Bakery Aoiniji - Ōsaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bakery Aoiniji

住所 :

Machiura-88 Sanbongi, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6321, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 989-6321
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–5PM
Friday 11AM–5PM

Machiura-88 Sanbongi, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6321, Japan
ちゃぐちゃぐ on Google

If you like your mom! The more I chewed the bread I had for tasting, the more delicious it was.
もんもんひぃちゃん on Google

ランチセットをいただきましたが、2つから選べるメニューです。 自家製のパンも販売しており、焼きたてが買えます。
I had a lunch set, but it is a menu that you can choose from two. Homemade bread is also on sale and you can buy freshly baked bread.
小野寺久美 on Google

自宅近くのパン屋さんでチェックしてましたが、今日やっと行って来ました。ちょっと影の場所なので分かりづらかったし、表通りから店までの道が細いのが難点かな。バイクや自転車、歩きだと楽勝ですね。パンは天然酵母使用で国産の粉や 近場の野菜を使っていることもあり安心できます。見た目で惹かれて買ってしまうものもありましたが、食べても美味しかった。カフェも併設されていて、買ったパンを食べる事も出来ます。私はいただいてきました? 飲み物はコーヒーと紅茶でしたが、単品で頼むより50円引きになりましたよ。コーヒー☕美味しかった。カップも大きめでたっぷりだったし? お店の方が ご夫婦? 丁寧で親切な優しい方でゆったりできました。 買い物袋を持って行くとポイントカードを出してくれて貯まると割引があるようです。パン屋さんでこの対応は初めてだったので好感度アップでした。ランチもあったのでまた行ってみましょうっと。
I checked at a bakery near my house, but I finally came today. It's a bit of a shadow, so it's hard to understand, and the narrow road from the main street to the store is difficult. Motorcycles, bicycles and walking are easy wins. The bread is made of natural yeast and uses domestic flour and nearby vegetables. Some were attracted by their appearance and bought, but they were delicious to eat. There is also a cafe where you can eat the bread you bought. I got it. The drink was coffee and tea, but it was 50 yen less than I ordered separately. Coffee was delicious. The cups were also large and generous. I was relaxed with a gentle and kind person. It seems that there is a discount when you bring your shopping bag and get a reward card and save it. This was the first time this was done at a bakery so it was a good impression. I had lunch, so let's go again.
13 on Google

天然酵母でとても体に優しいパン屋さんです☆素材にとてもこだわっていてカフェのメニューも素敵です!お値段が少し高めなのが☆4つの理由です!素材にこだわってる分、仕方ないですが^ ^カレーパンが罪悪感なく食べられるのがうれしい‼︎体にも優しい☆ベーグルもオーブントースターで焼くとカリカリでおいしいです!バターフランス?という名前のパンも美味しいです!ドライフルーツの入ってるパンもドライフルーツ自体が美味しいのでやっぱりおいしかったです!新しい種類のパンがでたら買ってまたチェックしたいと思います♪
It's a bakery that is very kind to the body with natural yeast ☆ We are very particular about the ingredients and the cafe menu is also wonderful! The price is a little high ☆ 4 reasons! I can't help it because I'm particular about the ingredients, but I'm glad that I can eat curry bread without feeling guilty! ︎Body-friendly ☆ Bagels are crispy and delicious when baked in an oven toaster! Butter France? The bread named is also delicious! The bread with dried fruits was also delicious because the dried fruits themselves were delicious! If a new kind of bread comes out, I would like to buy it and check it again ♪
米倉満良 on Google

まずパンが旨い!! 素材自体の旨味を存分に引き出している。モチモチとして噛めば噛むほど旨味が増して来る。ナチュラルで心地よいパンである。カフェも設置され、涌谷町の風車さんのオリジナルブレンドが味わえる。パンの味を引き立たせるブレンドを心掛けてるとの事。決してお洒落ではないが家庭的で落ち着ける空間が広がっている。
First of all, the bread is delicious !! The more you chew it, the more umami it gets. It is a natural and comfortable bread. There is also a cafe where you can taste the original blend of Wakuya town windmills. He says he is trying to make a blend that enhances the taste of bread. It's not so stylish, but the homey and relaxing space is expanding.
佐藤瑞 on Google

I visited for lunch. It's hard to find for the first time. There is a bakery on the entrance side and a cafe in the back, and there are about 4 tables. I ordered fried eggplant and eggplant. I'm just full with everything flattened cleanly. I want to come again.
千田奈穂美 on Google

メインの道路から入るのに入り口が狭くて解りづらかった。慈眼寺の看板を目安に行く様にすると入りやすいかも。 別な道として、YKKの工場途中の田んぼ道も解りやすいかも。 お店は食事も出来るので、ランチをしながらの買い物も良いです。 お店の方の接客も良く、店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で女子会等のランチに最適。 パンの種類は多くは無いけれど、こだわって作っているのがわかる良いお店。 ドライブしながらまた行くかも。
It was difficult to understand because the entrance was narrow even though I entered from the main road. It may be easier to enter if you use the signboard of Jiyokuji as a guide. As another road, it may be easier to understand the rice field road in the middle of the YKK factory. You can also eat at the shop, so shopping while having lunch is also good. The customer service of the shop is also good, and the inside of the shop has a calm atmosphere and is ideal for lunch at girls' associations. There aren't many types of bread, but it's a good shop where you can see that they are particular about making bread. I might go again while driving.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県大崎市三本木にあります パンとカフェ青い虹さんに行って来ました✨ 今日のランチ鶏ひきひじき蓮根団子ランチにドリンクセットを注文✨ 鶏ひきひじき蓮根団子は蓮根の食感が良くとっても可愛い✨ 身体に優しい野菜たっぷりのランチです✨ ご飯もカリカリ梅が入っていて美味しいし爽やか✨ カットした柿も季節を感じますね✨ 食後にブレンドコーヒーとチョコレートケーキ✨ ブレンドコーヒーは飲みやすいブレンドでチョコレートケーキは濃厚なお味です✨ 天然酵母のパンが人気でお客さんが絶え間なく来てましたよ✨ ごちそうさまでした✨ #大崎市三本木 #パンとカフェ青い虹 #鶏ひきひじき蓮根団子 #ドリンクセット #三本木ランチ #天然酵母パン
Located in Sanbongi, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Bread and Cafe Aoiniji-san ✨ Today's lunch I ordered a drink set for chicken hijiki lotus root dumpling lunch ✨ Chicken hijiki lotus root dumplings have a nice texture of lotus root and are very cute ✨ It's a lunch full of vegetables that are kind to the body ✨ The rice also contains crispy plums and is delicious and refreshing ✨ The cut persimmon also feels the season ✨ Blended coffee and chocolate cake after meals ✨ Blended coffee is an easy-to-drink blend and chocolate cake has a rich taste ✨ Natural yeast bread is popular and customers are constantly coming ✨ Thank you for your feast ✨ #Sanbongi, Osaki City #Bread and cafe blue rainbow #Chicken hijiki lotus root dumpling #Drink set #Sanbongi lunch #Natural yeast bread

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