly decorated, so it is recommended for those who want to enjoy sake slowly.
しま on Google

落ち着いた店内は、 仕事帰りなどにフラッとよれる雰囲気のお店です。 250種類以上の洋酒があり、その時の気分で美味しいカクテルやウイスキーが飲めました。 マスターの安心感がさらに心地よく カクテルやウイスキーが飲めます!
The calm interior It is a shop with an atmosphere that makes you feel like you are on your way home from work. There were more than 250 kinds of Western liquor, and I was able to drink delicious cocktails and whiskey in the mood at that time. The sense of security of the master is even more comfortable You can drink cocktails and whiskey!
wako kudeken on Google

A nice bar where you can smoke, which is held in Tamachi until late at night on Sundays ?
Tatsuya M on Google

I entered the store on Friday night. It was quite crowded. When I happened to go there, I got a free glass of champagne for the anniversary. Whiskey is quite complete. There were two bartenders, both of whom were very friendly.
勝呂ゆう on Google

芝浦に佇む 路面店。 なかはアットホームでオシャレ! ボトルもこの広さのバーにしては所狭しと並んでいて種類がおおいですね。 恵比寿のお店から紹介してもらって来ましたが 店員さんは田町に来たり恵比寿に行ったりしてるらしい。 変わらずめっちゃフレンドリー✨ こちらは1人でやってるようで のんびりとおちついてのめる。 おすすめ!
Standing in Shibaura Roadside store. Naka is fashionable at home! The bottles are lined up in a narrow space for a bar of this size, and there are many types. I was introduced by a shop in Ebisu The clerk seems to come to Tamachi and go to Ebisu. Very friendly as ever ✨ This seems to be done alone Relax and calm down. recommendation!
Ami P on Google

Gem with a good selection of single malts

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