Bam Feel - Daisen

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bam Feel

住所 :

Kawamae-316-5 Tochiya, Daisen, Akita 014-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 014-0801
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

Kawamae-316-5 Tochiya, Daisen, Akita 014-0801, Japan
斎藤晃己 on Google

Of course, the omelet rice was delicious, but it was also open and delicious.
はじパパ on Google

数ヶ月前に来店した感想をあえて今書きます。ネットの口コミ等でかなりの高評価でしたが・・・期待しすぎたせいか噂のオムライスは見た目は素晴らしかったですが、食べたら至って普通でした(普通以下かな?)欲張ってダブルソースを頼んだ私が悪かったのか? ソースが喧嘩してバランスを崩しまくりでした。それを抜きにしても昔横手市にあった洋食屋さんのオムライスの方が圧倒的に美味しかったです。 そして数ヶ月前に来店して今投稿した理由は、来店から間もなくオーナー様からFacebookに申請がありました。メッセージ無しです。 客商売として失格です。そう言えば従業員さんの接客もそんなに良いものでは無かったから、そこら辺がオーナー様から伝染してるのでしょうか?再来店はおそらく無いですね。
I dare to write the impression that I visited the store a few months ago. It was highly evaluated by word of mouth on the net, but the rumored omelet rice looked great, probably because I expected too much, but it was quite normal when I ate it (Is it below normal?) I greedily asked for double sauce But was I wrong? The sources quarreled and lost their balance. Even without it, the omelet rice, a Western-style restaurant that used to be in Yokote, was overwhelmingly delicious. And the reason why I came to the store a few months ago and posted it now is that the owner applied to Facebook shortly after coming to the store. There is no message. I am disqualified as a customer business. By the way, the customer service of the employees was not so good, so is there any transmission from the owner? You probably won't come back.
長岡光則 on Google

Omelet rice is the best! ! You can enjoy various types and combinations. It is full in 20 minutes from the opening.
りぃだ on Google

You can also enjoy a large collaboration open cutlet and a special collaboration of omelet rice. Children can also have lunch, but there is a warning to avoid overdoing it.
M N on Google

絶品です。 いくべきです。 後悔はしません。 女の子と行っても評判が良いでしょう!
It is excellent. You should go. I don't regret it. Even if you go with a girl, it will have a good reputation!
なつきねこ on Google

超ふわ?とろ?オムライス? ランチもディナーも超最高? 子供達のテンションも急上昇? 1口食べれば幸せに? 2口食べれば夢心地? 3口食べれば その日の疲れや嫌な事も 溶けて無くなっちゃうんです? 毎回メニューのチョイスに悩むんです? 悩んでる時間が心地好い??? スタッフさんのいきとどいた 心配りに嬉しくなります??? 最高級のおもてなしに感謝?感謝? ⭐️五つじゃ少なすぎ? 私の見てる夜空の⭐️を 全部あげたいよ??? バンフィールになついちゃった?????
Super fluffy ? Toro ? Omelet rice ? Great for lunch and dinner ? Children's tension soars ? Eat one bite and be happy ? If you eat two mouths, you will feel like a dream ? If you eat 3 mouths The tiredness and unpleasant things of the day It melts and disappears ? I'm worried about the choice of menu every time ? I feel comfortable when I'm worried ??? The staff's liveliness I'm glad to worry ??? Thank you for the finest hospitality ? Thank you ? ⭐️ Five is too few ? The night sky ⭐️ I see I want to give them all ??? I'm addicted to Bam Feel ?????
T U on Google

運良く1日10食限定のプレミアム比内地鶏ミートソースのラザニア風ドリアを注文。鶏の旨みがしみ込んだトマトソースとチーズにナスやブロッコリーなどの野菜がよく絡んで美味しかったです。 客の食事後のテーブル、イスの消毒はもちろん二酸化炭素濃度の測定機も置いて換気にも気を遣われており感染症対策も万全のお店でした。
Fortunately, I ordered a lasagna-style doria with premium Hinai chicken meat sauce, which is limited to 10 meals a day. The tomato sauce and cheese soaked in the flavor of chicken were often entwined with vegetables such as eggplant and broccoli, and it was delicious. In addition to disinfecting the table and chairs after the customer's meal, the store was also careful about ventilation with a carbon dioxide concentration measuring device, and it was a perfect store for infectious diseases.
コーキ on Google

かなり以前からオムライスが食べたいと言っていた嫁さんの要望で、今日のお昼はオムライス。外食でオムライスを食べた事が殆どないので、ここはGoogleマップ頼り。 見つけたお店は住宅街の一角にあるため、少し分かり難く一度通り越してしまった。 シンプルな外観で落ち着いた店内、今年で20周年を迎えるらしいが、通り沿いではない為今の今迄知らなかった。 ここに来たのなら迷わずオムライスをオーダーするのが定番であろうが、ビーフシチューが乗ったオムライスと悩んだ末に、大きなエビフライに釣られてカレーを注文、洋食屋さんだしカレーでも間違いは無いだろう。 ビーフカレーに大きなエビフライが2本乗っている。エビフライはカリカリで歯応え良く頭から尻尾まで美味しいし、カレーに外れは無い。小鉢のサラダもコンソメスープも美味しくて、もっと食べたかった。 嫁さんのオムライスもちょっと拝借、たまごがフワッフワ、かつて食べた事のない食感にビックリ、やっぱりオムライスを食べるべきだったかなぁ。
At the request of my wife, who had said that she wanted to eat omelet rice for a long time, today's lunch is omelet rice. I rarely eat omelet rice when eating out, so I rely on Google Maps here. The shop I found was in a corner of a residential area, so it was a little difficult to understand and I passed by once. It seems that this year will be the 20th anniversary of the calm interior with a simple appearance, but I did not know until now because it is not along the street. If you come here, it would be standard to order omelet rice without hesitation, but after worrying about omelet rice with beef stew, I was caught by a big fried shrimp and ordered curry. There will be no. Two big fried shrimp are on the beef curry. The fried shrimp is crispy and crunchy and delicious from head to tail, and the curry does not come off. The salad in a small bowl and the consomme soup were delicious and I wanted to eat more. My wife's omelet rice was also borrowed a little, the egg was fluffy, I was surprised at the texture I had never eaten, I wonder if I should have eaten omelet rice.

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