
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Baku

住所 :

Sasazuka, Shibuya City, 〒151-0073 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Sasazuka, Shibuya City, 〒151-0073 Tokyo,Japan
きくもとまさみ on Google

笹塚駅前、甲州街道に面したネット喫茶・マンガ喫茶です。 会員登録制ではなく、個室でもありませんので、女性や親子家族でも安心して立ち寄れます。ネット端末は1階と2階に複数台あり、急ぎ資料作成して印刷したり情報検索したりできますので、助かります。 2018年春新装開店して、スパゲッティーやカレーといった軽食はやめたようです。
It is an internet cafe / manga cafe that faces the Sasazuka station, the Koshu Highway. Because it is not a membership registration system, it is not a private room, so women and parent families can drop in with confidence. There are multiple net terminals on the first floor and the second floor, it can be saved because you can create documents, print and search information quickly. It seems that we stopped snacks such as spaghetti and curry after opening a new store in the spring of 2018.
林みろく on Google

駅から近く、値段も安価でパソコンもハイスペック。外出も比較的容易で周囲に飲食店も多いので困らない。 個室は無いが基本的に空いているのであまり気にならない、居心地のいいお店です。
Close to the station, the price is low and the PC is high spec. It is easy to go out and there are many restaurants around, so there is no problem. There is no private room, but it is basically a vacant room, so it is a cozy shop that does not matter much.
森弘繁 on Google

I wanted to see the devil's blade at a glance and bothered me. There are no private booths, all are open desks and only tsuitates, but everyone is quiet. I am grateful for the ease with which it can be used without membership registration.
筧行夫 on Google

I always buy novels at Book Off, but I entered this shop for the first time. The product lineup was very good for me, so I will stop by when I go to Sasazuka again.
shun shun on Google

漫画喫茶と本屋で種類もコンセプトも素晴らしいです。 ただ二階は分煙ですが本がある場所でタバコ吸われているので禁煙者にはきついです。 環境が悪いです。 他の方にもありますが店員の態度もよくありません。 ただ一階利用は2時間300円でとっても安いですし、禁煙なので快適(笑)
The type and concept are great at the Manga Cafe and Bookstore. However, smoking is smoked at the place where there is a book, but smoking is difficult for smokers on the second floor. The environment is bad. There is another person, but the attitude of the clerk is not good either. But the first floor use is very cheap for 300 yen for two hours and is comfortable because it is non-smoking (lol)
daizu days on Google

漫喫と古本屋が一緒になっている。 漫喫→かなり安い。漫画もそこそこ揃っている。二階はタバコ臭い。 古本屋→買取りは安いし買い取ってもらえないものも多い。ブックオフに持っていった方がよい。
A comic book shop and a secondhand bookstore are together. Enjoy → quite cheap. There are so many comics. The second floor smells like tobacco. Used bookstore-> Buying is cheap and there are many things you can't buy. It is better to bring it to the book off.
とうもろこし on Google

利用した事があります。 今も居るか分かりませんが恐らくバイトの女性スタッフ2人の接客が感じ悪く怖かったです。 男性スタッフさんは優しかったので残念です。 もう行く事はないと思いますがお店自体は良いので今は改善されている事を願います。
I have used it. I don't know if I'm still there, but I was afraid that the customer service of the two female staff members of the part-time job was unpleasant and scary. I am sorry that the male staff was kind. I don't think I'll go anymore, but the shop itself is good, so I hope it's improved now.
信宏岩見 on Google

本屋さんがどんどん無くなっていく世の中で貴重なリサイクル本屋さんです。 とても有難い存在です。 漫画喫茶やインターネットカフェもありますよ。
It is a valuable recycled bookstore in a world where bookstores are disappearing steadily. Thank you very much. There is also a manga cafe and an internet cafe.

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