Bakery Cafe CoCo

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bakery Cafe CoCo

住所 :

Wakasato, 〒380-0928 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : Nagano

Wakasato, 〒380-0928 Nagano,Japan
うちかつブログ on Google

You can buy delicious bread, pizza and sandwiches. It is said that they use homegrown ingredients for pizza. There is a cafe inside and it seems to be able to do it slowly!
often AHO hidechan on Google

障がいをお持ちの方の仕事興しとして社福が運営されているベーカリーのようです。 私が訪ねたときにはここで働いていらっしゃる障がいをお持ちと思われる方が一所懸命に店内のお掃除をされていて、とても微笑ましかったです。行った時間が夕方だったせいなのかはわからないですけど、レジも支援員さんのフォローをいれながら当事者さんにやってもらっても良いんじゃないかなぁと無責任ながら思ったりもしました。 で、肝心のパンのお味ですが、とても美味しいです。にんじんパンがお気に入りですが、もうちょっと甘みがあってもよいかも? 現代のように障がい者支援の仕組みがまったく確立されていなかった時代から、支援の一環としてフランスパンの製造を取り入れていた、という話しを聞いたことがありますが、実際に実践されているのを目の当たりにするとちょっと嬉しく思います。 これからも頑張ってください。また買いに行きます。
It seems like a bakery in which the company fortune is run as a workplace for people with disabilities. When I visited, the person who seems to have a disability working here was cleaning up the store very hard and was very smiling. I don't know if it was the evening I went to, but I thought irresponsibly that the cashier could follow the support staff and ask the parties to do it. So, it's an important bread taste, but it's very delicious. I like carrot bread, but may it be a little sweeter? I've heard stories about the introduction of French bread production as part of support since the time when the mechanism of supporting people with disabilities was not established at all like in modern times, but it has been actually practiced. I am a little glad to see it. Please keep doing a good job. I will go buy again.
岩おやじ on Google

It was a disaster volunteer and it was delicious with coffee and bread from the morning. Thank you very early in the morning.
Shi Sako on Google

イートインも出来るパン屋さん。イートインは、数種類の焼きたてトーストにドリンク付き又はサラダ&ドリンク付き。 パンは、優しいお味でいつも美味しくいただいています。お惣菜パンは、おすすめです。
A bakery where you can eat in. Eat-in includes several types of freshly baked toast with drinks or salads and drinks. Bread has a gentle taste and is always delicious. Side dish bread is recommended.
Mint Choco on Google

It's cheap and delicious. I think it's okay to try new works or stay at home. There are many menus, but the number of items on the shelves is small, and I thought it would be nice to have a little more, so I chose ⭐4.
カワテル on Google

There are few types of bread, but there are more types of drinks than others, so it is good to enjoy your favorite toast at the cash register.
田栗幸和 on Google

コマチの本に餡バターが載っていたので行ってみた。しばらくぶりに食べれるあんバターフランス。 カレードーナッツ (カレーパン)は普通だった。 車は店の前に停められる。 珈琲は普通です(珈琲専門店)見たいにはいかない。
There was bean paste butter in Komachi's book, so I went there. An butter France that you can eat for the first time in a while. Curry donuts (curry bread) were normal. The car is parked in front of the store. Coffee is normal (coffee specialty store) I can't go to see it.
澤田徳蔵 on Google

I entered the store for the first time ? Gomasatsu bread. Buy one pork bread for 180 yen and two, and ate it deliciously! ️ It was a treat for all the staff ?

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