ホルモン焼き みのや

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホルモン焼き みのや

住所 :

Baika, Konohana Ward, 〒554-0013 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Baika, Konohana Ward, 〒554-0013 Osaka,Japan
makoto i on Google

いい感じのお店 夜の7時まで開いてるのが嬉しい おばちゃん元気でいつまでもホルモン焼いてな~
A nice shop I'm glad it's open until 7 pm Aunt is fine and forever grilling hormones ~
T S on Google

An aunt in Osaka that looks like a picture! Is the store that is open. I'm talking from ordering to baking. However, I don't feel unpleasant at all, but rather get energized. Hormones, including vegetables, are cheap and delicious at 150g for 300 yen. Most people take out, but you can also eat at the storefront. You can also add garlic and spiciness on request. There is no liquor for sale, so you can buy it at a liquor store nearby and bring it with you. There is a chijimi on the menu, but it seems that the quantity is limited. It is an attractive shop that makes you want to see your aunt again. (There is also a video on YouTube, so if you are interested, please take a look)
T O on Google

パツパツのジーパン着てるおばちゃんが好きだったので、すぐ低評価を付けるのでは無く、まずは質問欄に書いてオーナー様からお返事頂ければ削除するつもりでした。 が、1ヶ月程たった今もひと言も頂けず残念です。 クチコミ高評価は本当ですか?接客はおばちゃんの気分次第ではないですか?親も昔、肉のミノヤの方で同じオバハンに暴言吐かれたと聞きました。 以下、自身が受けた対応を質問欄と同様に投稿させて頂きます。 【久しぶりに店行って、「ホルモン下さい」と言ったら、首曲がったオバハン(ここの写真に写ってるチェックのシャツのオバハン)に常に命令口調で色々文句言われた挙句、全然売ってくれず、極め付けに「あんた!此花の人間か!!」と馬鹿にされた!此花の人間やのに! もう二度と行かんわ! このオバハンの妹か?顔似てる前おった愛想の良いおばちゃんどこ行ったんや。たまたまおらんかっただけか?いかにも韓国人って顔してるけど、めちゃ明るく元気でいつもパツパツのジーパン履いてるおばちゃん!】
I liked the aunt who was wearing jeans, so I didn't give it a low rating right away, but I planned to write it in the question column and delete it if the owner responded. However, it's a pity that I couldn't get a word even after about a month. Is the word-of-mouth evaluation true? Doesn't the customer service depend on the mood of the aunt? I heard that my parents used to rant to the same Obahan who was a meat minoya. Below, I will post the response I received in the same way as the question column. When I went to the store for the first time in a long time and said, "Please give me a hormone," the bent-necked Obahan (Obahan in the checkered shirt shown in the photo here) always complained in a commanding tone, but he didn't sell at all. I was ridiculed as "You! Is this a human being of this flower !!" Even though this is a human being! I'll never go again! Is this Obahan's sister? Where did the amiable aunt who looked like her face go? Did you just happen to see it? She looks like a Korean, but she's very cheerful and energetic, and she's always wearing jeans! ]
96 Pyons_chage on Google

After seeing the comments, I wore a kappa in the rain and went on a bicycle to buy horumonyaki and changer. Chijimi is on the menu, but I was told I can't do it today. I was hoping for it with my aunt in Osaka, but it was a normal response for me. So, it's hormone-grilled, but it was quite salty to me. I bought it for two people and went home, but it was said that I had to remove the salt twice and boiled it with only radish and soup stock (wife). It was delicious. I bought a changer for ¥ 500, but this is excellent! It is ️. I'm going to buy this this time.
イワッチジウコ on Google

店のおばちゃん、話し掛けたら気さくでめちゃ良いおばちゃんですよ。 黙ってたら何も出ません(笑) 野菜入りも値段変わらないので入れてもらった方が良いと思います。
The lady at the store is a very nice lady who is friendly when you talk to her. If you keep silent, nothing will come out (laughs) The price of vegetables is the same, so I think it's better to have them included.
Regulatory Coloring37 on Google

That's too bad. Did you think that this is the best horumonyaki that you have been eating since you were little? I bought 2 packs for rice the other day. I can't stand it, I eat it, what's this? It's salty enough to pull! The hormone itself, not the sauce. I thought it was a waste, but since it was a waste, I cooked the hormone with water and arranged it in a pot using sauce. I won't buy it anymore.
はる on Google

ホルモンが本当に柔らかいです! 口の中に全く残らず顎も疲れずペロリでした。 近くの「手打ちうどんさぬき」でうどんを買い、 一緒に炒めていただきました。 うどん多めに見えますが8割くらいホルモンです。笑 ホルモンたっぷり、味濃いめで、これをおかずにごはんがすすみそうです。笑 スタミナ補給できました♪ 職場の同僚が買ってきてくれたので、おかあさんには会えていないのですが、 エネルギーたっぷりのお元気な方だったそうです。 ホルモン焼いて50年と聞き、納得の味です。
The hormones are really soft! There was nothing left in my mouth and my chin wasn't tired. Buy udon at the nearby "Handmade Udon Sanuki" I had you fry it together. It looks like a lot of udon, but it's about 80% hormone. Lol It has a lot of hormones and a strong taste, so it seems that rice can be eaten without side dishes. Lol I was able to replenish my stamina ♪ I haven't seen my mom because my colleague at work bought it for me. He was a healthy person with plenty of energy. I heard that it's been 50 years since I baked hormones, and it's a satisfying taste.
Uk Ta on Google

甘辛いタレと、 下処理のしっかりした白モツがよく合う。 もつは結構柔らかめで、ご飯にかけて食べたいです。
The sweet and spicy sauce goes well with the well-prepared white offal. Offal is quite soft and I want to eat it over rice.

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