
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ピールーツ

住所 :

Bainan, Nishinari Ward, 〒557-0033 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://kyoeigroup.mobi/hl-106/shop/
街 : Osaka

Bainan, Nishinari Ward, 〒557-0033 Osaka,Japan
千葉豊 on Google

西成区にあるために雰囲気は暗め。 しかし、このご時世のなか回転率重視のかたはオススメ出来る店。 初めてきましたが、地元密着の丁寧な対応。いいと思います。 駐車場がごくわずかなので、自転車 や徒歩をオススメします。
The atmosphere is dark because it is in Nishinari district. However, the shop which can recommend the person who emphasizes the turn rate in this world. It has been for the first time, but it is a polite response from the local community. I think it's good. As parking lot is very small, bicycle I would recommend walking.
まめたぴょういち on Google

交換率悪いのでパチンコもそこそこ回るし、スロットも設定6入ってる。ただ交換率が悪い(6.6枚交換)ので大勝ちは厳しいかなと。 年配の方中心で遊ばせてくれる店です。
The rate of exchange is so bad that the pachinko is going around and the slots are set 6 too. But the exchange rate is bad (6.6 pieces exchange), so the big win is tough. It is a shop that lets you play around the elderly people.
小林一也 on Google

店は悪くないが、浮浪者じみた客がうろちょろしてじゃま、ちょっと不愉快。 店のスタッフは良かった。 機会があれば、また寄りたい。
The store isn't bad, but it's a little unpleasant because the wandering customers are wandering around. The staff at the store was good. If I have a chance, I would like to stop by again.
村本直樹 on Google

This is where my girlfriend is! It may be perfect for killing time
藤原俊成 on Google

周年お見事でした。 何店舗か行った感想ですが、ピールーツ系列ではここが一番出していたのではないでしょうか。 以前のように活気を取り戻せることを切に願っております。
The anniversary was wonderful. It's an impression that I went to several stores, but I think this was the most popular in the Peerroots series. I sincerely hope that you will be able to regain your vitality as before.
岸田たかし on Google

Until last year, I could play even if I lost, but now I am running too much for profit and often not hitting. I thought it would be good if I could play at least at the exchange rate, but I couldn't even play, so I couldn't find anything better. I wonder if a major pachinko parlor is better.
タナティー on Google

The customer service is polite. However, it does not come out. I sat down on the platform rising to the right from the evening and got a nice inverted V-shaped graph with two consecutive ceilings. I think the behavior is really strange. The level is that the setting changes from morning to evening to night.
H Y on Google

カウンターにいた早番の若い女性店員。 自分がミスしたにもかかわらず謝るどころかふて腐れた態度とられました。あの人は接客業には向いてないのでは? 嫌な気分になりました。
An early female clerk at the counter. Although I made a mistake, instead of apologizing, I was taken a rotten attitude. Isn't that person not suitable for the hospitality business? I felt uncomfortable.

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