Bakery - Hadano

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bakery

住所 :

2 Chome-5-18 Tsurumakiminami, Hadano, Kanagawa 257-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 257-0002

2 Chome-5-18 Tsurumakiminami, Hadano, Kanagawa 257-0002, Japan
Hadano香草 on Google

久しぶりに訪問すると、お天気が悪いのかパン棚には所狭しとパンが並んでいました。 お昼時とあってかお客さんも続々集まってきてあっという間に店内は満員になってしまいました。 新しいパンが次々と焼き上がり目移りするばかりです。(笑)
When I visited for the first time in a long time, bread was lined up on bread shelves because of bad weather. At lunchtime, customers gathered one after another and the store was quickly filled. New bread is just baked one after another. (Lol)
T. S. on Google

It's hard to imagine from the old appearance of the shop, but it's a famous shop in the local area. There was a line at 11:30 when the store opened, and the crowded store was filled with the enthusiasm of the customers, and everyone filled the tray with bread and bought it. I lined up for about 10 minutes and bought 7 breads. All breads are freshly baked, soft and very delicious. Especially, cutlet sandwich, curry bread and Russia are recommended. I'm glad that many of them are priced around 180 yen. You have to buy them side by side, but it's worth it. Be careful not to pass by because there is no sign, sudden closure, sold out, and overbuying.
美奈子 on Google

すごくレトロな雰囲気のパン屋さん。 おじいちゃんとおばぁちゃんがやってそ〜な雰囲気のお店です。(店主は おじいちゃんではないけど) 塩パンやクリームパン 食パンなど 美味しいと思います。
A bakery with a very retro feel. It is a shop with an atmosphere where grandfather and grandmother are doing. (Although the owner is not Grandpa) I think salt bread, cream bread, and bread are delicious.
kaze nekono on Google

秦野 鶴巻温泉駅からは歩ける距離かな? 県営鶴巻団地の入口にあるパン屋さん 看板がない。 パンの棚が見えるから、パン屋とわかる。 ベーカリーパン屋   そのまんまのネーミング。 棚に残りパンは残り少ない。 お店の奥では明日のパンの仕込みをしてるみたい。 声をかけると店主が出てきた。 チョココロネ 定番の菓子パン♪ パン生地しっかりしてて美味い。 焼きカレーパン マイルドなカレー入り。 かぼちゃパン。 かぼちゃが美味しい。 素朴なパンながら どれも美味しい。 焼カレーパンがあったり かぼちゃのパンとか 昔からのパン屋さんなんだろうけど 創意工夫を感じるパン屋さんです。 パンは、3個とも 160円でした。お安い!
Hadano Is it within walking distance from Tsurumaki Onsen Station? A bakery at the entrance of the prefectural Tsurumaki housing complex There is no sign. You can tell that it is a bakery because you can see the bread shelves. Bakery bakery, the name of the bakery. There is little bread left on the shelf. It seems that tomorrow's bread is being prepared in the back of the shop. When I called out, the shop owner came out. Chocolate cornet Classic sweet bread ♪ The bread dough is firm and delicious. Grilled curry bread With mild curry. pumpkin bread. Pumpkin is delicious. While rustic bread Everything is delicious. There is grilled curry bread Pumpkin bread I think it's an old bakery It is a bakery that feels ingenuity. All three breads cost 160 yen. Cheap!
タマラ on Google

I arrived too early and the shutter was still closed. There is no sign and I don't know the store. But there is a nice smell of bread. Maybe here! 40 minutes to wait. It was open at 11:30! Before the store opened, there was already a long line. It looks so good, I bought it ?
tatu on Google

It is an old-fashioned bakery with a retro atmosphere. It seemed like it was only open once in a while, but it was so popular that it would close if it sold out in the morning. The fried bread I finally bought was soft and delicious (ФωФ)
熊澤麗 on Google

It is a famous local bakery that has been loved by everyone for a long time. It's delicious no matter what you eat. Everyone says that sweet buns such as pumpkin bread and melon bread, sandwiches and bread are all delicious. It's good to give it to people, and it's a shop that makes it fun to choose for yourself and your family. When I visited the other day, I had something like this. At the cash register, when I felt that I was running out of money and said that I might not have enough money, he told me that it would be okay next time. Actually, it was enough to have it on hand, but I was a little surprised and happy to say that. One of my mottos is "Do what you want me to do", but it was a scene where I felt compassion for thinking about myself. I felt that delicious bread with compassion for people fills not only the stomach but also the hearts of people. I hope that you will continue to enjoy delicious bread if you go there.
ああ on Google

看板がないため、知らないと車とかでは通りすぎてしまうと思われます。昔は看板を掲げていたような跡があります。 土曜日の午後に伺いましたが、食パンやサンドウィッチ系は売り切れてて、クロワッサンやカレーパン、コロッケサンドやカツサンド等の惣菜パン、マロンデニッシュ等のデザート系のパンがあり、それなりに残っていました。 ピザ・クロワッサン・アップルパイ・カレーパンを購入。 ピザ…サイズがめちゃくちゃ大きいのに、ソーセージ等の具がたっぷり乗っています。 これで230円は安すぎだと思います。 味は言わずもがな美味しかったです。 アップルパイはバターの風味が感じられ、中のリンゴもシロップ漬けの甘い感じではなくリンゴそのものの甘味を生かしていました。中にカスタードクリームが入っていて非常に美味しかったです。 カレーパンは牛肉の味がすごくしました。牛脂を使っているのかと思いました。 サクサクのモチモチで美味しかったです。 量・味ともに大満足で、オススメです!
There is no sign, so if you don't know it, you may pass by a car. In the old days, there are traces of holding a sign. I visited on Saturday afternoon, but the bread and sandwiches were sold out, and there were croissants, curry bread, side dish bread such as croissant sand and cutlet sandwich, and dessert bread such as marron danish pastry, and they remained as they were. Purchased pizza, croissant, apple pie, and curry bread. Pizza ... Although the size is insanely large, there are plenty of ingredients such as sausages on it. I think 230 yen is too cheap with this. Needless to say, the taste was delicious. The apple pie had a buttery flavor, and the apples inside were not the sweetness of syrup, but the sweetness of the apples themselves. It had custard cream inside and it was very delicious. The curry bread tasted great with beef. I wondered if I was using beef tallow. It was crispy and chewy and delicious. I am very satisfied with the quantity and taste, so I recommend it!

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