BAKERY&CAFE Rios - Ashiya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BAKERY&CAFE Rios

住所 :

Kuregawacho, Ashiya, 〒659-0051 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 659-0051
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Kuregawacho, Ashiya, 〒659-0051 Hyogo,Japan
aki67 on Google

I am using Ashiyahama store. A small bakery in a residential area. Is the price a little higher? However, they seem to be particular about the ingredients and they are all delicious... Recently, I like roasted bean sand. If the timing is right, maybe the bread of the previous day can be bought at half price?
景虎 on Google

アーモンドラスクが最高です☆! …ってか、コレしかまだ食べたことない(笑) 日曜と祝日は休みです? …祝日でしたが、シャッターが開いてたのでお邪魔したら、丁寧に対応して頂きありがとうございました♪ 40分歩いて行って良かった? 駐車場ないです…
Almond rusk is the best! … I mean, I've only eaten this (laughs) Closed on Sundays and public holidays. … It was a holiday, but thank you for responding carefully if you bother me because the shutter was open ♪ It was good to walk for 40 minutes. No parking ...
Tokyo Japan on Google

I found it by writing by another person. The mackerel sandwich was the best. Only two people can enter the store as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus.
おいぉぃ on Google

バケット美味しいけど、イマイチ、小麦の味がしない。 この写真をアップしてから、その後。 2020.10月以降とか…。 バケットが美味しくなった気がしますが、気のせいでしょうか…。 焼き目も少し濃くなり、小麦味が濃く感じて、好きな味になりました。
The bucket is delicious, but it doesn't taste like wheat. After uploading this photo, then. After October 2020 ... I feel that the bucket has become delicious, but is it because of it? The roasted eyes became a little darker, and I felt the wheat taste was stronger, and it became my favorite taste.
うり坊 on Google

以前、東山にあったコッペパンが美味しい「タマス」が移転して来た所が新しいパン屋になっていた。ここは支店で本店は東山、その住所、タマスが移転する前の場所。??? 鯖のサンドイッチが美味しい、鯖とパンの相性が良い。チョット高い。 バゲットは気泡が小さく食パンのように柔らかい、これ タマスのコッペパン? 幻のクリームパンもある。 美味しいパン屋さんを見つけました。
Previously, the “Tamas” that had delicious cupe bread in Higashiyama moved to a new bakery. This is a branch and the head office is Higashiyama, its address, and the place before Tamas moved. ? ? ? The strawberry sandwich is delicious. It ’s expensive. Baguette has small bubbles and is soft like white bread. There is also a phantom cream bread. I found a delicious bakery.
タンバリン&B on Google

A pretty bakery. The shape of the croissant has changed and it is delicious. There are various types of bread
M K on Google

大好きなパン屋さんだったのに… 昨日寄らせていただいて、ショックな出来事がありました。 外国人女性の店員さんが1人。 食パンをカットして欲しいとお願いしたら、自分で切り始めました。えっ!?と思いましたが上手なら…と思い見つめていると、ギコギコなれない手つきで、下の方にいくとパンを持ち上げてザクザク…!! たまりかねて「機械じゃないの?」と聞くと「ナイ」と一言。 出来上がりビニール袋に入れて左右から両手でバンバン!!と叩いた…。 見れば切り口ギザギザ。申し訳ないけれど切らなくていいから、と取り替えてもらいました。 店員さんの手が、ブルーギラギララメネイルなのも不快でした。ビニール手袋をしていても、やはり不潔感があります。 別の店員さんがきたので、カットは手動しかないのかお聞きしたら、機械でもできるとの返答。 わからないことは誰かにちゃんと聞くよう、指導教育ををした方が良いと思います。 そして、美味しそうなクロックムッシュを買ったんですが、家に帰って食べてみたら、なんかすごく焦げた味が…!?裏返してみたらパンの裏側が完全に焦茶色でした。こういう色のパンを使っているのか?元々こういうものなのか? いつも買う鯖サンドも、卵サンドも、シュークリームもブドウパンも、気に入らないパンはないくらいお勧めのパン屋さんだったのに、色んな意味で悲しくなりました…。 しばらくは行けなくなりそうです。
Even though it was my favorite bakery ... There was a shocking event when I stopped by yesterday. There is one foreign female clerk. When I asked him to cut the bread, I started cutting it myself. eh! ?? I thought, but if I was good at it ... I was staring at it, and when I went down, I lifted the bread and it was crunchy ...! !! When I asked "Isn't it a machine?" Put it in a plastic bag and bang it with both hands from the left and right! !! I hit ... If you look at it, the cut is jagged. I'm sorry, but I didn't have to run out, so I had it replaced. It was also unpleasant that the clerk's hand was a blue glistening nail. Even if I wear vinyl gloves, I still feel filthy. Another clerk came, so when I asked if the cut was only manual, he replied that he could do it with a machine. I think it's better to give guidance and education so that someone can ask what you don't understand. And I bought a delicious croque monsieur, but when I went home and tried it, it tasted very burnt ...! ?? When I turned it over, the back of the bread was completely dark brown. Are you using bread of this color? Is it originally like this? The mackerel sandwich, egg sandwich, cream puff, and raisin bread that I always buy were recommended bakeries so that I didn't like the bread, but I was sad in many ways ... I'm going to be unable to go for a while.
KUNI TAKE on Google

パンの種類はそう多くないけどどれも美味しかった 鯖サンドはオススメです 角食ももっちり柔らかくあっと言う間になくなってしまいました パイシューはボリュームもあって子どもたちはお気に入りです
There aren't many types of bread, but they were all delicious Mackerel sandwich is recommended The horny food is also soft and soft and disappears in a blink of an eye. Paishu has a lot of volume and children love it

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